The British Royal Family attended the Platinum Jubilee Pageant

Kate Middleton wore a red bespoke dress by Stella McCartney. Queen Elizabeth, Prince George, Princess Charlotte and Prince Louis

Prince Charles and Duchess of Cornwall, The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, Prince George, Princess Charlotte and Prince Louis, Princess Anne and Vice Admiral Timothy Laurence, Princess Beatrice and Edoardo Mapelli Mozzi, Princess Eugenie and Jack Brooksbank, Zara, Mike, Mia and Lena Tindall attended the Platinum Jubilee Pageant, marking the end of the celebrations for the Platinum Jubilee of Queen Elizabeth.

Kate Middleton wore a red bespoke dress by Stella McCartney. Queen Elizabeth, Prince George, Princess Charlotte and Prince Louis

Kate Middleton wore a red bespoke dress by Stella McCartney. Queen Elizabeth, Prince George, Princess Charlotte and Prince Louis

Kate Middleton wore a red bespoke dress by Stella McCartney. Queen Elizabeth, Prince George, Princess Charlotte and Prince Louis

Kate Middleton wore a red bespoke dress by Stella McCartney. Queen Elizabeth, Prince George, Princess Charlotte and Prince Louis

Kate Middleton wore a red bespoke dress by Stella McCartney. Queen Elizabeth, Prince George, Princess Charlotte and Prince Louis

Kate Middleton wore a red bespoke dress by Stella McCartney. Queen Elizabeth, Prince George, Princess Charlotte and Prince Louis

Kate Middleton wore a red bespoke dress by Stella McCartney. Queen Elizabeth, Prince George, Princess Charlotte and Prince Louis

Kate Middleton wore a red bespoke dress by Stella McCartney. Queen Elizabeth, Prince George, Princess Charlotte and Prince Louis

The Queen did not watch the main event with her family, but the Queen greeted the crowds from the Buckingham Palace balcony for the finale of her Platinum Jubilee celebrations. She was joined by three generations of her family on the Buckingham Palace balcony.

Kate Middleton wore a red bespoke dress by Stella McCartney. Queen Elizabeth, Prince George, Princess Charlotte and Prince Louis

Kate Middleton wore a red bespoke dress by Stella McCartney. Queen Elizabeth, Prince George, Princess Charlotte and Prince Louis

Kate Middleton wore a red bespoke dress by Stella McCartney. Queen Elizabeth, Prince George, Princess Charlotte and Prince Louis

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  1. Anonymous5/6/22 22:06

    Fabulous to have the four generations only on the balcony. So special. Kate as always l9oks lovely. Mary

  2. Anonymous5/6/22 23:08

    Day 4 of the celebrations. I must say the Queen looked stunning in this green coat and hat. I am just sad she could not be in the middle of it herself. The opening of the concert was fun to watch.It seem almost all members and extended family have been there, super turn out. 70 years of Head of State only happen once in a life time. The children have been fun to watch. I seen little August Brooksbank, he is the mini version of Jack, really cute. Also little Wolfie was there, sadly no pic of baby Sienna. There outfits have been very nice, well this was an occasion to dress up. The Queen not just represent the UK, she is the UK and very classy indeed. God bless the Queen and the UK.

    1. Anonymous6/6/22 11:53

      August really is his father's mini version, but with Grandma Sarah's red hair :)

  3. Anonymous6/6/22 00:26

    Great photos. I love the one with Louis sitting on P. Charles’ lap, but the best was young George looking at The Queen. The present and a future monarch. As far as fashion goes, of course the Queen’s gorgeous green ensemble takes first place. I thought D. Catherine looked stunning in her cerise(?) dress too. (V.M.)

  4. Anonymous6/6/22 00:32

    A wonderful celebration. I was so pleased to see the Queen on the balcony. She looked wonderful though a bit teary-eyed (so was I). Her family and all the volunteers and organizers did a fantastic job. I hope her strength returns so she may gladden our hears for many more years. Fashion-wise, I think all the royal ladies looked marvelous in their dress and jewels. Thanks for a wonderful weekend. (Debra)

  5. Anonymous6/6/22 02:45

    August Brooksbank, finally! He is very much like his father Jack. Christopher "Wolfie" Mapelli-Mozzi is a clone of his mother, and it was a delight to see him there.

    But Prince Louis takes the prize. What an adorable little boy!

  6. Anonymous6/6/22 03:37

    How marvelous that HM was able to end the Jubilee Celebrations with another balcony appearance! Everything was wonderful over these 4 days--but this moment is like icing on the cake. I seeing HM on the balcony with 3 heirs is a scene of the present with a glimpse of the future--and a future in safe and secure hands. HM's green outfit is lovely, the Duchess of Cornwall's white suit dress is yet another terrific look from her, and the Duchess of Cambridge is pretty in pink! We also got another chance to enjoy little Prince Louis enjoying himself. I saw how he chose to go sit with Grandpa for a bit--so sweet and a testament to Charles as a loving grandfather. Of course, the loving exchanges between Catherine and Louis and William and Louis were adorable.


  7. Anonymous6/6/22 06:23

    Everyone is dressed beautifully. The green coat and hat of the queen very beautiful. Catherine : lovely dress, good color. Camilla : this is one of her coats that is elegant and not old fashion. Charlotte : lovely white coat and dress. 1st picture : princess Ann could smile a little more. On the other pictures of this festive week-end she don't smile very much either. 4th picture : so cute, little Louis kissing his mummy on the cheek.

  8. Anonymous6/6/22 06:50

    How sweet is prince Louis, bless him. Everyone looked lovely and it was wonderful to see how they interact as a family.


  9. Dès la première photo, j'ai craqué quand j'ai vu le prince Louis sur les genoux du prince Charles ; c'est un adorable petit garçon qui a l'air d'avoir un regard un peu espiègle ; un mini papi Middleton . Pour ce qui est de la mode, la Reine est magnifique dans cet ensemble vert ainsi que Kate dans cette robe qui paraît rose-framboise ?!

  10. Anonymous6/6/22 08:26

    What a celebration!
    I couldnot get away from the television.
    The Queen and Paddington the bear :such humor, she really is great.
    And at last :coming on the balcony in her spotless green ensemble: very moving and wonderfull.
    All ladies, men and children festive dressed,

  11. Anonymous6/6/22 08:34

    Sorry, but I can't warm up to this Prince Louis. Yes, the photos here do look cute, but I think he's the spoiled latecomer. In the videos that are currently circulating, he tries to punch Kate in the face, throws a tantrum but she puts up a good front in public. It's typical spoilt nestling behaviour, and the Cambridges should be careful that it doesn't develop further.
    Otherwise, it was a lovely but kind of sad anniversary.
    Will there be another one? I'm more sad about this anniversary than happy. Kate looked really nice all the time. She's a really strong person. She has settled into her role 110%. Frieda

    1. Anonymous6/6/22 11:50

      For once I agree with you, Frieda. Kate looked very unhappy on the balcony - and William too - while Louis had a burst of anger. George and Charlotte were not very joyful either. It's too much for the children to take part for too many adult's celebrations. I felt sorry for William and Catherine, it surely was not their choice.
      The queen looked radiant in green. (Just me)

    2. Anonymous6/6/22 12:15

      @ Frieda. How can you talk like that of a little boy. You forget he is still very young to sit still all the time during an event like this. Children who can sit still all the time are sick. You forget that young children these days are full of energy whether they are nobility or common children. They receive good food, they have interesting toys to play with, maybe he would have preferred to stay at home to play with his toys.

    3. I'm pretty amazed as to what people seem to know about the inner life of members of the BRF. Did you know that this Jubilee Pageant event lasted for nearly three-and-a-half hours? That's even hard to sit through for any adult, let alone young ones. That other children, not only Prince Louis, were bored too after a while? Have you ever watched the children of Princess Madeleine of Sweden during a christening ceremony (for other members of that family) which was less than one hour duration? They ran around as well, not able to sit still. They're toddlers, and no robot or machine that you can easily switch off. When on a state visit to Germany Princess Charlotte of Cambridge once threw a tantrum on the tarmac of an airport when she was about the same age as Louis is now. Guess what? That's totally normal behaviour!

    4. Anonymous6/6/22 15:25

      hate speech about a little boy aged 4 😱

    5. @12:15 well said, @Frieda no need for rude words especially on a fashion side.

    6. Anonymous6/6/22 15:31

      So you’re part of the group of people online bullying a kid, like Omid, Shola and the usual Sussex defenders.

    7. Anonymous6/6/22 17:37

      you must be a very sad person who else would attack a little lad that way

    8. Anonymous6/6/22 18:36

      Frieda, you are exactly correct! I have been a mother for more than 20 years and a teacher for more than 30 years. I have taught children age 3 and older from France, to Maui, to inner city Chicago and now wealthy children in Texas. So I speak with authority on this subject as I have seen children who at this age were disrespectful, disobedient, and rude to their parents and the result as they grow older is not positive. It is not bullying or rude to speak the truth. A bored child who runs around or acts silly is one thing. A child who covers his mother's mouth when he is being corrected, who tries to hit at his mother and then displays an ugly gesture as Louis did is a problem that needs to be corrected. I have helped mothers like Catherine who need to learn how to be "the loving, but firm parent" (and before anyone thinks I am advocating hitting in any are wrong) I have never hit any child and never will. I have also never met a child that I could not lead to proper behavior. This is not said from hate or malice, but concern that now is the time to change behavior. If one feels they have children who need behavior adjustment, then seek help, because help is out there.


    9. He is 4 years old. Anyone who criticizes his behavior of just one little tantrum lasting just a few seconds does not know kids. That is completely normal behavior. And a very exceptionally quick turn around. Kate then engaged him to prevent other outbursts with such skill and grace. I was very impressed with her advanced parenting skills. And most kids would have had many more tantrums at that age and for that long. Especially, if sleep schedule had been interrupted which likely was for a long day. We know the older 2 kids must have been exhausted yet had perfect behavior. The kids sat there for more about 2 hours, I believe. Kids that age need movement and should not be expected to sit still more than 15-30 minutes. So this was phenomenal behavior. And as far as criticizing their parenting saying he is spoiled. Again, anyone who says that does not have much experience with kids. Kate handled his normal 4-year old outburst with exceptional grace and superb parenting skills. Look at the other 2 kids and you can see how they turn out as they mature and then you know what good discipline they use. The kids were great, parents did an amazing job. I work with kids on a regular basis and say this from years of experience. But I realize, there will always be criticisms no matter what you do in the public.

    10. Anonymous6/6/22 21:30

      Michelle, you nailed it. Thank you for your most professional explanations and experiences. Frieda

    11. Anonymous6/6/22 21:42

      LOL...I am old enough to remember Princes William and Harry at the same age as young Louis. They were sticking their tongues out at press and public. They were being scolded by the nanny for disobeying at the polo and trying to run on to the playing field. Remember Prince William at Uncle Andrew's wedding harassing and poking at another little flower girl throughout the long ceremony? Remember William getting spanked on the bottom by the Princess of Wales for ignoring her when she called him? Remember Wills telling another little girl at school that she was not princess material because she was not as pretty as his mother?

      And yes...Louis is nowhere close to Leonore of Sweden, who was permitted to remove her shoes and socks and roll on the floor and run about unrestrained at a Royal christening.

      Prince Louis is an angel in comparison!

    12. Anonymous7/6/22 01:02

      Agree, early years are telling...

    13. Me again, only to leave you a link on the subject matter of a "misbehaving" Prince Louis. In the linked tweet the professional is of the same opinion as I am: he's just a four year old boy with lots of energy.

    14. Anonymous7/6/22 20:55

      I have taught preschool (3 and 4 year olds) for years, taught in various grades K-12, have 4 kids of my own (1 girl and 3 boys much older now), as well as many nieces and nephews. Anyone, anyone who tries to say they are an authority on a 4 year old child’s personality/lifelong behavior and prophesies such a disreputable future for them based on observing them at one unique event (a parade no less), the first long public event of that child’s young life, is just a fraud and a hack. They give teachers/pediatric professionals a bad reputation.

      There is no way a good teacher/counselor will do this. Helping children and understanding them, unless the situation is so unhinged (which this clearly was not), takes many hours/days of observations. Children that young are greatly impacted by their environment, sleep, diet, etc. My sincere advice is that If you encounter someone like the person above proclaiming their “experience and authority” to label and proclaim your child’s future like this then run, find someone else your child is going to be much better off.

      I thought the Cambridges did well to bring him and he was fine. Do people seriously think 4 year olds, especially boys, can sit that long without parental direction, correction and care- good grief you need to spend more time around kids, especially boys, that age.

      My kids all played piano which meant piano recitals. We often had the younger ones with us. At home, we practiced listening and sitting in an audience. What “audience manners” are like but it is a long time for kids that age to be “still”. The toddler years 2-5 are very challenging for these kinds of events, for all personalities. Practice at home, lollipops, picture books, all help break up the time. The only time I ever saw a child sit still for hours without a word was at repeated extended family functions where the only child of a cousin, the same age as my daughter, had headphones on, sitting in a corner, with eyes glued to a DVD player/iPad. He said hello and then right to the headphones. We, on the other hand, went through the challenge of having our kids interacting with the many generations getting food, sitting through the event. I would be absolutely shocked by any parent who has had a toddler at an event over 20 min that has not run into this very normal interaction. Parades, I have found, are even more challenging because of their interactive up and down experience, one float is very captivating while another “boring”.
      Sorry so long,

    15. Anonymous8/6/22 20:44

      Thank you, Glo. Very well said and not boring at all.

  12. The Queen looked particularly beautiful. Gorgeous green of her coat, her hat with the touch of black, divine. Love seeing her wear her luscious pearl necklace and the stunning bow diamond brooch. All the Royal ladies looked beautiful and elegant. All the children did incredibly well over the 4 days. Its been a delight to see. Thank you very much for the coverage, its been wonderful. God bless the Queen and her family.

  13. Anonymous6/6/22 11:23

    Il piccolo Louis vince su tutti, adorabile quando bacia e abbraccia la sua mamma. William e Cate hanno formato una famiglia perfetta, c'è amore e dolcezza.


  14. All in all it was a wonderful jubilee, wasn't it! And we had so many beautiful pictures to look at! Long may her Majesty reign!

  15. Anonymous6/6/22 19:26

    Little Prince Louis gets the 1st prize. He sure is a cute one and he know how to handle mom. A kiss and a hug and here we go again. So glad that so many members of the family had been at the concert. Charles and louis are so cute together, nice we could see it.

    1. Anonymous7/6/22 20:25

      Prince Louis is cute as a button. He resambles uncle Edward. I'm looking forward to see the Cambridge-children more often, like the Royalty of Sweden, hopefully.

  16. He just turned 4, my God has this board turned into a place that sanctions the bullying of children, along with arm chair psych evals. I have been a nurse for 30 years, this was not shocking or worrisome. He had to sit in a confined area for 3 hours watching something of no interest to him. If some of you think that is a tantrum, have I got news for you. For fun go google pics of Princess Ariane's christening.

    1. Anonymous7/6/22 04:05

      This board has turned into a lot of things that are not positive, Mildred. Anyone with children has a story of a time their children made faces or got bored and couldn't sit still any longer. All parents remember what it is like when their child misses a nap or becomes overtired. The major difference here is that they never had cameras on them so the entire world could judge their child's behavior, and then sit back in their armchairs to evaluate their parenting WHILE ON LIVE TELEVISION! George and Charlotte have both had their moments making faces, as did their father and Uncle Harry. If their grandfather or any of their great uncles ever did the same, I'll bet that film was "lost". That is what kids do. What would the critics have Kate and William do? Beat him? Kate can't even talk to Louis like she normally would because television stations hire lip readers. It is astounding to me how easily perfect strangers feel capable of judging situations they are not a part of. Every child is different. Parenting and discipline is not one size fits all, despite what is being said upthread. If you have doubts about their parenting, look at George and Charlotte. That is all you need to know. Now mind your own business and accept the fact that a 4-year-old was being a 4-year-old at a long, noisy, crowded event cooped up in a seat when little boys and girls would rather run around to expel their energy.

    2. Anonymous7/6/22 06:24

      Hope Helen can stop publishing random abhorrent comments bullying children

    3. Anonymous7/6/22 16:30

      Please calm down. Commenting or expressing disapproval of how Louis was being parented at a public event is not "bullying" him at all. Seriously people!

    4. Anonymous7/6/22 18:23

      Anonymous 16.30 follow your advice calm down and get a grip on reality this is bullying

    5. Anonymous7/6/22 18:28

      @Anonymous 04:05. Thank you for the voice of reason. I agree with every word you wrote especially about the board. Best wishes to you. Rina.

  17. P. the original7/6/22 07:05

    I think that some people here need urgently to take into consideration and correct- provided they can at this stage of their life- their own problematic behaviour on this blog and take a good deal of time to think over THEIR own upbringing before stating what is normal and what is not.

    1. Anonymous7/6/22 15:13

      Yes. It seems the old saying we were taught as children disappeared from society when social media was created, "If you don't have something nice to say, don't say anything at all." Seems to me if you don't like something it would be easier to just click to another page than taking the effort to type a critical comment.

      Anyway, knowing kids, they all did a magnificent job! Kate handled her boy in such love and a quiet but firm way. Notice how it stopped after a few seconds.

  18. Anonymous7/6/22 08:41

    The Governor General of Australia is sitting in the 1st photo.I like Princess Anne's outfit also Camilla's. Nice to see Peter with his new girlfriend. I like louis he is a natural; a cute little lad. Great photo's; Her Majesty has won again in the colour stakes.(Tara)

  19. Anonymous8/6/22 00:08

    Thank you so much for publishing my way too long comment above. I continue to appreciate your willingness to let speech stand and allow more speech to respond. While not always easy to read (or at times hear) what some people have to say I still really believe the best response to speech with which I disagree is more speech- not censorship.

    Also I loved the outfits, especially Zara Tindall’s floral eyelet Zimmerman and DoCam’s Berry Red Stella McCartney. I think Catherine’s earrings may be ones which once belonged to the Queen. Such a lovely thoughtful touch if they are. I absolutely loved the Platinum Jubilee celebrations and the incredible 70 years the Queen and UK celebrated together. I have such respect for the Queen and how she has handled her committed, faithful service while looking fab. I loved those special looks from the Cambridges- George, Charlotte and Catherine. Each of them gave the Queen such a look of delight and admiration. At one point William’s face is just besotted with his deep feelings for her.
    She is one amazing lady.


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