The Dutch King and Queen Host 2025 New Year Reception

Queen Maxima wore a Narel geometrical print viscose blouse by Natan, and navy wool coat by Max Mara

On January 13, 2025, King Willem-Alexander and Queen Máxima hosted the traditional New Year’s reception for Dutch guests. The reception took place at the Royal Palace in Amsterdam. The King, Queen, and Princess Beatrix welcomed several hundred guests from various sectors of Dutch society. This year, representatives from organizations involved in labor and income, healthcare, social security, and education were specifically invited.

Queen Maxima wore a Narel geometrical print viscose blouse by Natan, and navy wool coat by Max Mara

Queen Maxima wore a Narel geometrical print viscose blouse by Natan, and navy wool coat by Max Mara

Queen Maxima wore a Narel geometrical print viscose blouse by Natan, and navy wool coat by Max Mara

Queen Maxima wore a Narel geometrical print viscose blouse by Natan, and navy wool coat by Max Mara

Queen Maxima wore NATAN Narel printed viscose top with geometrical print
NATAN Narel printed viscose top

(We will not publish anonymous comments that were posted without stating a name or nickname)

  1. Pour cette occasion, Maxima porte un joli chemisier que je crois avoir déjà vu ; moi qui n'aime pas trop les noeuds Lavallière, je ferai une exception !

    1. She is not wearing the bow on this occasion but simply the blouse, as far as we can see.

  2. Anonymous13/1/25 15:12

    I accept that all monarchies have different traditions, cultures and reasons for doing what they do the way they do; but secretly wish they’d all bring out the jewels, medals, tiaras and white gloves for new year in the style of the Danes!

  3. Anonymous13/1/25 16:36

    Here I thought the lack of seeing photos of Max was due to a bad hair cut. lol. Sad to say, another year of all the mess on her head. At least she smiles nicely.

    1. Anonymous13/1/25 17:05

      Oh that’s a bit harsh! Couldn’t we just accept that Max has the hair she has, keeps it how she wants, and leave the hair criticism in the 2024?

    2. Anonymous13/1/25 18:37

      To 16:36 Please give it a break about Queen Maxima's hair. She has fine hair and chooses to wear it natural without extensions, so what. Princess Anne's hair looks like straw and she has been wearing the same style for years and no one is complaining about it. I would also like to add that calling Queen Maxima 'Max' is not very polite imho.

    3. Haha, yes she was staying inside because of a bad hair day! That ain't no Maxima

    4. Anonymous13/1/25 21:29

      I find that her haïr is alright on these pictures.

    5. Anonymous14/1/25 08:39

      When I see photo's I think that Maxima had in her younger years thick hair. But colouring it blond for years and years does not make your hair better. It would be very nice for her to have a kind of Bob style together with her beautiful face and laugh

    6. I agree with anon 21:29

    7. Anonymous14/1/25 11:07

      Bei einer anderen Persönlichkeit ginge jetzt das Geschrei los , daß der Haarkommentar Hass wäre... :))

    8. Anonymous14/1/25 16:53

      11:07 you’re right. Sigh. Here, it is a little bit of back and forth cordial banter; there, any negativity is instantly and horribly named “hate” which escalates vile accusations and utterly disrespectful personal attacks on commenters with other views. I’ll take a Max hair post any day! (Btw I think it’s just fine !).

    9. Anonymous14/1/25 20:34

      Anon 11:07 There is a difference. Most of what is said about Maxima's hair is basically true. She does have thin hair and it has been color treated for many years. While not the only possible reasons for the condition of Maxima's hair, those statements are not exaggerated or untruthful. Why it is different is that at other times, the comments made are not necessarily true. The people commenting have a bias, and they make personal attacks to support that bias. This is a fashion blog, where the commentary should never cross over into personal attacks. I do think comments about Maxima's hair can become cruel at times. We don't know why her once thick, healthy hair changed condition. It could be because of a health condition or age and hormones. In other words, something beyond her control. The comments about her hair have been made for years. It doesn't bring anything to the conversation at this point. I have come to the conclusion that some people feel compelled to say something even if they don't really have anything to say. That is why they go to hair comments.

  4. Anonymous13/1/25 16:54

    The queen looks lovely and her hair is not that bad today. Must be windy as the king’s hair is ruffled as well. QB love her less severe hair style. I think it is wonderful that she let the younger generation take on the everyday tasks of the monarch so she can choose and enjoy the fun events.

  5. Anonymous13/1/25 17:32

    I seem to recall in the manner of previous years, that these photos are not of them at the actual reception event, but of them arriving at the palace where the reception will be held. Once indoors they change into their glad-rags to receive their guests, but we do not get to see what they wore.
    - Anon 9:13

  6. Anonymous13/1/25 17:33

    Every year there are only pictures taken when the family arrives and leaves the palace ( Paleis op de Dam, Amsterdam).
    These are pictures taken when they arrive, so not yet in evening clothes.

  7. Anonymous13/1/25 18:41

    I really like Queen Maxima's blouse; it's totally my style!
    However, perhaps a different material (silk, for example) and a brighter colour would have made it even more beautiful than it is. Although viscose works too.

    I'd also like the Queen to find a solution for her hair. To enhance her beauty.

    However, Queen Maxima remains a beautiful woman whose news I enjoy reading.


  8. Anonymous13/1/25 19:12

    How ill/sick is the KING???

  9. Anonymous13/1/25 19:50

    Same hair, same smile, same Natan. They take the longest vacations of any royals, since December, they were in Spain several times, for weddings, hunting, and dancing, then to Argentina for an even longer time, no wonder they call them the traveling royals.

    1. Anonymous14/1/25 00:15

      Who cares if they take lengthy vacation, and who knows what they do business wise when they are away. They are not like people that can just walk away from the job.

    2. I think Dutch citizens care about the amount of holidays they have, which makes them less popular than expected.

    3. Anonymous14/1/25 09:44

      To 00:15 and yet they do for weeks. It’s good to be the king apparently.

  10. Anonymous13/1/25 19:51

    What Max is wearing on her head is not really a mess. What it is, is thin hair, that she neither wants to cut short nor wants to add extensions. So the hair is thin and other women think it is OK to call it a mess, what it is not.

    1. Anonymous14/1/25 06:09

      Sometimes for special occasions she has hair extensions .

    2. I take it as a habit not to use the word "mess" about her hair, because I know that her hairstyle is trendy. I tend to accept that it is styled naturally.

  11. Oh! So nice to get back to fashion on Helen’s blog.
    And to open the ball, take a look at Queen Maxima’s fashion hits of 2024 …..

  12. Anonymous14/1/25 13:11

    Dear Helen / other blog moderator, I witnessed the nastiness written on the recent Meghan post. Nastiness against Meghan, but even more, nastiness from one commenter to another. I wonder whether you could moderate as per your stated rule above “We will not publish anonymous comments that were posted without stating a name or nickname”, and that further you would not accept comments which are off topic, criticising other bloggers directly or mean. I notice over the years that the worst behaviour comes out on the Meghan posts, so another way to do this would be to not accept any comments for these posts, or to not post pictures of her here. Thank you for considering these changes for 2025, Grace.

    1. Anonymous14/1/25 21:09

      @Grace I agree with you that some comments should never be posted. This was once a very nice place to come to discuss fashion respectfully. Not anymore. If that became a rule, it would be a more pleasant place to visit. Suggesting that Meghan, or any other person, should not be featured here is not the solution. The people that do want to enjoy a variety of content shouldn't be punished because there are others that can't behave in a courteous way. There are more and more frequent demands to stop posting about a variety of people, or wondering why they are on this blog. They are always members of royal families, but some want to control the content instead of making the choice to not view what they don't want to see.

      As for not accepting comments from anonymous commenters, keep in mind that signing a name or nickname means nothing. A signature can be changed with each post. Many years ago, I suggested that this become a member based blog. Anyone would be able to view the posts and comments, but only members would be able to make comments. It seemed like an easy solution to control some of the trolling.

      No matter what happens, it is obvious something needs to change. I support your call for change.

    2. Anonymous14/1/25 21:57

      @Grace 13:11 But wouldn't this also mean that your comment should be deleted for being off topic on this Maxima post? ;-)
      All kidding aside: there are ads on this blog so the owner(s) probably earn some money from this. Which usually also means the more (inter)action on the blog the more there can be earned. Posts that spark reactions are good for that. Mind you: I mean no shade or criticism, just pointing what I think is the reality.
      Also: if we would stop endlessly replying to every single comment that we don't agree with wouldn't that already solve more than half of the issue? Because we keep that negativity thriving if we can't refrain ourselves from reacting to it.

  13. Anonymous14/1/25 20:01

    Tout est question de goût personnel je préfère les cheveux de Maxima qui sait les coiffer à diverses occasions que les cheveux tirés continuellement de la princesse Victoria

  14. Concernant le noeud Lavallière dont je ne suis pas vraiment fan, il me semble qu'il fait partie de son chemisier même si je ne le vois pas !

  15. Its lovely to see the royal family out and about, the royal ladies both look lovely.

  16. Anonymous15/1/25 19:54

    Nice look for Maxima and Pss Beatrix.


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