Queen Sofia opened the 8th National Alzheimer Congress in Huesca

On November 15, 2019, Queen Sofia of Spain presided over the opening ceremony of "VIII National Alzheimer Congress" organized by The Spanish Confederation of Associations of Families of People with Alzheimer and Dementia (CEAFA) at Carlos Saura Convention Centre in Huesca. The congress which lasts for 2 days on November 15 and 16 is being held under the theme "#Evolución" this year. The Queen is Honorary President of CEAFA. Volunteers, professionals and representatives of more than 300 associations of families of people with alzheimer and dementia attend the congress.
Queen Sofia of Spain presided over the opening ceremony of VIII National Alzheimer Congress organized by CEAFA
Queen Sofia of Spain presided over the opening ceremony of VIII National Alzheimer Congress organized by CEAFA
Queen Sofia of Spain presided over the opening ceremony of VIII National Alzheimer Congress organized by CEAFA
Queen Sofia of Spain presided over the opening ceremony of VIII National Alzheimer Congress organized by CEAFA
Queen Sofia of Spain presided over the opening ceremony of VIII National Alzheimer Congress organized by CEAFA
Queen Sofia of Spain presided over the opening ceremony of VIII National Alzheimer Congress organized by CEAFA
Queen Sofia of Spain presided over the opening ceremony of VIII National Alzheimer Congress organized by CEAFA
Queen Sofia of Spain presided over the opening ceremony of VIII National Alzheimer Congress organized by CEAFA
Queen Sofia of Spain presided over the opening ceremony of VIII National Alzheimer Congress organized by CEAFA
Queen Sofia of Spain presided over the opening ceremony of VIII National Alzheimer Congress organized by CEAFA
Queen Sofia of Spain presided over the opening ceremony of VIII National Alzheimer Congress organized by CEAFA
Queen Sofia of Spain presided over the opening ceremony of VIII National Alzheimer Congress organized by CEAFA

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  1. Nice, simple elegant outfit for Queen Sofia who often subscribes to the "more is more" philosophy. While a little dull colour wise for my liking, she is easily one of the smartest dressed people in the group shots. Along with Queen Paola's outfit, it's a good day for the oldies so far

  2. Wonderful suit, fits her perfectly. I´m glad to see it´s a scarf she´s wearing and not a bow blouse. (Makes me think that blouses would look less bad if the ribbons were worn down like a scarf instead of tied in those scilly bows.) Anyway, Sofia looks great, I like the pink non-bow blouse she´s wearing, I like the flower brooch, the purse. But not the shoes.

  3. Queen Sofia's vertically striped suit is very nice, and the pinkish blouse perfectly matches the color of the stripes. Her jewelry and accessories are pretty but modest which is appropriate considering the seriousness of the event.

    1. Very much agreed, the vertical stripes are a nice touch with this blouse.

  4. Très joli tailleur à rayures verticales dont les couleurs vont à merveille à la reine... Mignon petit sac !!!

  5. Great looking suit, elegant as ever.

  6. Sofía siempre muy elegante,que porte ,impecable,jamás dejó de apoyar causas que afectan no solo al enfermo sino a toda la flia

    1. Sinceramente, elige otro idioma, o el tuyo propio, inglés , mucha gente lo hace, porque en castellano se te entiende fatal, ¿fila?


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