King Carl Gustaf and Queen Silvia visited the Swedish National Council for Crime Prevention (Brå)

On March 20, 2019, King Carl XVI Gustaf and Queen Silvia of Sweden visited the Swedish National Council for Crime Prevention (Brottsförebyggande rådet or Brå for short) in Stockholm, which is a government agency and a knowledge center for the criminal justice system, in order to get information about how the agency is working to make contribution to the judicial system. During the visit, The King and Queen got detailed information about three reports that have been prepared by Brå.
Queen Silvia visited the Swedish National Council for Crime Prevention
Queen Silvia visited the Swedish National Council for Crime Prevention
Queen Silvia visited the Swedish National Council for Crime Prevention
Queen Silvia visited the Swedish National Council for Crime Prevention
Queen Silvia visited the Swedish National Council for Crime Prevention
King Carl Gustaf and Queen Silvia
King Carl Gustaf and Queen Silvia
King Carl Gustaf and Queen Silvia
King Carl Gustaf and Queen Silvia

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  1. Silvia is elegant and well-dressed as usual. All her clothes are always sewn by talented tailors who pay tribute to her curves. However, she looks a little more tired than usual and the color of the lipstick makes it worse.

    1. Anonymous20/3/19 23:16

      Agree, she does look tired. I hope she's not sick.
      Last month she and the king went to New York.
      The swedish royal court refuses to say what for.
      Only that it was a private trip.

    2. Anonymous21/3/19 12:18

      That's what 'private' means.

  2. Anonymous21/3/19 04:53

    Q.Silvia looks tired. I hope she isn't ill or smtng.

  3. Anonymous21/3/19 07:12

    Königin Silvia, elegant wie immer. Schöne warme Farben. Bin mir nicht sicher,wie ich die Frisur finden soll...Sie sieht tatsächlich etwas geschafft aus. Vielleicht hat sie auch eine Erkältung hinter sich, wer weiß. Sie ist halt auch keine 60 mehr.
    Ein bisschen enttäuschend finde ich das 1.Foto: da tun sie immer alle auf Öko usw. und dann das: Plastikflaschen und Erdbeeren im März.

  4. She has had that coat at least 10 years...

    1. So do I for one of my coats. It is not the only coat the Queen has. That one looks cosy. That sort of coat is quite resistant to many things. I think that her hairstyling is not at the usual standards, looks like the hairdresser was not called in.

    2. Anonymous21/3/19 18:24

      It is not the coat but the plastic bottles and strawberries out of time, what dissapointed Anonat10:12am

    3. anja, so what!!?? bullshit comment.

  5. Anonymous21/3/19 09:41

    Queen Silvia is a very elegant beautiful woman . Always chic and appropriate in every inch and any occasion . I agree that the color of the lipstick makes her looks tired , but also the queen is in her 70s that's why you think she is tired . I hope she healthy and happy.

  6. Anonymous21/3/19 09:45

    Queen Silvia looks very tired. Outfit as usual elegant and well-fitted.

  7. Anonymous21/3/19 13:13

    What did the coiffeur with her hair? Not good at all. She has beautiful hair, but this cut does nothing for her, really bad.

    1. I think he was just not called in.

    2. Anonymous21/3/19 21:09

      I think this is how her normal hair looks i.e. without all the extensions and additions.

  8. Anonymous21/3/19 17:11

    Elegant outfit and yes I agree she look a bit tired.

  9. Anonymous21/3/19 23:34

    To me the outfits shouldn't be the subject of discussion. They are involved in a very serious conference of an issue that affects their country and many others. I don't worry about their attire or grooming. I'm glad they are being active and involved about crime as all citizens should be in their own countries.


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