Hereditary Grand Duchess Stephanie visited the MUDAM Contemporary Art Museum

As president of the museum. Crown Princess Stephanie wore a satin blouse llong sleeve shirt turtleneck t-shirt and black trousers from Paule Ka

Hereditary Grand Duchess Stephanie of Luxembourg took part in a "Midi de l'Art" event organized by the association "Friends of Museums", which took place at the MUDAM Contemporary Art Museum of Luxembourg. As president of the museum, the Hereditary Grand Duchess visited the two exhibitions "Work in Progress" by artist Charlotte Posenenske and "Joints, Voids and Gaps" by artist Leonor Antunes.

As president of the museum. Crown Princess Stephanie wore a satin blouse llong sleeve shirt turtleneck t-shirt and black trousers from Paule Ka
As president of the museum. Crown Princess Stephanie wore a satin blouse llong sleeve shirt turtleneck t-shirt and black trousers from Paule Ka
As president of the museum. Crown Princess Stephanie wore a satin blouse llong sleeve shirt turtleneck t-shirt and black trousers from Paule Ka
As president of the museum. Crown Princess Stephanie wore a satin blouse llong sleeve shirt turtleneck t-shirt and black trousers from Paule Ka
As president of the museum. Crown Princess Stephanie wore a satin blouse llong sleeve shirt turtleneck t-shirt and black trousers from Paule Ka
As president of the museum. Crown Princess Stephanie wore a satin blouse llong sleeve shirt turtleneck t-shirt and black trousers from Paule Ka
As president of the museum. Crown Princess Stephanie wore a satin blouse llong sleeve shirt turtleneck t-shirt and black trousers from Paule Ka

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  1. hm!? hm!? Looked at the pics carefully, but still don't know what to write! Well finally, not a fan of the top. Full stop!

  2. Anonymous9/10/20 12:15

    I like fitted black pants with a camel-colored top. I like her ponytale and even with a mask you can recognise her warm smile. There now, that was not too difficult. It is not that hard to express yourself in a polite manner even if there are thing you might not like.

    1. Anonymous9/10/20 16:03

      Anonymous @2:15, what part of your comment took effort to write? How would it be difficult to say I like chocolate and wine but I dislike Brussels Sprouts( no disrespect to the sprouts :-) ) I truly don’t see why you think you feel like lecturing people that perhaps don’t feel ecstatic about the black pants that we have seen her wear a thousand times....
      I find this outfit not very flattering, the top looks like perhaps a sweater? Is wrinkly and not attractive in either color or shape, the entire ensamble is more something you would wear to take a walk or go to the market.
      This is my opinion about her fashion, not hard, is it ? One can dislike clothing without any references to her personality, character or her role.

  3. Anonymous9/10/20 12:46

    Most important: she seems very much at ease with the other women and in her easy clothes.

  4. The nude top makes her look pale. The fabric looks flimsy. It does not flatter her. Not my favourite look for her.

  5. Anonymous9/10/20 14:37

    I like her easy going demeanor & clothing. It's refreshing that she is confident and comfortable in herself.

  6. Anonymous9/10/20 14:45

    Again an exhibition, she still only goes to exhibitions. No charity? Correct me if I'm wrong, but we haven't seen her in a charity event for a long loooong time. Is she the hereditary Grand Duchess or the curator of art?
    Fashion: Princess Stephanie is by far the worst dressed of the group of women in the photo. The camel blouse is shapeless, wrinkled, emphasizes the shortcomings of the figure.
    I don't understand why she doesn't get advice from an expert. She has options for that, she has staff for it, why doesn't she want to get advice from a stylist?
    I know that character, kindness and work are more important than fashion. BUT: She is supposed to represent her homeland, so she should make more effort in fashion. Being properly dressed is a requirement in many jobs.
    Everyone sometimes makes a mistake when choosing an outfit, but she does it regularly. I'm just being honest.

  7. Rien de tel qu'un pantalon de couleur noire près du corps avec un haut de couleur différente même s'il est camel ; les cheveux ramenés en queue de cheval lui vont à merveille !

  8. Rien de tel qu'un pantalon de couleur noire près du corps avec un haut de couleur différente même s'il est camel ; les cheveux ramenés en queue de cheval lui vont à merveille !

  9. Camel and black is a classic colour combination and suits Stéphanie well. If it is a success or not depends a lot on the make-up - which we can't see due to the mask - and the accessoires. I can't see what is the off white thing she is holding in her hands, a jacket, a shawl? No handbag? Strange way to hold it like this. The top would be okay from length and cut, but what bothers me is the poor quality, it looks flimsy and wrinkly.

    Same for her hair. A ponytail hairstyle is good for Stéphanie but she did not put any effort into it, her hair is just carelessly held back with a simple rubber band, hairslide or whatever. When I look at the group I must say that all other ladies look much better put together, have put more thought into their outfits and their appearance. This is kind of sad, if you think that she is the heiress and first lady to-be of one of the richest countries in the world. She could use all the help she needs to improve her look, she obviously does not care.

    1. Success depends on the fitting and material of the top, here both are not flattering, and on to some extent on the make up, as complementary asset. Make up alone cannot achieve miracles.

  10. Anonymous9/10/20 16:42

    Her beautiful smile shines thru the mask, her hair is nice, she is lovely, though not my choice for a blouse, she must feel comfortable in it, to wear it.

  11. La Grande Duchesse Stéphanie, a beau être sympathique , cela n'empêche qu'elle est souvent fagotée, et se moque de son apparence. Tant pis pour les couturiers !!!


  12. Anonymous9/10/20 18:54

    This really is a terrible look. She needs to try harder. I can't find one redeeming quality with this outfit. The sweater looks to be rather thin, the sleeves are an odd length and do not go with the cowl neck. The color leaves her looking washed out.
    Stephanie needs to wear color because she is fair skinned. While wrinkled, I think she has wrinkled the sweater herself. She keeps her arms and hands held in front of her, which will add wrinkles, and her seatbelt must have added some wrinkles as well. These are the same pants she wore to the last outing, or she has more than one pair. They are too long with these boots, and she would look better with a little width on the leg, starting at the hip. These pants just emphasize her hips.

    She should dress more along the lines of the woman she is walking with in the 6th and 8th pictures, sans boots. A nice jacket with a pop of color, and dark pants. The jacket, whether tied or not, would be more professional. Personality only goes so far. She needs to look like she put some thought and effort into her visit. She is presenting herself in a way that says she didn't care very much and she just put on what was thrown over the back of the chair. I don't think she feels that way, but appearance speaks volumes.

    1. I agree, the jacket of this lady wit the burgundy top is very good, simple but modern and stylish. She has her hair also in a ponytail, but it is styled, shorter bangs to soften the style, the hair probably blow dried before tied together. Slightly darker eye make-up with eye liner, with these masks, it makes sense to accentuate the eyes, as you don't see any lip colour.

  13. Agree that this may not be a brilliant look but kudos to Princess Stephanie for the number of recent appearances instead of languishing away on ‘maternity leave’. She’s out there, getting on with the job. Well done.

    1. Maria from Italy10/10/20 10:48

      My thoughts exactly.

    2. "(L)anguishing away on ‘maternity leave’" is a pretty offensive thing to say. Maternity and paternity leave is a very important time to bond with baby, recover from childbirth, and let the hormones settle down. New parents are sleep deprived. Maternity leave facilitates breastfeeding, studies show that there is a stronger mother/child bond, there are health benefits, etc. The last thing a parent does with maternity and paternity leave is languish away.

    3. Maria from Italy11/10/20 10:30

      @ Anon.10/10/20 11:53 P.M
      Sorry, there is a basic misunderstanding and lack of information, I am afraid.
      Maternity leave periods do vary from one country to another and in Luxembourg it lasts only a few weeks, as far as I know.
      In my country , it is quite the opposite namely it may last for a long time.
      This does not mean that Italian mothers are better than others.
      Stephanie is not necleting her son or herself for sure.
      She is an ereditary Grand Duchess, she has her own engagements to fulfil and a staff behind her which can schedule her outings.
      Moreover, I think that visiting museums as a patroness or for any other reason does not take her much time or even all day.
      She can surely have plenty of time on her hands for her baby and her family,
      She can also have all the help she needs.

    4. Maria from Italy11/10/20 15:04

      Sorry, my comment - 10/11/20 12:30 P.M- is addressed to Anon. 10/10/20 10:43 P.M.

  14. Anonymous9/10/20 23:27

    Wow, you really are quite cruel in your comments, many of you... She is the president of the museum, that's the reason for her visit. As for the "shortcomings of the figure": she has recently given birth and may probably have had to resort to hormonal treatment in order to get pregnant, which may cause excessive weight gain. If you compare her to the other women in the pictures, she is totally appropriately dressed for the occasion. And most importantly, she is an intelligent and well-educated woman, and she and her baby boy are happy and healthy.

    1. No one criticizes the figure of Princess Stephanie. Read carefully until you decide to accuse critics of cruelty. Criticism touches on her inappropriate clothing. A clever woman chooses clothes that draw attention to the strengths and cover the shortcomings of the figure (each of us has some, me too). In addition, the other women in the room are dressed much better.
      No one questions the intelligence, kindness of Stephanie. Dear discussant, this is a royal FASHION blog, not a blog of inteligence.
      What is happening today with freedom of opinion? When criticism is considered cruelty, indecency, sexism. If she were black, some people would accuse the critics being racist because they allowed themselves to have an opinion.

    2. Becca, no one is criticizing her body. She should dress for the body she has. It is fully understandable that her body will not snap back right away. She is in a very prominent position, and is expected to look the part. The correct style of clothes can accentuate the positives and disguise the negatives. Style can make you look like you lost weight or gained weight. Stephanie does not dress to her advantage. That is what is being discussed here.

  15. How marvellous to see GD Stephanie out and about again, considering Prince Charles is still a little one, seeing her recently at a number of appearances, great job. She looks happy and engaging, hope to see more of her, she is a delightful lady.

    1. Agree with you Ava Lee . As for her appearance I think she really looks lovely and appropriate . The color suits her well and her hair style is the best.

  16. Becca, except for somebody above complaining about her lack of charity work ( which I think is ridiculous) nobody is being cruel, I didn’t read any demeaning comments about her figure, or personality or character, people are commenting about her fashion sense, period, full stop. There is no need to stir the pot.

  17. Maria from Italy10/10/20 15:51

    I think she has a staff of people who decide which engagements she has to take on considering her role and position inside the Royal Family.
    I doubt she can choose where to go on her own and that is exactly what happens in other Royal families.

  18. Maria, your response to anonymous @ 10:43 makes no sense whatsoever.
    It seems like you didn’t comprehend the entirety of her comment.

    1. Maria from Italy12/10/20 08:08

      Don' t worry, I got the message clearly and replied to it properly.
      Probably you did not realize what my reply means.
      It can happen.
      If you can' t see any sense in what I am saying, others can.
      Have a nice day.


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