Grand Duchess Maria Teresa visited CHL's Children's Hospital

Grand Duchess Maria Teresa wore a wool cashmere belted jacket from Maison Rabih Kayrouz

On May 14, Grand Duchess Maria Teresa and Paulette Lenert, Minister of Health, visited the CHL's Children's Hospital (Kannerklinik). During the visit, authorities of the hospital gave information to them about the impact of the pandemic on the functioning of their services, in particular pediatric emergencies, the "Covid19 children" station and the child psychiatry service. Centre Hospitalier de Luxembourg, abbreviated to CHL, is the public healthcare provider in Luxembourg City.

Grand Duchess Maria Teresa wore a wool cashmere belted jacket from Maison Rabih Kayrouz

Grand Duchess Maria Teresa wore a wool cashmere belted jacket from Maison Rabih Kayrouz

Grand Duchess Maria Teresa wore a wool cashmere belted jacket from Maison Rabih Kayrouz

Grand Duchess Maria Teresa wore a wool cashmere belted jacket from Maison Rabih Kayrouz

Grand Duchess Maria Teresa wore a wool cashmere belted jacket from Maison Rabih Kayrouz

Grand Duchess Maria Teresa wore a wool cashmere belted jacket from Maison Rabih Kayrouz

Grand Duchess Maria Teresa wore a wool cashmere belted jacket from Maison Rabih Kayrouz

Grand Duchess Maria Teresa wore a wool cashmere belted jacket from Maison Rabih Kayrouz

Grand Duchess Maria Teresa wore a wool cashmere belted jacket from Maison Rabih Kayrouz


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  1. ... I don't like the collar of the jacket, and IMHO the colour of the shoes don't match the ensemble ... but, all together, she looks fine ...

  2. Anonymous15/5/21 10:51

    Would change the pants for more narrow ones, add a necklace and have earrings matching each other! Why two totally different earrings is weird, to say the least. - Ellie

  3. Anonymous15/5/21 10:53

    Oh and the Health Minister needs advice for which side of the mask goes on the face. :) - Ellie

    1. Anonymous15/5/21 16:05

      What’s wrong with the way she is wearing the mask?

  4. This jacket could be nice but not for the GDuchess. The pants fit poorly, the hairstyling is bad (when was the last shampoo?) and the eyebrows too thick. But nice visit.

    1. Agree. I thought the same.

    2. I couldn't agree with you more about the thick eyebrows. They remind me of a stage actress who draws them on thick so the audience can see them from a afar.

  5. Alors lĂ , je dis non Ă  la tenue de Maria-Teresa particulièrement Ă  ce genre de tunique Ă  tissu très fluide, dĂ©colletĂ©e trop bas ; cela l’engonce trop mĂŞme s'il y a une ceinture - Je prĂ©fère largement la veste et le haut portĂ©s par la ministre de la santĂ© dont la couleur noire s'accorde avec le bel imprimĂ© de sa jupe !

  6. Je pense que Maria Teresa doit passer du gel pour mieux structurer ses cheveux courts ; pour certain(es) (s), cela donne une mauvaise impression ! Ses sourcils très bruns et épais -depuis toujours- mériteraient d'être plus affinés afin de donner de la profondeur à son regard sans trop maquiller ses beaux yeux !

  7. Anonymous15/5/21 12:52

    O dear, in the queu with the Dutch RF for a fashion advice!

  8. Anonymous15/5/21 17:41

    Nice outfit, I just don't think this hairstyle looks very fitting for a grand-duchess. The wet hair look has been nice in the past, so it's an off-day I think. A neckless might have been nice.

  9. Anonymous15/5/21 20:55

    I don't like this at all. It looks very sloppy and ill-fitting. MT has managed to add a significant amount of weight to her appearance from her last outfit in black. These unstructured pieces are draping layers of fabric over top and bottom, with no hint of where her body is under there. Her shoes are a complete miss, disrupting the line of the leg. If she had worn dark shoes, her pants puddling on her shoes wouldn't have been quite so obvious. ~d

    1. Anonymous16/5/21 12:48

      Totally agree. I am glad too that in a constructive way we can say something about weight in this blog. Cause overweight has consequences for how to dress.

  10. Maria-Théresa sort d'une salle de sport , elle vient de faire de la gym, décolleté trop bas , la ceinture juste sous la poitrine, ce n'est pas trop seyant, surtout avec un petit buste, .....


  11. Have been really disappointed by the Grand Duchess’s recent appearances. A couple of years ago, she transformed her appearance with significant weight loss and new hairstyle and looked great. A real inspiration to women of a similar age ( like me!). Her recent outfits have been depressingly dull, unflattering (this jacket tied in the middle is awful)semi casual when a smarter outfit would be more appropriate and the slicked back hair and thick make up do her no favours either. Hope we get the previous version back soon.

  12. Anonymous16/5/21 11:03

    Very nice outfit for the Health minister. Only I find that black is a too easy choice, you just see the skirt, basically..

  13. Anonymous16/5/21 15:36

    What a disjointed outfit! The top is horrible! Mis-shapen, sloppy, the pants are the wrong cut and those white shoes are terrible. Cali

  14. The draping of the wide lapels make her shoulders look slumped forward. Her pants look like something one would wear to the gym, and I agree that the shoes are a mismatch. As far as her weight, we need to be careful to not "fat shame" anyone. She may have a disorder about which we have no knowledge. However, even with weight gain, the Grand Duchess can counteract that effect by choosing well-tailored clothes.

    1. Dear Debra, I completely agree with your “fat shaming” remark.

    2. Dear Debra, I completely agree with your “fat shaming” remark.

    3. Dear Debra, I completely agree with your “fat shaming” remark.

    4. Dear Debra, I completely agree with your “fat shaming” remark.

  15. Anonymous17/5/21 01:31

    Beautiful, workable, approachable, love everything esp the message

  16. Anonymous17/5/21 01:31

    Beautiful, workable, approachable, love everything esp the message


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