The Princess of Wales Visits Royal Marsden Hospital in Fulham

The Princess wore a maroon turtleneck jumper paired with a matching A-line skirt, and a Blaze tartan coat

On January 14, 2025, the Princess of Wales visited the Royal Marsden Hospital in Fulham, London, where she received treatment last year. During her visit, she was announced as the new patron of The Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust. While there, the Princess visited with patients actively undergoing cancer treatment, spending time speaking with several. The hospital is managed by the trust and supported by The Royal Marsden Cancer Charity.

The Princess wore a maroon turtleneck jumper paired with a matching A-line skirt, and a Blaze tartan coat

The Princess wore a maroon turtleneck jumper paired with a matching A-line skirt, and a Blaze tartan coat

The Princess wore a maroon turtleneck jumper paired with a matching A-line skirt, and a Blaze tartan coat

The Princess wore a maroon turtleneck jumper paired with a matching A-line skirt, and a Blaze tartan coat

The Princess wore a maroon turtleneck jumper paired with a matching A-line skirt, and a Blaze tartan coat

The Princess wore a maroon turtleneck jumper paired with a matching A-line skirt, and a Blaze tartan coat

The Princess wore a maroon turtleneck jumper paired with a matching A-line skirt, and a Blaze tartan coat

The Princess wore a maroon turtleneck jumper paired with a matching A-line skirt, and a Blaze tartan coat

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  1. Anonymous14/1/25 16:47

    Very nice coat, good length to cover her dress. I find this length emphasizes her height and thinness. The pattern of the fabric helps to diffuse the total look.

  2. She looks wonderful. But, more important, she looks healthy!

    1. Anonymous14/1/25 19:32

      Ich bin so froh, sie zu sehen, und auch dankbar. Möge es den anderen Betroffenen auch bald besser gehen.

  3. Anonymous14/1/25 17:43

    She's looking very good here. And healthy. Hope she is recovering well.

  4. Anonymous14/1/25 18:01

    Gott sei Dank sie gesund und sieht aich gut aus. Ihre Haare wirken aber auf fast allen Fotos irgendwie künstlich bzw. hat die fordere Haarpartie eine andere Farbe als der Rest.

    1. Anonymous15/1/25 00:46

      I agree her hair seems different like it could be a hair piece. Perhaps colouring it has changed the shine and texture

  5. Anonymous14/1/25 18:04

    She is so popular. Must be her inner beauty, warmth and strength that attract people. She look so good here and this color suits her well

  6. Anonymous14/1/25 18:06

    Kate is the right person to meet these cancer patients 🥰

  7. Anonymous14/1/25 20:01

    For a year ago she was one on them..

  8. Anonymous14/1/25 20:04

    Catherine you are gorgeous. That coat is beautiful &- so is the dress. Well fitted ,simple & elegant. Mary

  9. Anonymous14/1/25 20:28

    Good luck!!!!

  10. Vraiment un style de manteau très élégant qui lui sied à merveille ; j'espère la voir plus souvent !

  11. Anonymous14/1/25 22:15

    Nice outfit .Hair looks fabulous.Like the dog pretty cute.(Tara)

  12. Cancer treatment is hard. I'm sure it was encouraging for these patients, not just to have a visit from Catherine, but also knowing Catherine was in their place less than a year ago. She really understands their situation. She also looks lovely - that dress is beautiful on her.

  13. Anonymous14/1/25 23:17

    Lovely colour which really suits the Princess The coat is lovely and, thankfully, a proper length for the skirt. Don’t normally notice bags but I like this one. Great look and wonderful to see her back at work

  14. What a marvelous surprise, and uplifting visit by the Princess, I'm sure the patients got a real boost. As to the staff. I'm sure she gave comfort and caring to the patients, this brought tears to my eyes, bless her, she has an innate understanding and the perfect visitor. I'm so relieved she is doing well and looks fantastic. She looks lovely in her ensemble, not that this was my priority today, though this is a fashion blog it is important to register how the Princess must have felt walking back through those doors again, no matter the entrance! as she mentioned. She has a real inner strength and is so dignified, a very humble woman/princess. Totally inspirational. Well done Ma'am, well done.

  15. Anonymous15/1/25 02:07

    I like the color combination of Catherine’s outfit and love her purse, both its shape and color.
    -Royal Watcher

  16. Anonymous15/1/25 02:28

    Catherine looks sensational here! And what a great choice for her first event of 2025. She knows, she understands what these patients are feeling and going through because she is one of them--she was in this same place a year ago.


  17. Anonymous15/1/25 07:24

    I am glad for Princess Catherine that she can do her visits to the people again.
    She looks beautiful. I would have worn shoes in the same color as the bag. The coat and dress are too long to my taste. She has beautiful legs why hide them. I would like her wearing midi style for the coat and a bit shorter for the dress. The length almost on her ankles is not very up-to-date.

  18. Anonymous15/1/25 13:35

    Welcome back to work to HRH. She looks great in this, and what a worthy cause she is supporting.

    I like her coat and shoes, and her ring (and a gritting occasion to where it).


  19. Anonymous15/1/25 19:50

    Great look so nice to see her back at work. I am glad the cancer is in remission
    she was really missed.


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