King Frederik and Queen Mary will make state visits to Sweden and Norway

King Frederik and Queen Mary will state visits to Sweden, Norway and Greenland with the Royal Yacht Dannebrog

According to the announcement of the Danish Royal Court, King Frederik and Queen Mary will make state visits to Sweden, Norway, the Faroe Islands and Greenland, respectively, in the early summer aboard the Royal Yacht Dannebrog. These will be their first state visits since they became King and Queen. It is a Danish tradition that the new monarch visits Sweden and Norway before undertaking any official visits elsewhere.

King Frederik and Queen Mary will state visits to Sweden, Norway and Greenland with the Royal Yacht Dannebrog

The King and Queen will visit Sweden on 6 and 7 May; Norway on 14 and 15 May; the Faroe Islands from 11 to 14 June; and Greenland from 29 June to 8 July. The first state visits will provide the occasion for the new King and Queen to meet with the sovereigns in Sweden and Norway, and they will thus strengthen the close relations between the Nordic monarchies.


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  1. Anonymous11/2/24 20:20

    Definitely something to look forward to. I do love state visits!

    1. Me too Anon 20: 20.
      I especially look forward to the beautiful evening gowns and jewellery.

    2. Agree with Anonymous 20:20 and Cate!

  2. Anonymous12/2/24 00:53

    Cannot wait for these visits and the state dinners! Might see something special in Norway as the Danish royals will be there on their wedding anniversary.


    1. Janet,I’m looking forward to these visits as well.It will be such a beautiful time of year.And you’re right about their 20th anniversary in Norway,how wonderful!

  3. This is going to be marvellous, cannot wait!

    1. Me too. Can’t wait. We’re in for a treat.
      And I love state banquets with all the jewels, tiaras, decorations etc.
      Plus I love when they bring all the best that shines and glitters out of the cupboards to decorate the table.
      Can’t wait for them to get the show/s on the road with the music playing on the loudspeakers.
      I’ve ordered a stock of frozen meals for my hubby.
      Won’t do him any harm and he might then appreciate my cooking.

  4. Anonymous12/2/24 08:06

    fine at the 20 wedding day in norway

  5. Anonymous12/2/24 08:12

    Välkommen ♥️

  6. Anonymous12/2/24 08:55

    Looking forward to this! Greetings from Majvor Johansson

  7. C'est au cours de ces visites d'Etat que nous aurons le plaisir de voir des photos de nouvelles robes de soirée avec les bijoux ainsi que des uniformes décorés . Peut-être que nous verrons la princesse Benedikte ; j'ai hâte !

  8. Anonymous12/2/24 14:36

    Looking forward to seeing what jewels QM will wear. She can’t take the Emerald tiara out of Denmark.So I’m hoping for the Pearl Poire tiara and matching jewels. Bea

  9. Anonymous12/2/24 17:49

    Wow. Maybe we will even get to see some new dresses and, maybe, Mary wearing a tiara or two that we've never seen her wear.

  10. Anonymous12/2/24 19:27

    Just waiting for their visits. Hope lots of great fashion and bling in both Countries. css


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