Queen Letizia's Style In 2016 & Her Daring Choices

Spanish news magazine Semana made an inspection and evaluation relating to the outfits that Queen Letizia of Spain wore in 2016. The Nina Ricci Multicolor dress worn by the Queen at the "Mingote Journalism" award ceremony held at Casa de ABC won the gold medal with 10 points according to the evaluation made by Semana in terms of brave choice, risk taken and pushing limits.
Queen Letizia wore Nina Ricci Multicolor stripes knit with sequins long sleeves dress
Queen Letizia wore Nina Ricci Multicolor stripes knit with sequins long sleeves dress
The set consisting of a purple lining jacket and sleeveless dress designed by Carolina Herrera brand that was worn by the Queen at the meeting of Portuguese Parliament in Sao Bento Palace on the third day of her visit to Portugal together with King Felipe won the silver medal.
Queen Letizia wore Carolina Herrera coat and dress-Fall-2016 collection
Queen Letizia wore Carolina Herrera coat and dress-Fall-2016 collection
Queen Letizia attended 40th anniversary events of El Pais newspaper held in Madrid, Spain and "Ortega y Gasset" award ceremony held at Cybele Palace on May 5, 2016. The v-necked in back side night blue silk dress of Valentina series of Spanish brand Cortana worn by the Queen at these events was added to the list with a Bronze Medal.
Queen Letizia wore Cortana Valentina Dress
Queen Letizia wore Cortana Valentina Dress

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  1. I really like the Nina Ricci dress but then someone mentioned the elbow holes...weird.

    1. Oh wow, there are indeed holes at the elbows...very unusual. Otherwise I like this dress and I think this outfit would look conservative sans that edgy hairstyle.

  2. I do not like the chosen dress at all, it looks guite tacky wih those holes (back and elbows) and also how she wears her hair makes it look vulgairish. Sorry that's my opinion.

  3. I like the cortana dress most.

  4. I do not like the Nina Ricci dress at all, it looks like bathrobe and her hair there is ugly. The two other ensables are much better. Bue one is very niuce color.

  5. That Nina Ricci is still the ugliest dress, in my opinion. And I don't like the blue number, who needs to see half her naked back?

    1. Lizzie, don't you think a lot of people would like to see her whole naked back?

    2. Giggles! I like them all but don't consider them my faves from Letizia.

    3. Maybe some people would, I'm not one of them. Rail thin is not attractive.

  6. I prefer the Carolina Herrera ~

  7. I liked the Nina Ricci when I first saw it and I still like it - despite the criticism. I would totally wear it, after sewing up those elbow holes, lol.

  8. I love the Carolina Herrera one. And the one is wore in recent times http://teamlifeshift.blogspot.pt/2016/12/queen-letizia-visits-zeta-group.html?m=1
    Love specially the coat! :)

  9. Los tres modelos expuestos son muy originales y bonitos y la reina Letizia se ve espectacular.
    Mi favorito es el conjunto vestido-abrigo de Carolina Herrera. Exquisito.


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