Princess Caroline and Prince Albert attended the anniversary of Mission Enfance

Princess Caroline of Hanover wore a floral print pleated skirt and white silk blouse from Chanel

On the evening of September 17, 2021, Prince Albert II of Monaco and Princess Caroline of Hanover attended the 30th anniversary of "Mission Enfance" at Sporting de Monte-Carlo in Monaco. This international solidarity organization was founded in 1991 in France and in the Principality of Monaco by Father Stephane Aumonier to provide assistance to children in distress throughout the world. The organization operates directly in the field with its local teams in order to carry out its humanitarian programmes.

Princess Caroline of Hanover wore a floral print pleated skirt and white silk blouse from Chanel

Princess Caroline of Hanover wore a floral print pleated skirt and white silk blouse from Chanel

Princess Caroline of Hanover wore a floral print pleated skirt and white silk blouse from Chanel

Princess Caroline of Hanover wore a floral print pleated skirt and white silk blouse from Chanel

Princess Caroline of Hanover wore a floral print pleated skirt and white silk blouse from Chanel

Princess Caroline wore a white silk shirt and floral print skirt by Chanel
Chanel Haute Couture Spring Summer 2018


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  1. Elle est toujours aussi belle, délicatement maquillée ; j'aime beaucoup le naturel de ses cheveux même s'ils paraissent subtilement colorés !

    1. I agree. From the last pictures we saw, her hair appears not only shorter but also subtly colored.

    2. Anonymous19/9/21 07:34

      Je trouve que son maquillage n'est pas adapté à son age. Elle est encore tres belle, mais un maquillage plus doux serait mieux. MJ

  2. Elle est belle comme une femme de 70 ans .la vie la marque. Mais elle reste très distinguée

    1. Anonymous19/9/21 05:30

      La princesse Caroline n'a que 64 ans.

    2. Anonymous19/9/21 07:11

      Elle est âgée de 64 ans seulement.

    3. Anonymous19/9/21 08:34

      She is only 64….. but we are not used anymore of seeing beautiful women in the public eye, who have always been very glamorius (and still are) who have done absolutely nothing in respect of plastic surgery…..
      Lily T.

    4. As said previously, I don't think it's so much the plastic surgery as the depressing hair colour. Compare Queen Silvia or Queen Sonia

  3. Galda, Carolina Ă© nata nel 1957 - non ha 70 anni ancora - soltanto 64 ... si vede invechiatta (alcune donne portanno molto meglio di lei) ma allo stesso tempo Ă© brava nel scligliere le migliori opzioni que la distinguono ...

  4. Anonymous18/9/21 23:57

    Caroline looks as lovely as ever. She wears her age so gracefully.
    - Anon 9:13

    1. She is only 64 and she looks like she is in her 70s

  5. Anonymous19/9/21 01:56

    Caroline's hair and makeup are very nicely done.
    I want her earrings!


  6. Wow, I think Caroline looks beautiful here. This has got to be one of her best looks in a long time, at least beauty wise.

  7. Caroline looks elegant, however I think that this shorter hair style, makes her look older. I don't think this make up suits her.

  8. Anonymous19/9/21 08:37

    In the last picture Caroline resembles her mother…. I have never seen the likeness before…
    She is a beautiful and chic older woman.
    Lily T.

    1. Anonymous19/9/21 18:31

      She holds her chin up like Grace Kelly, Charlotte also does the same. In addition she and her siblings have their mother's smile lines.


  9. Anonymous19/9/21 10:12

    To me the black bow(?) on the blouse is a miss; it looks like a mess and is far from subtle compared to the soft colours of the skirt.


    1. Anonymous19/9/21 14:45

      …… the black bow is very much Chanel. (almost a trademark)
      - K

    2. Anonymous19/9/21 18:29

      The black bow is signature Chanel.
      - Anon 9:13

    3. Anonymous19/9/21 23:26

      It’s very much a Lagerfeld signature. It’s often used as a detail to highlight an otherwise more quiet top/dress. It makes all the difference in this outfit.


    4. Anonymous20/9/21 09:10

      For me the buttons of the blouse make the difference with a 'calm' top; the messy bow (signature or not) is just too much


    5. It might be haute couture but it’s nit a miss, it’s a giant mistake. I think unfortunately most of Caroline’s Chanel outfits are. They should stay on the runway.

      With shorter hair she looks good. Finally a resemblance to her mother.

  10. Anonymous19/9/21 11:13

    Please stop with ageist remarks. Women age. Skin changes, hair colour changes. No one mentions Albert looking a lot older too. Hooray to Princess Caroline for ageing naturally in the public eye. Elle

    1. Anonymous19/9/21 13:37

      Well said !

    2. Agree, people forget we all are aging eventually...

    3. Thank you, someone with sense has put the critics in their place. P.Caroline is a beautiful lady.

  11. La Princesse Caroline belle et distinguée, toujours aussi jolie, le visage un peu marqué bien sûr. Son maquillage n'est pas spécialement réussi, et lui donne une peau brillante.
    Sa jupe est sensationnelle, de par sa ligne et sa coupe, de plus les couleurs multiples font penser Ă  un ensemble de pois de senteurs.
    Oui, elle a bien un air de ressemblance avec sa maman la sublime et regrettée Princesse Grâce.


  12. Ridiculous outfit, bad make-up. But I do like her earrings.

  13. Yes, she resembles her mother in the above last photo. Serene beauty

  14. Ses cheveux blancs lui donnent 10 ans de plus...oui comme noté plus haut elle paraît 70 ans,

  15. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. Anonymous19/9/21 17:58

      Disgusting comment. Everyone could be happy to be this attractive at her age, without any intervention by means of plastic surgery. We are just not used to see it any more - all the more respectable if Caroline does not do it. (-Ann)

    2. Anonymous19/9/21 18:35

      Cavorting! Seriously - what a ridiculous comment in this day and age.


    3. @ -Ann >>Everyone could be happy to be this attractive at her age<<

      You must be joking. I would be desperate if I looked like that at her age. I am only three years younger, and I look miles better. Obviously I know a lot of women in their sixties, none of my friends had surgery done, it is not common in my surrroundings. That to someone above who said we are not used to see women aging naturally without work done. Caroline was beautiful when she was young, her beauty still shines through. But her face pays tribute to the terrible lifestyle decisions she has made.
      This is not 'ageing gracefully' , this is a pity, and what makes it worse in these photos, terrible Chanel outfit, bad hairstyle, wrong hair colour, wrong choice of jewelry and terrribly wrong make-up. With a good stylist (instead of Chanel) she could look much better and in fact 'age gracefully' , like this, 'No!'

    4. @Beth:
      You simply cannot know and you actually do not know why she looks how she looks. Genetics plays a huge role, among other things. This : " her face pays tribute to the terrible lifestyle decisions she has made. " is an outrageously intrusive remark, showing a total lack of respect and style - typical anonymous internet behaviour. (-Ann.)

    5. Anonymous19/9/21 21:39

      @ Beth: I said that we are not used to beautiful women in the public eye aging naturally, I was not speaking of you and your friends. And you look better, well, if you say so……… in the meantime, I think Caroline still is one of the most elegant women. Elegance is beyond youth, even beyond beauty, it is inborn and cannot be taught. But you, undoubtedly, are also far more elegant. Good for you.
      Lily T.

    6. Anonymous19/9/21 22:11

      @Beth 20:21. One can tell from your comments you are a very humble person who has a inflated and very high opinion of yourself. Boring.

    7. Anonymous20/9/21 00:01

      She is known to be a smoker, but I've got no idea where you get your accusations of excessive drinking and "cavorting" from! She's got Grace Kelly's face - especially evident in these pictures - which in my opinion could never ever look bad!
      I'm not sure what your definition of beauty as, but in my opinion Grace and Caroline's faces are extremely beautiful in a timeless sense. That's real beauty, not the much admired botox, fillers, plastic surgery and silicone of today.

    8. Anonymous20/9/21 00:48

      Why are you using the word " Cavorting"? Are you judging the Princess's private life? You need to choose your words very carefully. What ever she has done or does in her private life is of no consequence to you and none of your business.

  16. Anonymous19/9/21 19:01

    One is left shocked by your mean comment.

  17. Princess Caroline is the most glamorous royal ever, we might like or dislike some of her looks but she has enough confidence and regal pose to outshine anybody. And for those whom complain about wrinkles and grey hair, we must be thankful tobe able to reach the golden years.

  18. Anonymous19/9/21 19:58

    I would like to add that I don’t agree with the “ cavorting” part, how in the heck does colchones dreamland, know about her private love life.? Your comment is invasive, gossipy, and above all aggressive to any and every woman.

    1. Anonymous19/9/21 20:53

      Totally agreed.
      I am much younger than Caroline, but that comment above by C. Dreamland is really offensive to every woman irrespective of her age.

  19. Anonymous19/9/21 20:48

    My previous comment is in reply to Colehones Dreamland.

  20. Perhaps all these "know - all critics should place their own photo's (honest ones) then some real comparisons can be made... Yes??

  21. Anonymous19/9/21 21:08

    Well... there certainly is alot of emotion expressed from the word "cavorting."
    The first definition of cavort is to "leap or dance about in a lively manner". The second definition is to engage in extravagant behavior." While I have never seen pictures or video of Caroline leaping about...she may have done so at a party some time in her life. Most of the royals cavort according to the second definition of the word. Their homes, dress, and lifestyle is luxurious and extravagant. If that offends someone they probably should not be on this site.
    A modern definition of the word is to "apply oneself enthusiastically to sexual or disreputable pursuits." I assume this is the definition offending most here. A better word to describe Caroline would be a multigamist (one married multiple times). Each person has the right whether to be offended by this fact or not and voice their opinion.
    As far as fashion goes, I like her jewelry and white blouse minus the black bow. Her makeup is alright, a bit of powder would help the shine and grey hair on anyone makes them look old. If that is the look they want, fine, but it does.


    1. Anonymous21/9/21 17:41

      Well said, Madam. I agree with you!


  22. Ava Pittman20/9/21 00:45

    Princess Caroline looks lovely with her hair styled in this fashion. Love her makeup, it enhances her beautiful face. She so reminds me of her mother in these photos, stunning bone structure. Its so refreshing to see someone like the Princess in the public eye, who has chosen to stay true to herself be it natural, with no enhancements at all to her face. Its something I am personally not used to as so many famous people we see now have taken to procedures to delay the aging process, which of course is their choice and right. IMO the Princess looks marvellous, she is all natural, she is well and healthy and its fabulous to see her out at this function with Prince Albert. Its a bonus to see her out and about.

  23. Anonymous20/9/21 15:16

    Does Caroline use protection factor zero sun cream? She looks like the typical elder south-european women in earlier days whom worked the whole day in the sun ( on the land).
    That being said she has a typical french style attitude. Slender - Chanel - well groomed. I just love her jewels and also the skirt/blouse. Pity the bow has the mouth corners pulled down)):

  24. The grey hair color is pretty awful! Not mention her face expression. Maria Teresa of Luxemburg is only one year older but looks ten years younger.

    1. Anonymous20/9/21 20:21

      MT of Luxemburg has had a full face lift and lots of other procedures. This is common knowledge and very obvious if you look at her “before” and “after” pictures. Moreover, Caroline has maintained her very slender figure, opposed to …… indeed.
      Lily T.

    2. Anonymous21/9/21 06:57

      Cannot see what is so awful about the expression on her face. What do you want her to do? That's her face in repose...


  25. Anonymous20/9/21 17:40

    I think Princess Caroline looks good here - love the hair and make up and the outfit - would just have liked to see a full length picture to see the skirt.

    As for her "terrible" lifestyle choices that's an opinion. And they are choices which she as an intelligent and informed woman has made. She decided that she wanted to smoke and sunbathe because she enjoyed it. They may not be wise choices in terms of her health or the state of her skin but they were hers to make. The aging gracefully comes from accepting that she made those decisions and living with them rather than having lots of treatments to try and look better. I think she is to be admired for accepting her choices rather than desperately trying to "atone" for them.

    JMO of course.


  26. Anonymous21/9/21 03:59

    @Anna, you sure know how to stereotype… I guess only Southern Europeans have wrinkled faces, and all the French women are chic…
    Hold my beer ;-)

    1. Anonymous21/9/21 12:48

      Guess Caroline didn't -worked - a single day on the land in the sun.
      You get it : irony, sarcasm. We need to have more often a laugh.
      (Spitting images etc) -Anna-

  27. Anonymous21/9/21 06:49

    @ Madam, I think most of us know the meaning of the word “ cavorting “ and for those that don’t, there is always google, so there is really no need for the clarification. Yes, there is some passion involved in the responses, in my case not because I am a snowflake that is looking to get offended, but because I am sick and tired of all the keyboard warriors with their supposed moral superiority , insulting, judging and disrespecting others, spreading rumors, gossiping and always stirring the pot and creating drama. Nowadays people that can barely read give us medical, political and moral advice and a few nitwits defend their words in the name of freedom. I don’t want to leave this site, I much prefer to dissent with the concept that is OK to denigrate others.

    1. Anonymous21/9/21 17:39

      I will continue to clarify when I want to. Obviously people were using this word without understanding the meanings. So, yes while it is obvious that anyone can google anything...they obviously did not! Except for the second definition, no one here probably has any idea whether Caroline cavorts or not.

    2. Anonymous21/9/21 17:55

      From what I read, Madam was defining a word that people did not take the time to look up on their own. I did not find Madam's response to be judgemental of Caroline. She stuck with the facts of the word. Seems to me you are the one trying to stir the pot and create drama.

  28. Veuillez traduire votre animosité. merci

  29. Anonymous21/9/21 17:20

    Do you know the right meaning of irony and sarcasm?
    You' re confusing them with laughing.

  30. Anonymous21/9/21 19:05

    @Alexandra, I am not trying to stir anything, perhaps I didn’t explain myself clearly, my issue is with “ colchones” making a comment full of innuendo against a person of whom she knows nothing about, and if she didn’t mean what she implied, she could very easily clarify her comment, so Madam won’t have to. In a world where people are insulting , bullying and demeaning each other in social media , it would be so refreshing if we just could talk about fashion without having to resort to gossip, rumors and judgment.
    That was my point.

    1. Anonymous21/9/21 23:00

      And attacking other people's post on this site that were only trying clarify a word.


  31. @ Madam, are you kidding? You express your opinion and in the meantime go thru all the meanings of a word that is familiar to most of us, OK.... and in doing so you give the poster a Mulligan OK....then you suggest that we shouldn't be on this blog because somehow we are easily offended OK....and when another poster debates your opinion, you call it an attack OK......for real???

    1. Anonymous23/9/21 14:21

      Yes, for real!

      Madam or whatever name I choose

  32. Anonymous23/9/21 18:44

    Some years ago I watched another blog going towards its end. It started with a quarrel about a royal lady, day by day comments got more and more rude and in a few weeks all was finished. The blog keeper became too tired to maintain order and there it was - the end. That time the quarrel was not about Caroline but about crown princess Mary of Denmark.

    - By the way, even princess Grace had grey/white hair when about 50. No comments then about that. White hair among blond hair doesn't show,

  33. Caroline is beautiful but let's be honest she looks must older than 64 because she has spent far too much time in the sun with no sun screen, smokes and drinks. The back comb hair does not show her face to the best advantage.


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