Prince Albert and Princess Charlene took part in Monaco Picnic 2022

Princess Gabriella wore a liberty print dress by Jacadi, Prince Jacques wore a liberty print shirt by Jacadi. Akris lace tunic

On September 3, 2022, Prince Albert II, and Princess Charlene, their twins Hereditary Prince Jacques and Princess Gabriella took part in the annual end-of-Summer Picnic (Pique-Nique) events, held at the Princess Antoinette Park in Monaco. The event is organised by the City Council of Monaco. Each year, the traditional picnic marks the end of the summer season.

Princess Gabriella wore a liberty print dress by Jacadi, Prince Jacques wore a liberty print shirt by Jacadi. Akris lace tunic

Princess Gabriella wore a liberty print dress by Jacadi, Prince Jacques wore a liberty print shirt by Jacadi. Akris lace tunic

Princess Gabriella wore a liberty print dress by Jacadi, Prince Jacques wore a liberty print shirt by Jacadi. Akris lace tunic

Princess Gabriella wore a liberty print dress by Jacadi, Prince Jacques wore a liberty print shirt by Jacadi. Akris lace tunic

Princess Gabriella wore a liberty print dress by Jacadi, Prince Jacques wore a liberty print shirt by Jacadi. Akris lace tunic

Princess Gabriella wore a liberty print dress by Jacadi, Prince Jacques wore a liberty print shirt by Jacadi. Akris lace tunic

Princess Gabriella wore a liberty print dress by Jacadi, Prince Jacques wore a liberty print shirt by Jacadi. Akris lace tunic

Princess Gabriella wore a liberty print dress by Jacadi, Prince Jacques wore a liberty print shirt by Jacadi. Akris lace tunic

Princess Gabriella wore a liberty print dress by Jacadi, Prince Jacques wore a liberty print shirt by Jacadi. Akris lace tunic

Princess Gabriella wore Jacadi Liberty print dress
Jacadi Liberty print dress


(We will not publish anonymous comments that were posted without stating a name or nickname)

  1. Anonymous3/9/22 20:56

    Charlene's hair looked better when it had it had dark undergrowth a few weeks ago but she seems to have retouched it to platinum/white again. Head to toe white kind of washes her out, not the best look.
    Gabriela's hair looks alright inspite. She does not seem very happy today.

    1. Anonymous4/9/22 11:14

      In my eyes Charlene looks absolutely fab. Don't see one single problem with her hear cut, her hear color or that she wears white. I guess if we want to be negative we will always find something to complain about.

    2. Anonymous4/9/22 13:40

      Love her look just elegance

    3. Anonymous4/9/22 13:42

      Lovely look pure elegance

    4. Anonymous4/9/22 17:37

      I love her short pixie and the full platinum too. Dark roots are fashionable, they are kind of "expected", but they don't really look better. I remember the days when dark roots became fashionable, if one did not know that this is fashion, one could think it is simply carelessness. Her makeup is just the right amount to accentuate her face, more would be too harsh for platinum and white. She looks adorable. (-Ann)

  2. Charming Charlene and visit.

    1. Could we say that Albert lost a little bit of weight ? He has better glasses' frame.

  3. I love Pss Charlene's outfit, the lace overlay combined with the white pants, with her height, she looks chic and stylish, suits her beautifully. I love the small, subtle pair of pearl earrings, clever choice with the white overlay. I love her hair. cut and color, she looks beautiful. Its wonderful to see her looking so well. The twins look fabulous, their outfits look marvelous. Its splendid to see them out and about as a family.

  4. Good to see Princess Charlene looking well but I agree with Anon20:56 that the all white outfit washes her out. Princess Gabriella's dress is gorgeous and I love Prince Jacques matching shirt. Wonderful

  5. Anonymous4/9/22 01:48

    Albert needs to loose weight

    1. Anonymous4/9/22 17:49

      Would you make this comment to a woman? It is still body shaming, even when said about a man. I'm sure he has been told by his doctor that he would be healthier if he lost some weight. Why do you feel it is necessary to point it out?

      *You spelled "lose" wrong.

  6. Anonymous4/9/22 02:05

    Love Charlene's outfit. Very elegant but yet perfect for the occasion....not over done.

    1. Could Princess Charlene’s ensemble be from her favourite Swiss fashion house A-K-R-I-S?
      Or is it a combination she has put together herself?
      So good to see that she was able to be at the Monaco picnic.
      Love Prince Jacques and Princess Gabriella’s mix and match with the Jacadi fabric.

    2. Anonymous4/9/22 21:26

      Her outfit is by Terrence Bray.

    3. Thanks @Anon 4/9/22 21:26 for the information.
      I understand from the limited information found on Terrance Bray via the net, that he is a young South African designer but has and does work for important international clients. I think Princess Charlene has worn a lot of his creations. He designs both men and women's fashion.

    4. Anonymous6/9/22 07:26

      @deadeggs depends on your perspective, I suppose. I would call him more middle-aged than young. :-) He is South African but is now based in Monaco where he is a sort of designer/stylist to the Princess and often accompanies Princess Charlene on her official visits - he was in Norway and the Vatican.

    5. @Anon 6/9/22 07:26
      From where I sit, he is a young man :-))

  7. This "white" hair is not flattering to Charlene's face.

    1. Anonymous4/9/22 11:15

      Don't see any problem with the withe.

  8. Anonymous4/9/22 08:48

    A Charlene se la ve más feliz que antes de su enfermedad. Su traje es precioso.

  9. Anonymous4/9/22 09:00

    Wonderful outfit, but I would have liked to be the top shorter, which is of course more classic. Albert always in those boring combinations, brown or beige trousers blue jackets. But the more Charlene shines!

  10. Très élégante Charlène mais si elle portait une couleur vive -comme du rouge- il contrasterait avec le blanc de ses cheveux ; Gabriella est trop mignonne dans sa jolie robe dont l'imprimé est le même que chez Jacques ; deviendrait-il un petit peu coquet en mettant du gel sur sa frange ; trop chou !


  11. Très élégante Charlène dans cette tenue parfaite pour l'occasion mais dans une couleur plus vive, cela apporterait du contraste par rapport à ses cheveux blancs ; adorable Gabriella dans sa petite robe dont l'imprimé est le même que la chemise de Jacques ; deviendrait-il coquet car j'ai remarqué qu'il a apporté une petite transformation à sa frange par l'apport de gel ? trop chou !

  12. Anonymous4/9/22 11:02

    Princess Charlene is looking beautiful. Love the colour-coordinated outfits. Such a beautiful family.

  13. Anonymous4/9/22 11:59

    L’outfit mi piace ed è molto elegante, ma avrei scelto un altro colore perchĂ© potrebbe essere tranquillamente un vestito da sposa.
    Bello il biondo “freddo” dei capelli, perfetto per i taglio corto.


  14. Anonymous4/9/22 13:20

    The white lace top and white pants are very beautiful but it is more something for an evening party of dinner. The little princes are very lovely. I like the dress of princess Gabriella but the same fabric with little flowers for prince Jacques' shirt I do not like. A plain shirt in the same color would have been nice. The children do not know what to do with their hands. It looks like they have been learned different possibilities to keep their hands in the right way.

    1. The comment you made about these adorable 7 or 8 year old children not holding their hands properly is so insensitive and heartless. How do you suggest they hold them. There are so many more important things to learn like treating others as you would like to be treated and many other things

    2. Anonymous6/9/22 16:04

      @ Fitzhugh. It looks like it is your specialty to twist the words of other people. I did NOT say the children are not holding their hands properly. I said they don't know what to do with their hands and that they have probably been learned different possibilities how to keep their hands. That is quite different and I didn't accuse the twins of doing things wrong.

  15. Très élégante Charlène dans cette tenue parfaite pour l'occasion mais dans une couleur plus vive, cela apporterait du contraste par rapport à ses cheveux blancs ; adorable Gabriella dans sa petite robe dont l'imprimé est le même que la chemise de Jacques ; deviendrait-il coquet car j'ai remarqué qu'il a apporté une petite transformation à sa frange par l'apport de gel ? trop chou !

  16. Anonymous4/9/22 15:09

    Bueatiful Family ❤❤❤❤

  17. Anonymous4/9/22 15:27

    Charlene has beautiful bone structure and I like her short haircut which enhances it. The lace top is lovely and suits her. Overall, just so glad she is feeling better and back with her children.

  18. Anonymous4/9/22 16:14

    Beautiful family photos! Princess Charlene looks so elegant and very pretty. The twins are cute in their matching blue outfits. Prince Albert looks so happy to have his family together.


  19. Anonymous4/9/22 17:24

    Just gorgeous. That outfit looks stunning on her. I can see why some don't like her hair, but I love it, cut and color. She absolutely does it justice, and it brings out her lovely face. As for the children, they couldn't be any more adorable. It seems every picture they grow a foot.

  20. Lila Williams4/9/22 17:35

    These poor children are always dressed in such awful clothes. Expensive, yes, but they look just awful in them.

    1. Si vous trouvez les vêtements portés par ces deux enfants sont horribles,dans ce cas je vous trouve une circonstance atténuante:Vous avez des problèmes de vue.
      Quand au prix de ces vêtements, il me semble que chacun dans ce bas monde,achète en fonction de ses moyens financiers
      Je ne suis pas riche,pourtant j'achète des vêtements de cette marques pour mes
      neveux et nièces.

    2. Anonymous5/9/22 01:08

      Cette robe de petite fille coĂ»te quand mĂŞme 79 €.
      Ce n'est pas une grosse dépense pour la famille princière de Monaco. Moi, mes moyens ne me permettent pas un tel achat.

  21. Elegant in white. Family coordinated colors, perfect.

  22. Anonymous4/9/22 20:50

    Very nice and elegant white suit. Pss Charlene is a stunner once again. The children are very cute and not camera-shy at all. Oh yes Gabriella did some hair cutting again.Dad Albert seem to enjoy it all. css

  23. Anonymous4/9/22 21:08

    Sadness in Charlene's face. Her outfit is lovely. The children have been busy with the scissors. :) The little boy's outfit does not look right, the colors and patterned jacket are to fussy for a little boy. jj

    1. Anonymous5/9/22 06:08

      Have you ever been to Europe? This is perfect attire for little boys in Europe. The fact that it matches his twin sister makes it even more perfect. (Gloria)

  24. Anonymous5/9/22 07:53

    Princess Charlene looks wonderful and the short, platinum hairstyle suits her beautifully. Not every lady can wear that hairstyle and still look great. The twins looks cute and gorgeous. ~MS~

  25. Anonymous5/9/22 15:59

    Charlene is beautiful and elegant. Her hair is unique, just like her. She is in my eyes one of the most beautiful woman in the world. CHarlene's family are just so happy to have her home. She is indeed a courageous woman. As for the sadness I believe it is because she is highly intelligent and not prone to the frivolty of this world. A deep thinker perhaps even incredible wisdom. Albert is a lucky man. She outshines every other princess in Monaco.

    1. Anonymous5/9/22 18:28

      Right - because people who aren't prone to frivolity spend total fortunes on Haute Couture outfits that they only wear once and repeatedly have cosmetic treatments. This doesn't mean that she is totally superficial but she certainly thinks a lot about her appearance. Whilst not stupid by any means she is hardly a great thinker. As to outshines every other Princess in Monaco that's a subjective opinion and surely depends on the benchmark and context. Why does everyone always have to reduce everything to silly comparisons between totally different women?

  26. Anonymous6/9/22 09:27

    As a mom of young children, I am genuinely happy every time I see Charlene with Gabriella and Jacques. They are growing so fast, I hope she enjoys every bit of her life as a mother to these 2 beautiful kids.
    Gabriella is cute with her little heels.
    And I'm in love with Charlene's hair cut. It's hard to pull it off, but she does!

  27. Anonymous6/9/22 10:02

    It’s so good to have Princess Charlene gracing the pages of royal sites again ! She’s been missed!
    She looks lovely here. An elegant and well tailored outfit.
    The kiddies are so adorable! I’m sure PC must have missed them during her absence! So it’s good to see the family of four together!

  28. Barbara Kelly6/2/23 01:57

    I do believe sincerely that Princess Charlene is one of the most beautiful women in the world. She has great style and knows what suits her, right down to accessories. I love her hairstyles. Barbara Kelly


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