Princess Leonore, Duchess of Gotland is celebrating her 10th birthday

Princess Leonore wore Howtokissafrog, Catimini, Mayoral floral coral embroidery white top, Lovestitch romy wrap top

Today, on February 20, 2024, Swedish Princess Leonore is celebrating her 10th birthday. Princess Leonore, Duchess of Gotland was born on February 20, 2014 as the first child of Princess Madeleine and Christopher O'Neill. On her Instagram account, Princess Madeleine released a new photo of her daughter Princess Leonore.

Princess Madeleine and her husband Chris O'Neill live in Florida together with their children Princess Leonore, Prince Nicolas and Princess Adrienne.


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  1. Happy birthday Pss Leonore.

  2. Anonymous20/2/24 20:24

    Well, 10years old already. Have a super Birthday, little Pss. She looks lovely. css

  3. Qu'elle est de plus en plus jolie ; j'ai hâte de la revoir sur le sol suédois avec sa famille. Bon et joyeux anniversaire à elle sous le soleil de Floride !

  4. Anonymous20/2/24 20:39

    HAPPY birthday to the princess . Mary

  5. Anonymous20/2/24 20:39

    HAPPY birthday to the princess . Mary

  6. Anonymous20/2/24 22:45

    Wszystkiego Najlepszego z okazji urodzin piękna księżniczko

  7. Anonymous21/2/24 00:32

    I find a disparity between P Madeleine’s work for children and her publishing so many photos of her children. Just an observation. She can do whatever she wants.

    1. Anonymous21/2/24 11:06

      Does she publish that many pictures of her children? Seems she does so mostly on holidays and birthdays. If she didn’t publish photos of her children people would complain about that!

    2. Anonymous22/2/24 22:23

      Well, since they were, and are, born prince and princeses of an active royal house that pretty much puts them in the public eye by default. I'm not necessarily saying it's right but it is the reality of the situation. They're not completely private citizens - not yet anyway, maybe they can make a firm stand on that once they become adults. In the mean time, better that they get use to certain aspects of public life now and, more importantly, learn how to deal with it now rather than later. Because heaven knows life only gets more "complex" as we go along; not less so. And, as some one else here mentioned, I don't think she's publishing photos any more or less than other members of her family. It just seems to be on holidays and birthdays. That's also usually the only time we get photos of Victoria's kids, and Carl P's kids. In fact, I haven't seen any new photos of Estelle and Oscar since Christmas and we're already one week into Lent. And she's most definitely not exposing them as much as say the H-Grand Duke and Duchess of Luxemburg with their two kids. No one seems mind how many photos we get of them. Just saying.

  8. Anonymous21/2/24 02:58

    Happy Birthday, Princess Leonore! Hard to believe she's already 10--the years have flown by.


  9. Anonymous21/2/24 06:11

    I remember when she was born and Chris showed her tiny foot print on his arm. Now she's already 10. Time really fly.
    Wishing a fantastic 10th birthday to a true bundle of joy!
    - Sigrid -

  10. Anonymous21/2/24 07:23

    Belle photo

  11. Anonymous21/2/24 09:06

    Growing up fast to become a lovely girl. She looks much like her paternal grandmother in most pics, this one, she seems to take more of her Dad than her stunning Mum. Wish a fun birthday to Leonore.

  12. Anonymous21/2/24 16:02

    She looks like her paternal grandmother I think. Hopefully she had a fun birthday.


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