New photos of Princess Eleonore have been released on her 16th birthday

Queen Mathilde, Crown Princess Elisabeth, Prince Gabriel and Prince Emmanuel. Princess Eleonore wore white silk blouse and blue pants

Today, Princess Eleonore of Belgium turns 16. Eleonore was born in Anderlecht on April 16, 2008 as the fourth child of King Philippe and Queen Mathilde. Princess Eleonore lives with her parents, her sister Princess Elisabeth and her two brothers Prince Gabriel and Prince Emmanuel at the Royal Palace of Laeken. Princess Eleonore is studying at the International School of Brussels obtaining an international baccalaureate.

Queen Mathilde, Crown Princess Elisabeth, Prince Gabriel and Prince Emmanuel. Princess Eleonore wore white silk blouse and blue pants

Queen Mathilde, Crown Princess Elisabeth, Prince Gabriel and Prince Emmanuel. Princess Eleonore wore white silk blouse and blue pants

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  1. Anonymous16/4/24 14:51

    Lovely young lady. Happy Birthday!

  2. Anonymous16/4/24 14:51

    Cette princesse est magnifique

  3. Quelle ravissante jeune fille que je n’ai pas vue grandir ; bon et joyeux anniversaire à elle !

  4. Happy Sweet 16. Her face changes so much every time we see her. i like her simple style

  5. Anonymous16/4/24 16:22

    Princess Eleonore turns 16 today. King Philippe turns 64 today and Grand Duke Henri of Luxemburg cousin of King Philippe, who is with Grand Duchess Maria-Teresa on state visit in Belgium turns 69 tomorrow. There will be a lot of birthday cake to eat at the Castle of Laeken. Happy birthday to the 3 family members.

    1. Anonymous16/4/24 17:25

      Thank you for this multiple birthday information.
      Looking forward to photos of the banquet this evening.
      - Anon 9:13

    2. Anonymous16/4/24 18:26

      You saved me a search on Wikipedia, thank you! What a lovely young lady she is becoming. Hope everything goes well for her. Nice photos and outfit. Christine

  6. Anonymous16/4/24 16:52

    For the moment and for the first time, I see something of Queen Mathilde in her face but also something from Princess Elisabeth. She becomes more and more beautiful each time we see a picture of her. The last picture we saw was with the reception for Christmas at the Castle of Laeken.

  7. Anonymous16/4/24 17:25

    Very pretty young lady. I see a resemblance to her grandmother Paola who was and is a beauty. Nicely dressed

  8. Anonymous16/4/24 17:30

    It is truly lovely to see the transformation and maturity of this beautiful young princess over the past 4 years, from pre-adolescent to young adult. Her facial features are changing and she sure is a stunner. Happy birthday to Princess Eleonore.
    - Anon 9:13

  9. Anonymous16/4/24 19:36

    Happy Birthday to Princess Eleonore! She is lovely--she really looks like her mother.


    1. Anonymous17/4/24 19:24

      And her aunt Elisabeth, sister of QM. Unlike what a few say, she doesn’t resemble QPaola.

  10. Anonymous16/4/24 20:47

    So lovely!

  11. Anonymous16/4/24 22:26

    Classically beautiful young princess. Refined and well brought up just like all of the Belgian Royal children.

  12. Anonymous16/4/24 22:37

    Love this royal blue pant. A very happy 16th birthday to a beautiful lovely Pss.

  13. Anonymous16/4/24 23:51

    Elisabeth is always the centre of the attention and we always hear about her, however Eleonore, discreet in the shadow of the crown princess, is becoming a lovely young lady with grace. Happy sweet 16 to her !

    1. Anonymous17/4/24 07:18

      This is what Queen Mathilde tries to avoid as much as possible that all the attention is going to CP Elisabeth. Queen Mathilde talks always about all her children during interviews, etc...But of course she cannot avoid the attention of the press and the media for the crown princess.

    2. Anonymous17/4/24 09:26

      Don't forget she is still doing her secondary school. I am sure we will see more of her in the future. She will probably be going abroad to do studies on university level, but what and where has not been announced yet. Prince Gabriel is still at the RMA (Royal military academy) in Brussels. We do not know what he will be doing after that. I have heard that Prince Emmanuel will also doing something in the Belgian Army, but what and where is not quite clear yet. He is still at the International School in Brussels together with his sister Eleonore.

  14. Anonymous17/4/24 07:54

    Beautiful outfit on beautiful Princess Eleonore for her sixteenth birthday! I also love her ring. She is a perfect blend of her parents.


  15. Anonymous17/4/24 10:38

    She is a beautiful young lady.


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