Crown Princess Victoria received Birgitta Resvik at Royal Palace

On January 9, Crown Princess Victoria met with Birgitta Resvik at Stockholm Royal Palace. Birgitta Resvik is a self-employed entrepreneur with a broad background in the climate, energy and environmental fields and is also a member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences, IVA. At meeting, the Crown Princess and Birgitta Resvik discussed climate and energy issues concerning both Sweden and abroad.
Crown Princess Victoria wore a blue polka dot bow silk blouse. Birgitta Resvik, member of IVA’s Electrical Engineering Division

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  1. What a nice blouse Victoria is wearing!

  2. Anonymous9/1/20 18:17

    Love the blouse!

  3. Don't know what the rest of the outfit is like, but the blouse is good--nice colour.

  4. Love this blouse! Professional, but with a fun twist. I'm partial to polka dots, so I may be biased :) plus, her makeup looks lovely.

  5. Anonymous9/1/20 22:22

    Lovely blouse. Victoria is a pro,she is working only day's after Estells broken leg.

    1. Anonymous10/1/20 14:13

      Isn't that normal? Estelle probably has a school to go to.

    2. I don't think she's making any great efforts... There are millions mothers in this world who go to work every day having ill children at home and without all the material support that princess Victoria can have.....

  6. CP Victoria looks lovely in this blouse. Don't know what she is wearing from the waist down but this is a great start!

  7. Joli chemisier à pois même si je n'aime pas trop le col Lavallière ; on peut supposer qu'elle le porte soit avec un pantalon ou une jupe ?!


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