Queen Máxima Visits Community Art Project 'Thuis in Den Haag'

Queen Maxima wore a purple top by the fashion house Natan. Olympia Babylonia green onyx and amethyst earrings

On January 14, 2025, Dutch Queen Máxima visited the community art project Thuis in Den Haag (Home in The Hague) by the Haags Verhaal Foundation. This project aims to explore the feeling and concept of home and bring people together. It is a collaboration between the Haags Verhaal Foundation, The Hague Library, and the Vadercentrum.

Queen Maxima wore a purple top by the fashion house Natan. Olympia Babylonia green onyx and amethyst earrings

Queen Maxima wore a purple top by the fashion house Natan. Olympia Babylonia green onyx and amethyst earrings

Queen Maxima wore a purple top by the fashion house Natan. Olympia Babylonia green onyx and amethyst earrings

The Haags Verhaal Foundation is a cultural and social initiative that connects people and communities through storytelling events, activities, and publications. Thuis in Den Haag is inspired by the art project Heimat by Swiss artist Kathrin Stalder. For the occasion, Queen Máxima wore a purple top by the fashion house Natan.

Queen Maxima wore a purple top by the fashion house Natan. Olympia Babylonia green onyx and amethyst earrings

Queen Maxima wore a purple top by the fashion house Natan. Olympia Babylonia green onyx and amethyst earrings

Queen Maxima wore a purple top by the fashion house Natan. Olympia Babylonia green onyx and amethyst earrings

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  1. Subtile association entre le haut et le pantalon dont le violet convient bien à sa blondeur !

  2. Anonymous15/1/25 10:10

    The more I see of Maxima, the more I wholeheartedly appreciate her imperfections. I find her far more relatable than a perfectly made up perfectly coiffed queen! She appears to be so interested in the humans she interacts with, and I’ll take this quality over perfect hair any day.

    1. Anonymous15/1/25 13:45

      Thank you, thank you, thank you for expressing my thoughts and feelings so beautifully. Every time there is a Q Maxima post I dread reading the comments because it’s the same old stuff, it’s nagging taking it up a notch and not appreciating the powerhouse and great example Maxima is, you just made my day, Rem

    2. Anonymous15/1/25 13:59

      Absolutely! Well said, Anon 10:10
      Q.Maxima is real and down to earth, to all types of people. Not some glamorous figurine full of airs and graces to be gawked at by the classes.
      - Anon 9:13

    3. Anonymous15/1/25 15:38

      Thank you you two Rem and Anon 9:13 for joining my thoughts on Maxima. I love the feeling of real humans encouraging one another here and discussing varying opinions and am sure it’s completely possible kindly and with full respect for each other.
      You two are restoring my faith in this (after the horrible Meghan-post comment battle of last week). Thank you! Grace

    4. Anonymous15/1/25 17:09

      Well said, this is a remarkable lady, and I love her imperfections.

    5. I eco your feelings, I would not even call them imperfections, she is just so human and so not after "the perfect queen". She has fun with her sartorial choices and some times we don't like them and I bet neither does she, but she knows is part of the game.
      I live the color and the fact that she does know her needlework!

    6. Anonymous16/1/25 14:10

      Completely agree with your comments. I love seeing Maxima out being a human like the rest of us! Wrinkled as the top is, the colour is fantastic on her, and as usual the smile and life force she seems to be shines through even in still photos. Yes she is not perfect, but who is??! Long may she continue doing what she does! JJ

    7. I think it is possible to be made up and coiffed AND interested in the humans at the same time.

  3. Anonymous15/1/25 14:31

    Yet another sad hair day, a beautiful smile, but come on Max, really.

  4. Anonymous15/1/25 19:43

    Nice color outfit. Always down to earth, smile for everyone. Wonder if she misplaced the hairbrush.

  5. Glorious rich purple for Queen Maxima. The colour suits her so well. She looks great.

  6. Anonymous16/1/25 01:13

    She has a heart and cares about people. The colour she is wearing is fantastic on her.

  7. VirginiaDogwood16/1/25 04:27

    A brilliant Queen who represents the Netherlands with warmth and charm. She happens to have the same problem as do I - fine, thinning hair very difficult to style. I am sure she gets tired of attempting a perfect style every day of her life. She always steps up to the plate with gorgeous up do’s for formal occasions. I’m willing to cut her some slack. She keeps a good figure and obviously exercises to stay fit and trim.


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