Crown Princess Mette-Marit released a video message for International Midwives' Day

Crown Princess Mette-Marit wore a black, navy embroidery blouse, dress from Vilshenko

On the occasion of the International Midwives' Day 2021, Crown Princess Mette-Marit released a video message for all the country's midwives. In her message, the Crown Princess thanked for the great efforts the midwives have made during the corona period. The International Confederation of Midwives celebrated this year’s International Midwives's Day on May 5, 2021 under the theme "Follow the Data: Invest in Midwives."

Crown Princess Mette-Marit wore a black, navy embroidery blouse, dress from Vilshenko

Crown Princess Mette-Marit wore a black, navy embroidery blouse, dress from Vilshenko

Crown Princess Mette-Marit released a video message


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  1. Mette-Marit est bien jolie dans cette robe noire ; je n'avais jamais remarquĂ© son beau regard - J'espère que sa santĂ© continue Ă  s’amĂ©liorer !

    1. Anonymous6/5/21 14:25

      Bon mots. Je suis d'accord avec vos sentiments. MM est également l'un de mes préférés. Meilleurs vœux pour le maintien de sa bonne santé.
      - Anon 9:13

  2. Anonymous6/5/21 11:16

    XXL shoulders are making comeback??
    When woman has wide shoulders, then that's ok. To make your shoulders extra wide with clothes...thanks, no!

    1. I hope they won't come back.


    2. They fit very well to some women, I cannot judge it as a yes or no. Sometimes I really like them.

  3. Another great shade of deep midnight blue. Love the puffed shoulders!!

  4. In black for say "thank you"...why?

    1. Dark blue as I see it.....

    2. Anonymous7/5/21 02:26

      I believe it is dark blue, as well. I don't know why it should be a problem if it was black. The idea that black is only for solemn or formal occasions is very outdated. ~d

  5. Looking fresh, healthy, beautiful and lovely.

  6. Mette-Marit looks quite glamorous. Her hair is beautiful and her make-up is perfect. A necklace against the black top would have been nice. I love how she smiles when she speaks, and her voice is most pleasing. Well done!

  7. Now, that´s a cause I fully support. Midwives are underrated, underpaid, and underappreciated (not by mothers, but by the "system"). It´s as if the health industry is trying to get rid of them (especially the independent ones helping with home births), in order to institutionalize all births and control every new human right from the start. For example, requiring women to wear a mask while giving births is really disturbing, as is putting a mask on a newborn baby. I hope that people will come to their senses and get back to a more natural way of dealing with childbirth, taking into regard the highly individual circumstances of every family and the sacredness of a every new life.

  8. MM looks beautiful. The dark top looks great with her light hair. Her makeup looks wonderful as well. Great cause to be highlighting. Always a treat to see her, especially looking so good.

  9. Anonymous6/5/21 17:00

    Beautiful navy top (maybe dress). She looks warm and seems to speak with thoughtfulness. I cannot understand Norwegian, but watching the video gives that vibe.

    I have a lot of admiration for her. I hope her health challenges are somewhat behind her. She will make a wonderful queen consort, like her mother in law.


  10. The plain black dress is a little sombre but Mette-Marit looks fabulous.

  11. Anonymous6/5/21 19:11

    Would like to have seen the entire dress, however, the lovely shade of deep navy, with the slightly puffed, wider shoulders is beautiful, as is her smile. Make-up, hair great!

  12. Anonymous7/5/21 11:27

    This dark color, if it's black or dark blue is just perfect on MM. With this very sleek styling (hair, make-up, no jewels) even the wide shoulders looks good. -Siri


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