Queen Letizia Visits CEIP Cortes de Cádiz School in Madrid

Queen Letizia wore a red Jaline double breasted blazer suit by Hugo Boss. Gold earrings

On January 23, 2025, Queen Letizia of Spain visited the CEIP Cortes de Cádiz School in the Spanish Capital, Madrid. The school is part of the Socio-Emotional Education Program 'Think Equal,' a pioneering initiative for children aged 3 to 6, developed by global experts in emotional intelligence and already implemented in 34 countries.

Queen Letizia wore a red Jaline double breasted blazer suit by Hugo Boss. Gold earrings

Queen Letizia wore a red Jaline double breasted blazer suit by Hugo Boss. Gold earrings

Queen Letizia wore a red Jaline double breasted blazer suit by Hugo Boss. Gold earrings

Queen Letizia wore a red Jaline double breasted blazer suit by Hugo Boss. Gold earrings

The Queen attended various activities conducted by young children, which were focused on promoting dynamic and interactive learning methods. During a session with 5-year-old students, the Queen joined in reading 'Lara, the Yellow Ladybug,' a story from the Think Equal pedagogical materials. Queen Letizia also attended a meeting with the teaching staff representatives from the Cortes de Cádiz school.

Queen Letizia wore a red Jaline double breasted blazer suit by Hugo Boss. Gold earrings

Queen Letizia wore a red Jaline double breasted blazer suit by Hugo Boss. Gold earrings

Queen Letizia wore a red Jaline double breasted blazer suit by Hugo Boss. Gold earrings

Queen Letizia wore Hugo Boss Jaline Blazer
Hugo Boss Jaline Blazer

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  1. Anonymous23/1/25 17:18

    Aaah, Letizia + red + suit is a formula that can't really go wrong. She looks great. I'm not the biggest fan of the shoes as they are a bit clunky with the wide-leg trousers, but it's a sensible choice for the occasion, so she gets a pass ;)

    1. Anonymous23/1/25 18:21

      Perfect agreement with you!

    2. Anonymous23/1/25 23:03

      Je suis de votre avis.

      Je n’affectionne pas du tout ces chaussures.

      Toutefois, la Reine Letizia arbore un beau tailleur. Belle couleur, belle coupe.

      En deux (02) mots, moderne et élégant.


  2. Anonymous23/1/25 17:31

    Très joli costume pour Letizia et très beaux cheveux.
    Rouge et noir c'est aussi chic que rose et noir, j'aime bien ces combinaisons de couleurs que je porte aussi (mais avec des vêtements moins chers). Par contre je n'aime pas du tout ses chaussures. Paloma.

  3. Elégante dans cet ensemble rouge dont le blazer à boutons noirs va bien à la silhouette de Letizia !

  4. Anonymous23/1/25 18:41

    She looks adorable as nearly always in Hugo Boss and/or pant suits. As for the chunky shoes, for me, they go quite well with wide leg pants, better then with skinny or even normal leg pants. I am thankful for each and every non-high-heel appearance whichever royal lady is wearing :-) , good influence.

  5. Anonymous23/1/25 19:36

    Très joli tailleur. Letizia n hésite pas à se mettre à la portée des enfants

  6. Anonymous23/1/25 19:54

    Queen Letizia looks beautiful in this gorgeous red suit. Its wonderful that it is so well fitted and comfortable the she can sit on the floor with the children.


  7. Anonymous23/1/25 22:07

    Letizia looks great in red. Such a sweet picture of her sitting cross-legged on the floor reading with the children.
    -Royal Watcher

    1. Totally agree with you, Royal Watcher!

  8. Anonymous24/1/25 01:50

    Very nice red trouser suit but the overall outfit spoiled by the ugly shoes. Even if she can’t wear high heels, she has worn shoes more elegant than this

  9. Anonymous24/1/25 08:42

    Just so good! Nothing to add.

  10. Anonymous24/1/25 21:28

    Nice look great color.

  11. She looks amazing. The color is sublime. The pantsuit HB, fits her perfectly. This style suits her so well. She looks fabulous.


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