Queen Mathilde hosts spouses of NATO members' heads of State

Queen Mathilde of Belgium held a dinner for spouses of NATO members' heads of State and government at the Castle of Laeken on May 25, 2017 in Brussels. NATO countries' heads of states and governments gather in Brussels for a one-day meeting.
Melania Trump, Emine Erdogan, Amelie Derbaudrenghien, Mojca Stropnik, Thora Margret Baldvinsdottir, Brigitte Macron, Ingrid Schulerud, Desislava Radeva
Melania Trump, Emine Erdogan, Amelie Derbaudrenghien, Mojca Stropnik, Thora Margret Baldvinsdottir, Brigitte Macron, Ingrid Schulerud, Desislava Radeva
Melania Trump, Emine Erdogan, Amelie Derbaudrenghien, Mojca Stropnik, Thora Margret Baldvinsdottir, Brigitte Macron, Ingrid Schulerud, Desislava Radeva
Melania Trump, Emine Erdogan, Amelie Derbaudrenghien, Mojca Stropnik, Thora Margret Baldvinsdottir, Brigitte Macron, Ingrid Schulerud, Desislava Radeva
Melania Trump, Emine Erdogan, Amelie Derbaudrenghien, Mojca Stropnik, Thora Margret Baldvinsdottir, Brigitte Macron, Ingrid Schulerud, Desislava Radeva
Melania Trump, Emine Erdogan, Amelie Derbaudrenghien, Mojca Stropnik, Thora Margret Baldvinsdottir, Brigitte Macron, Ingrid Schulerud, Desislava Radeva
Melania Trump, Emine Erdogan, Amelie Derbaudrenghien, Mojca Stropnik, Thora Margret Baldvinsdottir, Brigitte Macron, Ingrid Schulerud, Desislava Radeva
Melania Trump, Emine Erdogan, Amelie Derbaudrenghien, Mojca Stropnik, Thora Margret Baldvinsdottir, Brigitte Macron, Ingrid Schulerud, Desislava Radeva
Melania Trump, Emine Erdogan, Amelie Derbaudrenghien, Mojca Stropnik, Thora Margret Baldvinsdottir, Brigitte Macron, Ingrid Schulerud, Desislava Radeva
Melania Trump, Emine Erdogan, Amelie Derbaudrenghien, Mojca Stropnik, Thora Margret Baldvinsdottir, Brigitte Macron, Ingrid Schulerud, Desislava Radeva
Melania Trump, Emine Erdogan, Amelie Derbaudrenghien, Mojca Stropnik, Thora Margret Baldvinsdottir, Brigitte Macron, Ingrid Schulerud, Desislava Radeva
Melania Trump, Emine Erdogan, Amelie Derbaudrenghien, Mojca Stropnik, Thora Margret Baldvinsdottir, Brigitte Macron, Ingrid Schulerud, Desislava Radeva
First Lady of France Brigitte Macron, First Lady of Turkey Emine Erdogan, First Lady of the US Melania Trump, Queen Mathilde of Belgium, NATO Secretary General Stoltenberg's partner Ingrid Schulerud, Partner of Bulgaria's President Desislava Radeva, Belgian Prime Minister Michel's partner Amelie Derbaudrenghien, (back row) First Gentleman of Luxembourg Gauthier Destenay, Slovenia's Prime Minister's partner Mojca Stropnik and First Lady of Iceland Thora Margret Baldvinsdottir.


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  1. Queen Mathilde's hair in these pictures makes her look so much younger, love it.

    1. Totally agree! Whenever Mathilde wears her hair like this or in a style similar to this she looks so much younger, this type of style lifts her face.

  2. I hope to gawd Melania didn't push her way to the front of the group like her husband did!

    1. Give it a rest. This is a fashion blog, not politics.

    2. And what this rude comment has to do with fashion? shame on you.

    3. Come on, can't one make a joke please?

  3. I hate to say it, but the First Lady of France would be better served by a skirt at the knee. Otherwise, she and the others are lovely. Q Matilde looks beautiful.

    1. the First Lady of France Brigitte Macron wears a dress covering her knees, she's the one in the blue dress.
      the one with ths shortest dress is Belgian Prime Minister Michel's partner Amelie Derbaudrenghien

    2. Sorry, "Sommervoeglein"! Mme.Macron: on the last picture on the left with short black "Luis Vuitton"-dress for £2700,-, with a grey-blond bun, knees are not! covererd. Not a good look at all for the "Premiere Dame" at Elysee.

    3. Summervögeli; you have got it wrong. Helen has put the very right names to group picture, blue dress belongs to Ingrid Schulerud (NATO Secretary General Stoltenberg's partner), Amelie Derbaudrenghien is lady in white and Brigitte Macron is really lady with very short black dress.

  4. Mathilde's dress stands out very nicely.
    I like the white dress worn by the Belgian PM's partner.

    1. Heather, not only the dress but the whole woman: Lovely face (such beautiful eyes), natural grace, very good posture, calm confidence.
      The first lady of Slovenia is my second favourite, she looks lovely, polished and classy.
      The French first lady has an awful posture, I hope that she is not already suffering from osteoporosis.
      The Turkish woman has a bitter and mean face expression and looks really creepy.

    2. you got two ladies wrong there. the one in the white dress is from Slovenia. the one in the short black dress from Belgium.

    3. What's wrong with you, dearest??

  5. Although it's a great dress for Melania Trump, it looks a bit out of place on that occasion. For my opinion it is a'n evening-dress. The Queen tries her best with her friendly charme to care for her guests. She manages it with grace.
    Mrs. Macron is not good looking in this lovely, expensive Vuitton-dress. She is slim, but...
    And Casey: this is low level!

    1. it is not Mrs. Macron but Amelie Derbaudrenghien from Belgium

  6. Melania looks fabulous.

  7. Mathilde manages well. I like Melanie´s dress but the occasion is wrong, it is too open for this kind of situation. But to cocktail party it would have been really nice choice. I am surprised how relaxed and happy Melanie looks here without Donald. I don´t think she likes her husband very much. Brigitte Macron; this one is totally miss. Far too short and model is not at all becoming to her.

    1. not Mrs. Macron but Amelie Derbaudrenghien from Belgium

    2. Amelie Derbaudrenghien is dark, she is actually the lady in white dress at right. You can see her also here http://newsdaily247.com/2017/05/25/forget-trump-white-house/u-s-first-lady-melania-trump-walks-with-amelie-derbaudrenghien-partner/

    3. Summervögeli; you have got it wrong. Helen has put the very right names to group picture, blue dress belongs to Ingrid Schulerud (NATO Secretary General Stoltenberg's partner), Amelie Derbaudrenghien is lady in white and Brigitte Macron is really lady with very short black dress.

  8. The group picture left me without words, I would give Mathilde a pass, even with that insipid dress, because she always manages to look gracious. Mrs. Trump... I can't say anything kind about her appearance, so I won't comment.

  9. Queen Mathilde looks great. Melanie looks good as usual, but a bit overdressed. Mme Macron dresses like a teenager, it doesn't suit her. I like the dress of the lady in white, but I don't know who she is.

    1. I think you mean Amelie Derbaudrenghien, Ms Electra lists all the names. I like her appearance too, I think she and Mathilde are best dressed here. Yes, this is a fashion blog, but I must say I'm really concerned about what is going on in Turkey. What irony, that Melania (beautiful, but overdressed, probably she did not gauge what event it is) and Emine Erdogan stand next to each other... what a picture...

    2. Thanks. Melania has a lot to learn about protocol and dress "codes" but remember she's never been in politics and all of a sudden she's First Lady of the USA. Daunting.

    3. This was actually an evening event, started off by a stroll through the gardens. Melania did wear something different during the day, so this is her evening outfit. It seems a bit much judging by the pictures of the garden stroll, but the evening activities carried on after this, and the dress then probably made more sense.

    4. Vanessa; then that makes sense. To evening event Melanie is completely well dressed.

  10. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the fact that half of these ladies are partners not spouses and we even have a first gentleman!

    1. Oh yes! Where is the husband of Angela Merkel? Then Mr. Gauthier Destenay would not have been so alone. Does anybody know if the ladies get presents on occasions like this? What shall Mr. Destenay do with a floral fragrance or a rose silk-stola...?

    2. Actually only Amelie Derbaudrenghien and Mojca Stropnik are properly "partners" instead of "wives". Ingrid Schulerud is the wife of the Secretary General of NATO Jens Stoltenberg and she's also the Norwegian Ambassador to Belgium. Denislava Radeva, the lady standing on Ms Schulerud left, is the wife of the President of Bulgaria Rumen Radev.

    3. Andrea, what would be wrong, if they would have been "spouses" instead "partners"??? Can't really understand your enthusiasm about that. Something about "Fashion" from you, dear?-
      Coralie, Merkel's husband is only seen at "Salzburger Festspiele" or "Wagner-Festspiele/Bayreuth", or on Holiday-walks in Italy by her side. :)

    4. I second what rainha leonor said - I don´t understand the fascination with the spouse vs partner discussion. Let´s just enjoy fashion. Also, Merkel´s husband, professor Joachim Sauer, keeps an extremely low profile. I´m surprised he showed up at the summit at all. Probably because it was held in Italy, seemingly the couple´s preferred holiday destination.

    5. Vanessa, guess what: today I found him ("Daily Mail") - joining another Ladies program/museum with the "girls"!! I have to admit he was bad dressed. There is saying: "The love of a wife is recognizable on the husband's suit." Well...
      (And the First Lady of France was not much better than before, very tight white trousers.)

  11. La pauvre Mélania n'a pas encore compris le dress code de ces réunions et ses chaussures ne sont pas confortables pour se promener.

  12. Melania Trump ha creído que iban a un club nocturno, muy inadecuada. La pobre Sra Erdogan metida en una tienda de camping. Las demás van correctas, parece que hay buen ambiente.

    1. Laeken..Cannes .. elle a cru qu'elle allait au Festival.!

  13. Mme Macron, dressed lika a teenager!

    1. Yes. Ironically that makes her look much older than she is. I don't get the sense of it, her husband knows her age exactly and obviously loves her and is happy. So why this desperate try to dress"young" ?

    2. no she did not. she dressed in a blue dress that fits her age. but Amelie Derbaudrenghien from Belgium took the wrong dress.

    3. I resign, Sommervoeglein!

  14. Mathilde as always looking very graceful. Wonder what the ladies (&gent !) chat about when the cameras aren't there !

    1. Annabel, I think they talk about how to cut onions without getting your fingernails destroyed. Honestly: this is a good question, I am curious too. I think they talk about their kids and families, shurely about fashion and about sports probably. Just like other people would do. Topic of general interest so that everybody can say something without hurting other peoples feelings.

  15. Brigitte Macron looks really uncomfortable and maybe sad at the last pic. It's better to see on bigger pics from another website.
    Mathilde looks fantastic as always, she has such a good style!
    I like Melanias style too but I agree, it's maybe better for evening events.

    Most of the ladies look really good. Madame Macron could have done a bit better but it is not THAT worse.

    Mrs Erdogan .. I don't find the right words to describe in english what I think about the islamic clothing rules, but it makes me sad, that there is still so much pressure on a lot of women in the world so that they can't decide 100% free if they want to go like this or not.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Re Ka, that she dresses that why by free will makes me even more sad.

    3. you mean Amelie Derbaudrenghien looks uncomfortable.

    4. Summervögelie, why do you talk about Ms Derbaudrenghien several times, when there is obviously meant someone else?

    5. Coralie, I guess she and Andrea are "Trolls"!!! Forget it...

  16. Melania is unapropriatelly dressed

  17. I do not know what Brigitte Macron was thinking, but she is horrible dressed. It looks like she desperatly wants to look young. Ridiculous. Melania's dress is not suitable for this event, like more people stated here. It is for the beach.

    1. £ 2700,-! by Louis Vuitton + personalised LV-handbag, very expensive chic shoes, while cuttings for the people all over. Maybe she can gift the dress to one of her daughters... Money can't buy taste. And she should ditch to much sun on her face, sorry about that. It's also dangerous.

    2. you are talking about Amelie Derbaudrenghien from Belgium, just so you know

  18. I think Melania Trump is getting a very bad rap for this one dress she is wearing on this one occasion by some commenters on this fashion site. I personally think she looks fabulous. Some believe the dress is inappropriate. This was listed as an evening event which means after 5. They had three events that day for the spouses/partners (horrible term partners), a morning event, afternoon event and an evening event. I would say that either Mrs. Trump was not told the dress code for that evening event OR she was told wrong OR they just left it as an evening event which means "after 5" dress. Her dress would be appropriate for an after 5 event. I think the other wives are the ones who did not step up to the task of dressing appropriately. They wore the same dress they wore earlier in the day. Mrs. Trump changed for an after 5 event. All of the other wives look like housewives who went through their closet and picked out their best day dress they had to wear. Even Queen Mathilde has prettier dresses than the one she chose to wear this day! With that said, have any of you who are criticizing Mrs. Trump seen the other outfits she has worn on this tour? She has been perfect in dress! Perfect! She has worn some of the most beautiful and appropriate outfits that a first lady has worn in a long, long time. She is a breath of fresh air fashion wise! A lot of her outfits have been designed by the Italian designers Dolce and Gabbana for this trip. It is my firm opinion on this fashion blog that the other wives wore very ho-hum outfits with two or three exceptions, but none were spectacular except Mrs. Trump's. So that is my opinion for what it is worth. I think some of you need to make the effort to see the other outfits Mrs. Trump has worn on this trip as they are outstanding.

  19. Mathilde looks lovely, love her hair and her dress is very pretty.

    Melania ensemble is lovely, but she seems over dressed, not appropriately addressed for the occasion.

    Unfortunately I have to say the same about France's new First Lady. Brigitte Macron would have looked nicer in my opinion in a longer dress.

    1. you mean Amelie Derbaudrenghien from Belgium should have worn a longer dress.

    2. ¡Oh, cállese ya Summervögeli! Ha contestado errĂłneamente lo menos 10 veces ya a todo el mundo. La minifaldera de negro que parece una adolescente es Mme Macron, sin ninguna duda.

    3. Shut up, dear Sommervogel!

  20. Madame Macron has still a very nice figure to be 64 but she doesnt have much taste in dressing ,at least on this occasion. I have seen other pictures of when she was in Sicily for G7 and she looked quite better with trousers...

  21. If some of you are interested in seeing melania and other vip ladies here is the link to some pics in taormina

  22. Sunset for that day in Brussels was about 9:40PM, so Mrs. Trump was dressed for the evening. You can see that the sun was lowering. It is quite disconcerting to be so far north and still have plenty of daylight in the evening. Have a heart and consider more than what is easily seen.

    1. K Hass, Thanks, the best word at the end :). Have a good week-end, and everyone else too!

  23. Well, in my opinion Mathilde looks regal, Slovenian and Belgian partners look elegant, as does the Turkish lady (her attire is appropriate to her own beliefs and so stylish!). M-me Macron is desperate (and please don't tell me it's Parisian chic, you will offend the real ladies of Paris). Not to mention the word on the street is that she 'loans' her Vouitton outfits (obviously for a price). And then there's Melania. Oh, Melania. Exulting arrogance in every single possible way. Much like one would expect from someone who has married a guy almost double her age who owns a gold 'throne' in his NY penthouse. Just because she can make good use of her body (in more than one respect), so the expensive clothes fit her well, does not a lady make of her.

    1. "Liv Alba", :( !! Very sad statement about Mrs. Trump. I think she has more brain under her head than many others...
      And: WE will never know if Mrs. Erdogan dresses herself or is to be dressed by the religious beliefs or rules of others. What a sad world.

    2. Well, Liv Alba, reading your comment makes me think that expressions like "arrogance" and ""not a lady" describe rather you than a woman you shurely do not know personally.

    3. Liv Alba, Ignorant comments like yours makes me think you are not a lady at all but an invidious wench. Stay away from politics in a fashion blog. Or just stay away.


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