The Norwegian Royal Family attended the 2023 Nobel Peace Prize ceremony

King Harald, Queen Sonja, Crown Princess Mette-Marit and Crown Prince Haakon. Narges Mohammadi

On December 10, King Harald, Queen Sonja, Crown Princess Mette-Marit and Crown Prince Haakon attended the 2023 Nobel Peace Prize ceremony at the Oslo City Hall. 2023 Nobel Peace Prize winner Ms Narges Mohammadi is imprisoned and is therefore represented by her 17-year-old twin children with their father, who live in exile in Paris. Mohammadi receives the peace prize for her fight against the oppression of women in Iran and the fight for human rights and freedom for all.

King Harald, Queen Sonja, Crown Princess Mette-Marit and Crown Prince Haakon. Narges Mohammadi

King Harald, Queen Sonja, Crown Princess Mette-Marit and Crown Prince Haakon. Narges Mohammadi

King Harald, Queen Sonja, Crown Princess Mette-Marit and Crown Prince Haakon. Narges Mohammadi

King Harald, Queen Sonja, Crown Princess Mette-Marit and Crown Prince Haakon. Narges Mohammadi

King Harald, Queen Sonja, Crown Princess Mette-Marit and Crown Prince Haakon. Narges Mohammadi

King Harald, Queen Sonja, Crown Princess Mette-Marit and Crown Prince Haakon. Narges Mohammadi

King Harald, Queen Sonja, Crown Princess Mette-Marit and Crown Prince Haakon. Narges Mohammadi


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  1. I like the fascinator worn by CP Mette-Marit and the touches of purple in Queen Sonja’s outfit. Queen Sonja looks quite drawn in some of these photos. I hope she is well

    1. Yes, I noticed it too. “Drawn” is the right word…bless her soul, she is usually so cheery and vibrant but then we’re all human. (Her glowing purple velvet supplies gorgeous vibrancy, regardless!) Really, she and the king are valiant to keep up with their royal duties at such an advanced age — and looking coiffed and immaculate for the cameras can’t always be the easiest thing, especially if one happens to be feeling sad or under the weather. Let us hope that all is well! — Jane

    2. It is a very sad occasion because the children receive their mothers Nobel prize,

    3. Queen Sonja is sad because it is a very sad occasion. Narges Mohammadi cannot be there to receive her prize because she is imprisoned for fighting for basic women's rights, such as being allowed to show their hair. It is instead received by her 17-year-old children, who have not seen their mother for 7 years. So despite the Nobel Peace Prize being a great acknowledgment of the fight for women's rights in Iran, it is just all around very sad.

  2. La coiffe originale de Mette-Marit lui sied Ă  merveille surtout sur ses cheveux blonds !

  3. It is such a wise decision to give the peace Nobel prize to Narges Mohammadi. Woman, Life, Freedom!

  4. Why is everybody dressed in black or very dark colours ?

    1. I wonder the same …
      They look as if they are going to a funeral.
      Still, lots of respect to the Norwegian family who never shows off and always stays humble in all events.

    2. Not humble, just don't know how to dress.

    3. P. the original11/12/23 09:16

      You know , @ Anonymous yesterday at 20:30, sometimes one needs to think things over before writing meaningless comments.
      Could black be used as a sign of respect and sorrow for the victims of repression?
      Likewise, you won't find smiling faces among Royals in this instance.
      You do not always need to be obsessed with black or dark colours.
      Think first, please, and you can find out that there is a reason to explain everything
      Here is a link to an article which might clear up your mind and make you aware of what unfortunately is going on in the world.

  5. Black seems to be the go-to color. I like CP MM dress simple and elegant. The Q looks good to. css

  6. Maybe they are in black because the recipient is in prison and the "peace on Earth" is certainly a rocky thing. I am sure that family doesn't celebrate that their wife and mother is in prison and a festive event like Sweden's would be offensive.

    1. P. the original11/12/23 09:39

      Oh, @ Anonymous 00: 40,
      good for you to have found a reasonable explanation, at last!
      You know, we must feel lucky for not being forced to live in those brave women's shoes and experiencing brutality.
      Please, stop the black color complaints now.

    2. P. the original11/12/23 10:15

      * and to experience brutality

  7. Knowing more about the situation has cleared up the questions some of us had about the somber tone of this particular gathering. Thank you to those who have taken the time to explain. — Jane


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