Queen Letizia attended a working meeting with FEDER

On January 9, 2020, Queen Letizia of Spain attended a working meeting with The Spanish Federation of Rare Diseases (FEDER) to learn about the challenges and opportunities of FEDER expected in 2020. The meeting took place at Feder office in Madrid. Comprising more than 300 associations, FEDER works for families with rare diseases through projects and services which will improve their quality of life in the short, medium and long term. (Queen letizia wore a houndstooth blazer by Uterque.)
Queen letizia wore a houndstooth blazer by Uterque, and black leather pants by Uterque. Prada leathers shoes. The Spanish Federation of Rare Diseases
Queen letizia wore a houndstooth blazer by Uterque, and black leather pants by Uterque. Prada leathers shoes. The Spanish Federation of Rare Diseases
Queen letizia wore a houndstooth blazer by Uterque, and black leather pants by Uterque. Prada leathers shoes. The Spanish Federation of Rare Diseases
Queen letizia wore a houndstooth blazer by Uterque, and black leather pants by Uterque. Prada leathers shoes. The Spanish Federation of Rare Diseases
Queen letizia wore a houndstooth blazer by Uterque, and black leather pants by Uterque. Prada leathers shoes. The Spanish Federation of Rare Diseases
Queen letizia wore a houndstooth blazer by Uterque, and black leather pants by Uterque. Prada leathers shoes. The Spanish Federation of Rare Diseases
Queen letizia wore a houndstooth blazer by Uterque, and black leather pants by Uterque. Prada leathers shoes. The Spanish Federation of Rare Diseases
Queen letizia wore a houndstooth blazer by Uterque, and black leather pants by Uterque. Prada leathers shoes. The Spanish Federation of Rare Diseases
Queen letizia wore a houndstooth blazer by Uterque, and black leather pants by Uterque. Prada leathers shoes. The Spanish Federation of Rare Diseases
Queen letizia wore Uterque houndstooth blazer
Uterque Houndstooth Blazer
Queen Letizia wore Uterque Black leather pants
Uterque Black Leather Pants

(We will not publish anonymous comments that were posted without stating a name or nickname)

  1. So stylish. I always appreciate seeing Letizia in leather. Beautiful blazer. Gorgeous hair and makeup, simple and stunning.

  2. I do not care for the leather (?) pants which are wrinkled at her knees, but, otherwise, we looks fabulous. Love her hair and makeup are perfect.

  3. Anonymous9/1/20 16:19

    A smart, stylish and modern outfit. Hair and makeup are gorgeous too. (V.M.)

  4. Anonymous9/1/20 17:41

    Tut mir leid, aber ihre Hose finde ich schrecklich. Steht einer Musikerin, aber nicht einer Königin.

    1. Anonymous9/1/20 21:00

      Genau dieser Meinung bin ich auch.

  5. Joli blazer Pied de poule ; c'est très élégant avec le cuir.. Superbe et discret maquillage ; j'adore le rouge à lèvres !

  6. Like the jacket and sweater not the wrinkled leather trousers. She looks lovely especially in the third photo.

  7. Anonymous9/1/20 22:25

    Q Letizia looks great. I like the coat not so much the leather slim pants. If someone can wear this style and look good it is Letizia.

  8. I am not into leather pants, but this outfit looks fantastic. The Queen looks so chic, modern and stylish. Love the jacket. Her hair and makeup are superb.

  9. abbigliamento non adatto ad un incontro di lavoro, ok la giacca ma i pantaloni non sono adatti... li trovo volgari

    1. Anonymous10/1/20 13:48

      It is not business, it is medicine, Rare Diseases.

    2. Anonymous10/1/20 22:46

      Did you bother reading the title of the post? It IS a working meeting. There isn’t an occasion where a queen consort is acceptable in leather tights. No matter how fit or ‘modern’ she claims to be.

    3. Anonymous11/1/20 07:30

      Is this a new rule? She really cares what you think because she owns them in 3 colors.

    4. Anonymous11/1/20 09:34

      Anon 1:46...the consort? Consort means "spouse" and in Spain we call her La Reina (The Queen), only Jaime Pañafiel (a misogynist calls her that). Sofia never was called like that either and was a consort. Today is the Consort Emérita??
      She can wear what she wants, she is the Queen she sets the protocol and she can change it, for example, not mantilla anymore.

    5. Anonymous11/1/20 09:39

      Who says it is not acceptable? You??
      She is the Queen, all are Consorts, except Elizabet in UK and Margrethe of Denmark.

      And Sofía is the Consort Emérita? Lol....Peñafiel is it you? Lol...

    6. La Reina Letizia no es vulgar jamás. Ella tiene un estilo sobrio, moderno y depurado, que puede molestar a las abuelas que adoran los encajes, guantes, sombreros y profusión de joyas. Lo siento por ellas, eso es el pasado.
      Letizia es una Reina de los pies a la cabeza porque así lo demuestra con su compromiso y su trabajo.

    7. Anonymous11/1/20 15:34

      Except for that tense expression she often has on her face

    8. Anonymous11/1/20 16:40

      No hay que ser tan exigente, ella es un ser humano como los demas. Todas cometen o han cometido errores. Ella es muy guaoa y correcta pero tampoco es perfecta. Que no es vulgar ? Que tal el mini vestido blanco que se puso en Octubre. No hay que exigir tanta perfeccion. Saludos Eli

    9. Anonymous11/1/20 19:38

      Mini vestido en octubre? De que año? Hace 5? Y fue en diciembre?..., las sudamericanas dando la brasa..., para vulgares vosotras...que sois gordas y "apretás" como decia Gurrutxaga.Ella está bien con un saco de patatas.


    10. Anonymous11/1/20 19:57

      ANON 1:46..I read the title...and the whole post..FEDER(Federación española de enfermedades raras) did you happen to understand it??..


  10. Anonymous10/1/20 11:29

    va bene la giacca ma i pantaloni sono stonati e non adatti ad un incontro di lavoro

    1. Anonymous10/1/20 13:49

      It is not a business meeting, it is medicine and Rare Diseases. Everybody is informal.

  11. Anonymous10/1/20 15:02

    Elegante, sobria como corresponde al evento!

  12. Anonymous10/1/20 21:05

    Stunning look of Queen Letizia - classy and elegant. (Valentina)

  13. Anonymous10/1/20 23:48

    Los leggins no son de cuero, son de plástico.

    1. Anonymous11/1/20 09:34

      Son de Uteeqüe de cuero, yo tengo los mismos.

  14. The Queen looks lovely. What a perfect combination. Very trendy edge with the leather pants and I do believe she has forgone nylon panty hose, which is refreshing at her age.


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