Crown Princess Mary And Her Daughter Princess Isabella

Crown Princess Mary and her daughter Princess Isabella of Denmark arrived to attend the morning Christmas Day service at the Aarhus Domkirke in Aarhus. 25 Dec. 2016.
Crown Princess Mary and her daughter Princess Isabella of Denmark arrived to attend the morning Christmas Day service, style, fashions Christmas gift diamond earring

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  1. What a fun photo. Mother clearly is Isabelle´s idol.

  2. She chose a very good rolemodel then!

  3. The first photo Isabelle really looks like her dad.

  4. Princess Isabella looks like her Father, however in almost every other way she takes after her Mother. Like all of the Crown Prince Couples children, she is lovely.

  5. Isabella wirkt schon sehr erwachsen, sie hat Glück, eine solche Mama zu haben. Beide tragen sie sehr schöne Mäntel. KP Marys Mantel ist einfach nur schön. Schlicht, clean - wow!Und bin ich froh, dass die Länge wieder zunimmt!


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