Princess Charlene made a video-call to Jacques and Gabriella

Princess Charlene shared some new photos of herself on her Instagram account. Prince Jacques and Princess Gabriella

Princess Charlene of Monaco shared some new photos of herself on her Instagram account. The Princess also made a video call to her two children, Prince Jacques and Princess Gabriella. Princess Charlene caught an ENT sphere infection during her visit to South Africa, which targets the ears, nose and throat. Due to the illness, the Princess extended her trip in South Africa. Princess Charlene had been performing conservation and anti-poaching work for her Foundation in South Africa before she got ill.

Princess Charlene shared some new photos of herself on her Instagram account. Prince Jacques and Princess Gabriella

Princess Charlene shared some new photos of herself on her Instagram account. Prince Jacques and Princess Gabriella

Princess Charlene shared some new photos of herself on her Instagram account. Prince Jacques and Princess Gabriella

Princess Charlene shared some new photos of herself on her Instagram account. Prince Jacques and Princess Gabriella

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  1. She looks great, time to go home now

    1. Only her family knows about her plans .... wait & see...

  2. Anonymous10/7/21 11:33

    Wishing Charlene a speedy recovery, so that she can be home with her family. Ana

  3. Souhaitons-lui de se rétablir complètement afin qu'elle regagne la maison au plus tôt !

  4. It is wonderful to know that she is feeling better and will be with her family soon.....Wishing you a speedy recovery sweet Princess Charlene!

  5. Anonymous10/7/21 12:46

    I like her top. she seems to have lost some weight.


    1. Anonymous10/7/21 14:21

      I thought the same, as even with wintry clothing, she was so very thin, anorexic comes to mind. Hope it is not so, but one never knows. gigi

    2. Anonymous10/7/21 19:46

      OMG! She have been very ill. So ill that the doctors don't want her to fly home! She have always been thin even as a top athlete, but not anorexic looking. Why do women have the need to talk down other women all the time. - Sandy

  6. Anonymous10/7/21 16:09

    She is not womanish. Charlene please keep smiling and wear red skirt. Why always so sad? Why always so quadrate?


    1. Anonymous10/7/21 19:42

      Seriously could you be more mean. Not everyone have the need for a fake smile on their face all the time and Charlene is smiling on every photo. So please! She has a swimmers body after many years as a professional swimmer. Stop bodyshaming! Anne

    2. Anonymous11/7/21 08:44

      Another target to attack and blame?
      Shame on you.

    3. Anonymous11/7/21 08:47

      ... and you could spend your time trying to improve your English instead of spreading gibberish.

    4. Anonymous11/7/21 09:08

      She is very, very sad person.
      Always. Not even try to smile. Not even try to wear better. She looks good on her civil wedding but it was only once.


    5. Anonymous11/7/21 10:54

      English is not my native language. You are so mean. Not everyone are from USA but I'll try.


    6. Anonymous12/7/21 07:51

      Victoria calling other people mean after what you have said about Charlene must be the most ironic message we have ever read. Try to think about what you are saying about another human being and how you would feel reading this about yourselves or your own daughter. Obviously you are offended being talked harshly to. So a little reflection over your own word would not harm.

    7. Anonymous12/7/21 11:08

      Dear Janet
      I'm very honest person.
      I'm write what I think about her.
      How I feel reading this about myself?
      Nothing beacause I look like like milion dollars.

      Please don't mortify person who learn English.
      Do you learn someday something? It's not easy.


  7. Is she sewing? I see a sewing machine.

    1. Yes , she didn't like her Dior evening gowns!


    2. Anonymous11/7/21 08:50

      You are great!
      Some pople do not even know how to demean this beautiful warm- hearted Princess!

    3. Anonymous11/7/21 11:02

      Beautiful? Buy a glasses.


  8. Anonymous10/7/21 19:10

    I was kind of chocked when I saw Charlene, esp. on the pictures where she can be fully seen. It really seems that she lossed a lot of weight and her hair so very short

  9. She does not seem feeling bad, but does she feel good? Anorexia is the word coming to the mind. If we look at pictures over a year she did not look good and started loosing weight. So far no indication she will travel back to Monaco soon. Many things we do not know about the couple and relationship with her in-law family, etc. Wishing her the best.
    Yes I read she is sewing for charity purposes. She must be in quest of going back to her roots and finding balance and satisfaction, but is that possible away from her children.

    1. Anonymous10/7/21 23:12

      Let's not play the yellow press, rumors, always guesses, no one lives with them! Why not stick to the official statement, an ENT infection, with several operations preventing him from taking the plane but also the boat.


  10. Anonymous10/7/21 22:51

    Strange feeling..

  11. I hope Charlene can recover enough to the point to be allowed to travel back home but understand that her hearing might be compromised. I cannot imagine how hard it has been for her to be away from her children and Albert for so long. I had an inner ear infection for 6 weeks years ago--I could hardly stand, barely eat, and struggled to do much more than sleep because of the horrid dizziness. After the infection healed I was in recovery for another month and have been left with vertigo. I can relate to Charlene's plight but at least I was at home and received love and care from my family.

    1. Anonymous11/7/21 08:54

      Janet and T.
      I am very sorry for both of you.
      Hope and pray that you and Charlene can totally recover from this bad illness.

  12. Anonymous11/7/21 03:19

    I suffered an ENT infection a few years ago that lasted months. My weight went from a healthy 52kg down to a mere 38kg because of the constant pain. I wish her a speedy recovery so she can get back to her family soon.


  13. Anonymous11/7/21 04:55

    I don't know how to stress this enough--stop throwing the word "anorexic" around. It is irresponsible. It is not a synonym for "thin". It is the equivalent of calling all headaches "migraines". We all have our own idea of thin. For a woman that has been overweight most of her life, dropping down to an "average" weight would be "thin" to her and the people that know her. For a woman that has always been naturally thin, gaining some weight would feel and look overweight, even at an "average" weight for her age. You don't know the circumstances, or if Charlene has even lost weight. It could just be what she is wearing or the angle of the picture. Maybe she has been more active, along with being sick. Anorexia is a serious disease that can result in death if treatment is not successful. If there is a problem, she has people that care about her and access to excellent care. Adding ignorant speculation to public forums only fuels rumors. ~d

    1. Anonymous11/7/21 08:57

      Very well said.
      Totally agree.

    2. Anonymous11/7/21 15:40

      Exactly. Kudos to you for saying it like you did.
      - Anon 9:13

  14. I love the fact that you are working adjacent to a crèche and helping to make a statement & new beginning in the lives of those children, during this hard lockdown of the Coronavirus pandemic! I have just been listening to the account of Acts 9: 36 & 39, of the good works of Dorcas (Greek meaning: "gazelle/beauty" & twice called: "Tabitha"/Hebrew, meaning "gazelle/antelope" & who Simon Peter, proceeded to resurrect from the dead! Notice also the name of the town: "Joppa", occurring about 5 times here - & the number of "grace"! It's also the shortest route, to Jerusalem, (meaning:"shalom", or, peace), from this seacoast port, as the crow flies!
    You might also want to read Proverbs 31, which addresses the topic of: "the virtuous woman", which, Dorcas/Tabitha, was no doubt familiar with! Enjoy!

  15. I thought it was weird, now it is even weirder.
    Let’s just start with the obsession not to look like a woman anymore
    Then being away from husband for 2-3 months, let alone her kids
    Do not tell me that one of the wealthiest families in the world cannot get her onboard a luxury plane or boat to bring her home in all this time...


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