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(We will not publish anonymous comments that were posted without stating a name or nickname)

  1. Anonymous15/6/15 13:49

    I think this is a FANTASTIC website!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. Anonymous8/7/24 21:01

      There is one major problem - can't zoom into the photos.

    2. Anonymous8/7/24 21:03

      There is one problem - we can't zoom into your pictures. Will you resolve that issue?

  2. Anonymous24/6/15 23:12

    PHYSICAL PERSONAL insults on the royals should be BANNED & DELETED from this website.

  3. Anonymous2/8/15 20:05

    Thank you for providing awesome pictures and latest news about royals. Great website !!!!!!!!

  4. Anonymous23/8/15 18:53

    Could anyone tell me which PRINTED newspapers sold in Brussels have the most royal family news? Thanks.

  5. Great site! Keep going please with posting all the pics of royals, do not be in doubt to post any news about them, we are entitled to know everything about them! We can make our own mind about it. Thanks for all the work you do! Good luck!

  6. Thank you for publishing this excellent web site. I have seen others, but your site is the very best for coverage of Royal news. And you are usually the first with stories. The great amount of work and time that goes into producing it is quite evident. The quality of both your photos and commentary is superb. Your work is highly appreciated by your countless readers. Again, thank you!

  7. A very BIG thank you for all the up-to-date photos and news that you have been posting for years. MUCH appreciated!!!

  8. I am Belgian, is this website Belgian too?
    Peter Sarens

  9. I am Peter Sarens in Belgium...I was wondering if this site is Belgian too?

  10. I enjoy the website and have learned a great deal about style and fashion. I hope you will follow and carry photos of the U.S. First Lady Melania Trump. Her style and quiet grace will give only enhance your website. Thank you.

  11. I think melania and donald trump should be allowed on this website!!!!

    1. NOT a royalty family.

    2. I agree, if someone wants a blog about Melania Trump they should start one. Her fashion is interesting, her activities are possibly well worth knowing more about, but US politicians and their families come and go with the elections. How many are we going to follow? What about senators and congressmen and governors? Do we add presidents and prime ministers, and other leaders of other nations too? No, the royal families are enough in my opinion.

    3. Agree with Marie and Arrenia. The Trumps are no Royals.

    4. Agree, with the opinion: just royal.

  12. I think that the person behind this blogg is amazing!

  13. Anonymous27/6/18 10:04

    Great site

  14. Anonymous28/6/18 02:55

    I am really enjoying this blog. I am interested in royals of all countries and their activities, and I'm especially interested in what they wear. Thank-you for maintaining such a comprehensive and up to date site which allows discussion on this fascinating topic.

  15. I do not understand why the information about princess Eugenie, for example her new bag design, are not published? any reason? She is much more attractive and interesting person than others .... She is the real Princess but she is not treated right- very sad....

  16. Anonymous15/2/20 16:50

    Hallo,bitte zeige doch mehr über die Luxemburger Monarchie. Dankeschön

  17. Hallo,bitte zeige doch mehr über die Luxemburger Monarchie. Dankeschön

  18. Anonymous19/3/20 00:22

    The ladies look very good, but should there be any gatherings when the world is in self quarantine from a world wide pandemic

  19. Thanks for a revamped and excellent blog.
    BUT can we keep it as close as possible to fashion.
    Or can the blog edit the Charlene, Meghan, Duchess of York etc. bashers who say nothing about fashion and use the blog only to tear apart certain Royals.
    Happy continuation for the blog.

  20. Congratulations with your new layout! It looks very professional. The only thing i miss is that you can see how many comments a post has.

  21. I would to echo all of the positive comments about this site. I truly enjoy it and find it informative. However, I would like to propose one change. Would it be possib le to ban the use of "Anonymous" for the names of posters. I appreciate that they want to remain private. However, it's impossible to know who is saying what and how to respond to their posts - especially if they do two or three on one topic. Wouldn't it be,easier for them to come up with a "pen name" or some way of identifying themselves from all of the other anonymous writers. I think there are too many using the same name and it really is confusing. I don't mean to be critical of them, but I just think having an individual identity would make it easier all around.

  22. Anonymous20/8/20 20:03

    THANK YOU !!! For the work you have done in the past, and continue to do on this blog. I appreciate your dedication to helping those of us around the world, get a glimpse into the lives of the royals. Would it be possible to not only show a photo, but make it so that when you click on the photo it gets bigger? That way we can see so much more detail. Thanks for your consideration in making this adjustment.

  23. Wish you had covered Camilla's engagement 22 Oct 2020 when she wore the leopard print mask. She looked great.

  24. Thank you so much for the royal news. Wish you and your loved ones a very happy 2021.

  25. Anonymous17/6/24 12:31

    Helen I am concerned about Charlotte who manages the Chronicling Kate blog do you know her if so please express our concern, love, and prayers. We are worried.

  26. Anonymous31/7/24 21:30

    Chong Siew Chu my husband name is a David Choo

  27. Anonymous7/8/24 16:03

    It would be really kind of you Helen to include the Princess Royal, Anne, in the blog more often, she is after all the one who has the most engagements on a yearly basis. The accident she recently suffered, was in hospital, then still able to attend two weeks of Olympic events shows her strength of character and dedication to her family and country.


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