Queen Letizia visited the Royal Theater with the spouses of NATO leaders

Queen Letizia wore a fuchsia fit and flare sleeveless bespoke dress by Carolina Herrera. Brigitte Macron, Begoña Gomez

On June 30, 2022, Queen Letizia of Spain, together with the spouses of the participants in the NATO Summit taking place this year in Madrid, visited the Royal Theater in Madrid. During the visit, they toured the stage and the workshops. Queen Letizia wore a fuchsia bespoke dress from Carolina Herrera.

Queen Letizia wore a fuchsia fit and flare sleeveless bespoke dress by Carolina Herrera. Brigitte Macron, Begoña Gomez

Queen Letizia wore a fuchsia fit and flare sleeveless bespoke dress by Carolina Herrera. Brigitte Macron, Begoña Gomez

Queen Letizia wore a fuchsia fit and flare sleeveless bespoke dress by Carolina Herrera. Brigitte Macron, Begoña Gomez

Queen Letizia wore a fuchsia fit and flare sleeveless bespoke dress by Carolina Herrera. Brigitte Macron, Begoña Gomez

Queen Letizia wore a fuchsia fit and flare sleeveless bespoke dress by Carolina Herrera. Brigitte Macron, Begoña Gomez

Queen Letizia wore a fuchsia fit and flare sleeveless bespoke dress by Carolina Herrera. Brigitte Macron, Begoña Gomez

Queen Letizia wore a fuchsia fit and flare sleeveless bespoke dress by Carolina Herrera. Brigitte Macron, Begoña Gomez

Queen Letizia wore a fuchsia fit and flare sleeveless bespoke dress by Carolina Herrera. Brigitte Macron, Begoña Gomez

Queen Letizia wore a fuchsia fit and flare sleeveless bespoke dress by Carolina Herrera. Brigitte Macron, Begoña Gomez

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  1. Los acompañantes de los mandatarios no pueden quejarse, se han divertido mucho estos días. La Reina ha sido una maravillosa anfitriona. Me encanta su vestido color fucsia, tan alegre y veraniego y sus zapatos color crema. Mme Polonia es espectacular de alta y elegante. Mme Albania parece muy divertida y simpática, ayer iba vestida con una tienda de campaña blanca y una gorra Oliver Twist y hoy lleva un sombrero cordobés que brilla y se la ve gordita y feliz.
    La última foto es increíble, parecen un coro dispuesto a cantar sobre el escenario: Bye, bye, love... :))

    1. @Angie. Nice to read your comment.
      Yes, I think Queen Letizia has done an excellent job in welcoming her guests to Spain.
      And bye-bye, love to you too

  2. Marvelouse Queen in Pink.

  3. Anonymous30/6/22 16:56

    Queen Letizia looks pretty in pink--another beautiful Carolina Herrera dress! I also love the pretty floral from the PM's wife. I like Mme. Macron's dress but I wish she would wear more vibrant colors--her turquoise dress from the first evening so flattering while this color sort of washes her out.


    1. Sin ánimo de polemizar, Janet, yo creo que Brigitte no hace honor a la moda francesa con esta exclusividad de LV. Parece que lleva siempre el mismo vestido, con distinto color y variando algún pequeño detalle. Aburrido, predecible, cuellos demasiado altos, mangas demasiado largas y faldas demasiado cortas.

  4. Anonymous30/6/22 17:52

    Queen Letizia looks superb as always. Mrs Macron should have her wig reshaped or at least cut shorter, it is too puffy.

    1. Agree about Mme Macrons wig. I admit I never liked all her fake tan and fake blond hair.

  5. Bien jolie Letizia dans cette robe fushia au délicat boutonnage qui met en valeur ses courbes toniques ; je préfère Madame Macron dans cette robe à celle turquoise du premier soir qui ne l'avantageait pas !

  6. Queen Letizia looks very nice. But I don't understand this activity. The NATO-leaders are in Spain. But why should they take their partners with them? If they are needed there, they should have a normal programme with real content. If they are there just for fun, why can't they stay at home?

    1. Don't underestimate the influence of the ladies. I bet there are many world leaders who listen to what their wives have to say on many issues and value their opinion. History abounds with examples of such influence: In 1529 was signed in Cambray the peace treaty ending the war between Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor (and King of Spain as Charles I) and the French King François I. Two ladies, Louise of Savoy, on behalf of her son the King of France, and Margaret of Austria, on behalf of her nephew the Emperor (both Charles and François were adult men, not children) were instrumental in the negotiations. The peace treaty negotiated and signed by the two ladies is known as la Paz de las Damas (the Ladies' Peace)

    2. No es necesario llevar a las parejas y, de hecho, algunos han venido solos (UK, Portugal, Italia...), pero siempre han ido y se considera un honor. ¿Le parece que los acompañantes no han tenido un programa real? Pues sucede que JAMÁS han tenido una sucesión de eventos ni parecidos y de toda clase: cultural, histórico, gastronómico, musical, teatral, artesanal...
      Usted llama a eso diversión, pero es, en realidad, reafirmar relaciones, política soft y lleva muchísimo trabajo detrás.
      Si usted quiere que se queden en casa dígaselo al mandatario de su país... si pertenece a la OTAN.

    3. I share your thoughts, Zita. We have a really high Inflation in Europe and due to the Ukraine-war and the energy-crisis our political leaders tell us we might not even have warm flats in the next winter. Then the world leaders take their spouses with them to have fun, paid for by the taxpayers?

    4. Great comment, Coralie. It goes against everything they´ve preached for years now, and you may include all the talk about the climate (they surely didn´t come by bike), all the talk about covid (yet no social distancing & the only person I see wearing a mask is the theatre´s make-up artist), all the talk about humanitarian crises in the world as a result of armed conflicts (and yet here are the members of a military alliance celebrating a lavish summit including spouses). The world leaders jetting our the world on private or state-owned planes is also totally tonedeaf when you think about the common people´s ordeals to get onto a flight: hours of waiting, security hassle, travel restrictions, luggage chaos, staff strikes, delays and cancellations and on top of that the gamble with covid testing which may put any trip to a sudden end and send you straight back home or into quarantine.

    5. à Sakurahime 30/06/22 22:22
      Un grand merci pour m'avoir permis de compléter mes connaissances en Histoire qui comporte quelques lacunes ; j'espère avoir le plaisir de continuer à vous lire Bonne journée et bon W.E. *

  7. Anonymous30/6/22 19:08

    Caroline Herrera is another excellent designer for Q. Letitia, and this is no exception. What a gorgeous colour! (V.M.)

  8. Anonymous30/6/22 19:28

    Great color, fantastic look for Letizia. Some of the ladies also really stand out. I think it is a bit tiresome, to be in constant view of people and they judge if in their Opinion one looks good or just soso. .

  9. Anonymous30/6/22 20:19

    Great look for Letizia, she looks fantastic in pink. Some of the other ladies really stand out. It must be tiresome at times, to have to stand and people judge one , if they like the look or not according to their opinion. Well that is Life in the public eye. josebabe

  10. After Letizia and Jill Biden, it´s now Agata Duda´s turn to wear a white pantsuit. They all looked good.

  11. Fabulous dress, beautiful cut and design, the Queen looks beautiful.

  12. Anonymous1/7/22 07:52

    Love the outfits of : Prime Minister of Spain's wife, Brigitte Macron in her own style little dresses which I like very much, Mrs Duda in a white pantsuit (she is always dressed very elegant), the lady in the last picture second from the left has a beautiful dress too (she was dressed also very well on the previous days). And of course queen Letizia.

  13. Anonymous1/7/22 14:22

    I have very first-hand knowledge about the G 7 meeting of world leaders in Elmau
    and can assure all the bloggers here that contrary to what I had believed and criticized before (unnecessary travel, climate, expenses), these eye-to-eye meetings are extremely important and cannot be replaced by letters, telephone calls, whatever. The entertainment of their spouses has nothing to do with superfluous diplomacy and serves a legitimate purpose. Nobody is interested in their clothing. There is less general luxury involved than one would assume.
    🌞 Virginia

  14. Anonymous1/7/22 18:58

    @Vanessa 10:24. It is now more necessary than ever that NATO countries stands together to see how we can protect ourselves and to avoid a new world war. Sometimes it is necessary for politicians, presidents, ministers, state secretaries, etc.. to see each other during meetings which are extremely important nowadays and cannot be replaced by mails, telephone calls, video conferences, etc..." It is sometimes also necessary for business people to travel by plane from one country to another. The world economy must go on too. It is however, you like it or not, unnecessary to travel by plane just for fun to go on vacation.
    You can take a vacation by car in your own country or in another country not to far away. Or take the HST (high speed train).
    About the masks. It is no longer necessary (in my country) to wear a mask in public. If you feel more comfortable to wear one you are free to do so, but it is no longer an obligation. One may assume that the majority of people is vaccinated by now and therefore can leave their mask in their bag or pocket. It is up to the traveler who can wear a mask or not. I know people who are still wearing masks in buses, trains, planes, super-markets, theatres, cinemas. But if you do it, the others must do it too otherwise it makes no sense. The mask alone does not protect you very much. It protects the other people who are surrounding you. A lot of people seem to forget that. After the holidays during the month of September we will be obliged to wear masks again. Remind my words ! In my region people over 80 years old are receiving their second booster. The rest will follow later. Sometimes it is necessary to define priorities. One cannot do everything at the same time.

    1. Nobody said the NATO-Leaders should not meet face to face. But why their spouses?

    2. Anonymous2/7/22 07:23

      @Coralie. In my answer to Vanessa I didn't talk about the spouses of the Nato-leaders because she a.o. already did. I gave my opinion about her comment that the leaders of Nato allied countries took their private jets or government planes to travel around the world to gather in Spain and have a good time and that common people have all kind of problems when they wish to travel by plane.
      To me Nato tops have priority (with the war in Ukraine) and that the spouses are sitting on the same plane as their husband, the plane flies anyway.

    3. Anonymous2/7/22 17:53

      @Coralie: Why place so little value on women? Many of these ladies have studies comparable to that of their husbands. True, they are not the elected ones, but do not underestimate the value of 'pillow talk' where information can be exchanged without the intervention of aides de camp, secretaries and the like to shore up an agreement or renegotiate some terms before it is time to sign. In addition, Spain depends heavily on tourism, showing the 'jewels' the country has to offer has its benefits.

  15. Anonymous1/7/22 22:59

    Another lovely dress for Queen Letizia. At least most of the other ladies have improved since their previous appearance. AnnieM

  16. Anonymous2/7/22 16:29

    Well, now that most countries are trying to coexist with this virus and have done away with most preventions, our Vanessa can’t lecture us about her “ scientific” ideas about masks, vaccinations, prevention etc., it is a good thing that this NATO summit happened so she and others can get on this lovely site and let us know the evils of it. I would love to hear their solutions for a better world, one that doesn’t have pollution, waste, conflicts and so on.
    Thanks in advance


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