Princess Stephanie and Prince Albert Attended the Fight Aids Gala 2024

Prince Albert II, Pauline Ducruet, Camille Gottlieb, Princess Stephanie and Marc Toesca at the Sporting Monte-Carlo

Prince Albert II, Pauline Ducruet, and Camille Gottlieb joined Princess Stephanie to celebrate the 20th anniversary of her association, Fight Aids Monaco, to the rhythm of unforgettable songs from the 80s! The event was hosted by the favorite presenter of the Top 50 generation, Marc Toesca, and by Princess Stephanie's daughter, Camille Gottlieb. The event took place at the Sporting Monte-Carlo (Salle des Etoiles) in Monaco. Princess Stephanie has been President of the Fight Aids Monaco Association since 2004.

Prince Albert II, Pauline Ducruet, Camille Gottlieb, Princess Stephanie and Marc Toesca at the Sporting Monte-Carlo

Prince Albert II, Pauline Ducruet, Camille Gottlieb, Princess Stephanie and Marc Toesca at the Sporting Monte-Carlo

Prince Albert II, Pauline Ducruet, Camille Gottlieb, Princess Stephanie and Marc Toesca at the Sporting Monte-Carlo

Prince Albert II, Pauline Ducruet, Camille Gottlieb, Princess Stephanie and Marc Toesca at the Sporting Monte-Carlo

Prince Albert II, Pauline Ducruet, Camille Gottlieb, Princess Stephanie and Marc Toesca at the Sporting Monte-Carlo

Prince Albert II, Pauline Ducruet, Camille Gottlieb, Princess Stephanie and Marc Toesca at the Sporting Monte-Carlo

Prince Albert II, Pauline Ducruet, Camille Gottlieb, Princess Stephanie and Marc Toesca at the Sporting Monte-Carlo

Prince Albert II, Pauline Ducruet, Camille Gottlieb, Princess Stephanie and Marc Toesca at the Sporting Monte-Carlo

Prince Albert II, Pauline Ducruet, Camille Gottlieb, Princess Stephanie and Marc Toesca at the Sporting Monte-Carlo

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  1. Anonymous8/7/24 14:58

    It looks like a fun party for a very worthwhile cause but there’s not much to say fashion-wise. Pauline’s jumpsuit is quite interesting and flattering. Camille’s style tends to be hit or miss. Here the outfit might work better at the beach. P. Stephanie just marches to the beat of her own drum. (V.M.)

    1. Anonymous10/7/24 01:15

      Camille looks like she wore her pajamas

  2. A huge improvement from Stephanie, this hair style works best for her, the transparent glasses are great, the red jacket is perfect, a different type of footwear would have been great but this is the best she has looked in a while.

    Pauline looks stunning! Its a No No for Camille, shorts just don't flatter her legs!!

  3. Anonymous8/7/24 16:30

    La première photo, c'est la classe absolue, et cerise sur le gâteau le tee shirt orange et le bide....

  4. Anonymous8/7/24 16:51

    Yikes, what an eclectic assortment, interesting at best. I will say Stephanie looks the best. Perhaps they should of all worn the tshirt. Even the Prince looks as mismatched as the rest. Maybe that was the idea for a dress code, who knows.

    1. Indeed. Grotesque and circus-like.

  5. Pauline looks a Million Dollars. Just great.

  6. Anonymous8/7/24 17:17

    Those legs are all over place, not a good look

  7. Hahaha! I got to laugh right now. Two days ago I suggested that Stéphanie should sleek her hair back and get another pair of classes. She obviously reads the comments (Just joking, I know she doesn't ;-)) Pauline looks great, Camille..... girrrrrrl 😮

    1. Anonymous9/7/24 00:19

      ' I love this casual Dandy look on Stéphanie. Or should I say Garçon style, as we are in France/Monaco :-)) I think it is one of her best and she looks so comfortable with it. This is not 'masculine'. Stéphanie has a rather androgynous body type and has always played with gender stereotypes since she was a teenager. She sportet that Garçon style in the eighties to perfection - this was when she had her short career as a singer - and she looked absolutely smashing and beautiful. I was a fan of her back then. For those who don't remember, here are some beautiful photos of her

      For the Dandy style the shirt has to be oversized and not perfectly tucked in. I would have loved it, when she completed the look with some low lace-up brogue shoes instead of the white sneakers. Something like this

      Maybe even gone so far to wear some braces over the shirt instead of the belt. Something like this
      I like her short hair, but it woud have needed a bit of styling. The bangs should have been kept out of the face with styling gel. And there are probably better glasses to fit her. '

    2. @Anonymous9/7/24 00:19 I am not quite sure why you copied my comment from couple days in here. Because I suggested a change in her hairstyle and new glasses? Okay. But the way you signed it with my Nickname without any explanations of who you are or why you did that is a bit strange.

  8. Anonymous8/7/24 22:15

    I don't know why Camille wore this outfit it did nothing for her. Pauline looked really good. Stephanies red jacket was very nice, love her commitment to this cause 20 years is a long time. This is about the same time I became a Partner in Hope for St Jude. Stephanie will be a granny for the second time, how great is that. Hope we will see some photos of her and the babies. Good Luck to her. css

    1. Anonymous9/7/24 05:24

      I wonder is Camille is wearing one of Pauline’s creations. It looks like the type of fabric she uses i her designs

  9. Anonymous9/7/24 05:55

    Interesting outfits ,not sure if it is fashion or personnal choice,looks like fun(Tara)

  10. Je suis ravie de voir que Stéphanie a renouvelé le style de son look ainsi que sa coiffure avec des lunettes à fine monture ; qu'elle continue sur sa lancée !

  11. Looks like it's a great party for an important cause.

  12. Anonymous9/7/24 13:32

    What is this? Cirkus artists? 10 points to princess Stephanie! (Elizabeth)

  13. Anonymous9/7/24 17:02

    Not much fashion wise, this family never really 'gets it right'. The party looked like fun.

  14. Anonymous10/7/24 21:27

    As one who has worn the creations of a fledgling designer, I like Camilla's outfit (and Pauline's). Christine

  15. Camille's outfit, I dislike this. It is not flattering or elegant whatsoever. Stephanie looks fine.


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