King Philippe and Queen Mathilde held a reception for Belgian diplomats

Queen Mathilde wore a new red Vendis dress by Natan. Natan red pumps. Diplomatic Contact Days 2023

On November 9, King Philippe and Queen Mathilde held a reception for the Belgian diplomats on the occasion of Diplomatic Contact Days 2023 at the Royal Castle in Laken. On November 6, the Diplomatic Days started at the Egmont Palace. This annual gathering of Belgian diplomats brings together Belgium's ambassadors, consuls-general and permanent representatives to the international institutions in a series of meetings.

Queen Mathilde wore a new red Vendis dress by Natan. Natan red pumps. Diplomatic Contact Days 2023

Queen Mathilde wore a new red Vendis dress by Natan. Natan red pumps. Diplomatic Contact Days 2023

Just like every year, the heads of diplomatic posts were received at the Royal Castle in Laken by the King and Queen. After the closing of the Diplomatic Days on Friday 10 November, they will return to their respective posts in the four corners of the world to serve Belgium.

Queen Mathilde wore a new red Vendis dress by Natan. Natan red pumps. Diplomatic Contact Days 2023

Queen Mathilde wore Natan Vendis Dress in red
Natan Vendis Dress


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  1. Wonderful colour for Q. Mathilde. The waist is too high, but that is typical of Natan unfortunately. (V.M.)

    1. That is where Mathilde's natural waist is. It is not too high for her.

  2. Elégant modèle de robe de Natan qui est mis en valeur de part son boutonnage jusqu'à la taille ; sa longueur avantage à merveille sa silhouette ; sa nouvelle coiffure légèrement raccourcie la rajeunit beaucoup. Il me semble qu'elle porte des boucles d'oreilles qu'il est dommage de ne pas mieux voir !

  3. I love queen Mathilde in this cosy winter dress. It looks better on her than on the model. Since the reception takes place at their home (the castle of Laken) she does not wear a clutch or handbag.

    1. Dear @Anon 16:09
      You said “a cosy winter dress”. I agree but I’d add the word “indoor”.
      The colour reminds me that Christmas is on its way. đź””

  4. Lovely smile of the Queen. The color of the dress is nice and strong, it looks more like a coat not a dress. css

    1. Maybe she is wearing this dress because it is made of a warm material. In the big rooms of the castle which are only used for receptions the heating is not at maximum but rather moderate. King Philippe and Queen Mathilde take care of the right use of energy.

  5. Queen Mathilde looks lovely in that red dress.

  6. What an elegant dress. And the waist/ taille is now exactly on the right place. Normally with M too high. The length is also exactly right as well as this flamboyant colour. Mathilde gets a 4* valuation from me.

  7. I love this colour on Mathilde and I think this style of dress with a high waist suits her figure very well.
    - Anon 9:13

  8. Ladyofthemanor10/11/23 22:05

    Red is a great colour for Queen Mathilde. I think the balloon shape is a bit too much to look good.

  9. The color is beautiful, suits her beautifully. Something I cannot put my finger on, the waist maybe.. The length of the dress is perfect. Love her shorter hair, she looks fabulous.

  10. Lovely red dress. I wish the skirt was straighter and slightly longer but minor quibbles The Queen looks great

    1. @ AnnieM - Straighter and longer skirts are fashion since a long time. Now that the skirts are becoming shorter again, I think Queen Mathilde prefers this new fashion. She has beautiful legs she must not hide them.

  11. I love this dress. I want this dress. Simple but stunning.

  12. QM looks beautiful in this pretty red dress--great color for her as well as a good fit.


  13. This dress proves that Natan can make nice dresses. it looks great


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