Spanish Royals attend funeral mass for Carlos de Borbon dos Sicilias

King Felipe VI of Spain and Queen Letizia of Spain attends the Funeral Mass (Corpore Insepulto Mass) for Carlos de Borbon Dos Sicilias, second cousin of King Juan Carlos, and Duke of Calabria, at San Lorenzo de El Escorial on October 8, 2015 in San Lorenzo de El Escorial, Spain. Carlos de Borbon was born in 1938 and attended school with King Juan Carlos, where they became very good friends. He ranked first in the line of succession after the descendants of Don Juan Carlos and Queen Sofia.
Spanish Royals  attends the Funeral Mass (Corpore Insepulto Mass) for Carlos de Borbon Dos Sicilias
Spanish Royals  attends the Funeral Mass (Corpore Insepulto Mass) for Carlos de Borbon Dos Sicilias
Spanish Royals  attends the Funeral Mass (Corpore Insepulto Mass) for Carlos de Borbon Dos Sicilias
Spanish Royals  attends the Funeral Mass (Corpore Insepulto Mass) for Carlos de Borbon Dos Sicilias
Spanish Royals  attends the Funeral Mass (Corpore Insepulto Mass) for Carlos de Borbon Dos Sicilias
Spanish Royals  attends the Funeral Mass (Corpore Insepulto Mass) for Carlos de Borbon Dos Sicilias
Spanish Royals  attends the Funeral Mass (Corpore Insepulto Mass) for Carlos de Borbon Dos Sicilias
Spanish Royals  attends the Funeral Mass (Corpore Insepulto Mass) for Carlos de Borbon Dos Sicilias
Spanish Royals  attends the Funeral Mass (Corpore Insepulto Mass) for Carlos de Borbon Dos Sicilias
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  1. Anonymous8/10/15 15:06

    In a funeral Queen Letizia has the same expression as for her usual duties.
    Correct me if I am wrong?

  2. Anonymous8/10/15 17:34

    Right, to much botox ;) Maybe thats the only expression she has...

    1. I agree. She is definitely not a warm person.

  3. Anonymous8/10/15 18:02

    Where are Juan Carlos and Sofia? Does anybody know? Or have I not seen them?

  4. Anonymous8/10/15 18:03

    Forget my previous posting!
    Have found them on the last pic.
    Need glasses ;-)

  5. Anonymous8/10/15 18:07

    But why on Earth is she smiling?

    1. Anonymous8/10/15 19:59

      She's not laughing! She has a faint smile on a couple pictures but so does the widow herself.

  6. R.I.P. Don Carlos de Borbón Dos Sicilias, Infante de España y Duque de Calabria.

  7. Anonymous8/10/15 20:12

    She's respectful in regards of what she is wearing. Right dress code. No jewelry.right length of black.i like that.

  8. Anonymous9/10/15 20:46

    toujours la tenue appropriée

  9. I think she was smiling as a warm greeting to the widow.

  10. Though not visible in the pictures the King´s sisters, nephews, and nieces also atended the funeral

  11. Can anybody tells me of the dead prince was a cousin of a brother from King Juan-Carlos. The father of King Felipe VI of Spain. Iwish them all goods for the time of mourning om the dead prince.

  12. She has nice black pantyhose legs


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