Fight Aids Charity Gala in Monte-Carlo

Prince Albert II of Monaco, Princess Caroline of Hanover, Princess Stephanie of Monaco, Andrea Casiraghi and his wife Tatiana Casiraghi, Camille Gottlieb and Pauline Ducruet and Louis Ducruet attend the Fight Aids Charity Gala in Monte-Carlo on July 10, 2015 in Monaco, Monaco.
Prince Albert II of Monaco, Princess Caroline of Hanover, Princess Stephanie of Monaco, Andrea Casiraghi and his wife Tatiana Casiraghi, Camille Gottlieb and Pauline Ducruet and Louis Ducruet
Prince Albert II of Monaco, Princess Caroline of Hanover, Princess Stephanie of Monaco, Andrea Casiraghi and his wife Tatiana Casiraghi, Camille Gottlieb and Pauline Ducruet and Louis Ducruet
Prince Albert II of Monaco, Princess Caroline of Hanover, Princess Stephanie of Monaco, Andrea Casiraghi and his wife Tatiana Casiraghi, Camille Gottlieb and Pauline Ducruet and Louis Ducruet
Prince Albert II of Monaco, Princess Caroline of Hanover, Princess Stephanie of Monaco, Andrea Casiraghi and his wife Tatiana Casiraghi, Camille Gottlieb and Pauline Ducruet and Louis Ducruet

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  1. Anonymous10/7/15 23:58

    On the second picture Camille Grimaldi-Gottlieb looks stunning - her best Look ever.
    Princess Stephanie is as well looking good, better than the last 10 years.
    Her older daughter is a beauty, but she dresses Special as Charlotte Grimaldi. A kind of "edge of the 90es - something"
    awfull this Muppetcostums they were, reminds me of the daughters of Prince Andrew.
    A Icon in excellent fashion choices for their age is for example Emma Watson, Arlenes Sosa, Miley Cyrus, Eleanore Hawkins...

  2. Pauline is smashing-looking! And Camille seems to have slimmed down quite a bit and is becoming quite good looking too.

  3. Stephanie is looking a lot more youthful lately

  4. Anonymous11/7/15 10:06

    Aucune de ces dames n'a la grace parfaite de feu la princesse Grace-
    Pauline est belle mais c'est un autre type de femme-
    Camille je la trouve quelconque-
    Caroline je n'aime pas ce style hautain
    Stephanie a un doux sourire sans plus
    La seule qui me fait un click c'est la future femme de Pierre Beatrice Borromeo ici absente

  5. Anonymous12/7/15 05:27

    I think Camille is the beauty in that branch of the family not Pauline. Camille is still young and yet to blossom, but when she does she will be lovely.

  6. Stephanie has two beautiful daughters. Camille looks her grandmother Grace Kelly's side of the family.


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