Swedish Queen Silvia visited Mainau Island in Germany

Queen Silvia wore a green blazer by Chanel. The Queen wore a white jacket and skirt, polka-dot silk blouse. Countess Bettina Bernadotte

On October 11, 2023, Queen Silvia visited the island of Mainau in Germany. In the evening, at the castle courtyard of the island, the Queen baptized a newly bred white rose with Lake Constance water, and named it 'Mentor'.

Queen Silvia wore a green blazer by Chanel. The Queen wore a white jacket and skirt, polka-dot silk blouse. Countess Bettina Bernadotte

The sale of the specially bred rose will provide financial support to The Mentor Foundation Germany. Queen Silvia founded The Mentor International Foundation in 1994 together with The World Health Organization.

Queen Silvia wore a green blazer by Chanel. The Queen wore a white jacket and skirt, polka-dot silk blouse. Countess Bettina Bernadotte

Queen Silvia wore a green blazer by Chanel. The Queen wore a white jacket and skirt, polka-dot silk blouse. Countess Bettina Bernadotte

Queen Silvia wore a green blazer by Chanel. The Queen wore a white jacket and skirt, polka-dot silk blouse. Countess Bettina Bernadotte

Mainau Island belongs to The Lennart Bernadotte Foundation that was established by Prince Lennart Bernadotte, Count of Wisborg, originally a Prince of Sweden. The foundation is based on the island of Mainau and is chaired by Countess Bettina Bernadotte. Since 2016, Countess Bettina is chair of the board of directors of The Mentor Foundation Germany.

Queen Silvia wore a green blazer by Chanel. The Queen wore a white jacket and skirt, polka-dot silk blouse. Countess Bettina Bernadotte

Queen Silvia wore a green blazer by Chanel. The Queen wore a white jacket and skirt, polka-dot silk blouse. Countess Bettina Bernadotte


(We will not publish anonymous comments that were posted without stating a name or nickname)

  1. Silvia used to be so groomed before. The last year we have seen a lot of messy hair. This is not meant as criticism, just an observation. Green suits her and like the softer hair colour. S

    1. I would not call this "messy" hair. It seems rather a home made styling, why not. That might however not be so easy.

    2. Dear "S"
      I think we should take into account the wind factor for when she is doing outdoor visits etc.
      When outside, her hairdo can be blown around by the gusts of wind.
      If she then has to move inside during the event/occasion there is no opportunity to do a bit of tidying up to put things back into place.
      Just a thought.

  2. Two more smart outfits from Queen Silvia.
    I prefer the brighter green jacket to the more neutral one.

  3. Entre ces deux ensembles, c'est dans celui Ă  la veste de couleur verte qu'elle a beaucoup d'allure !

  4. I prefer the cream outfit although both are nice. The cream one feels more modern and a little different than the Queen's usual style. It still has the great fit and materials that Silvia usually wears! The lady in the red-pink dress looks the best though, very flattering fit and interesting dress without being "weird".

  5. Beautiful outfit as always- classy and elegant.

  6. Queen Sylvia elegant as ever. A rose among the roses. It looks like it was still very warm on the island Mainau in the lake of Constanz. I have been there once. The island is known for its soft temperatures even in the middle of the Winter. A lot of tropical plants (also orange and lemon trees) and flowers grow there. There is also a famous rose garden. The lake has 3 different names : the lake of Constanz, the Leman lake, or the Bodensee because it is part of 3 different countries, Germany, Switzerland and Austria. One can visit the 3 different countries by boat, a sort of mini cruise from one country to another. Very amusing to do with family and friends. Being on the water for almost a whole day best not forget your sun cream (during Spring, Summer and a long Indian Summer). Rose

    1. The Leman lake is the same as lake Geneva (which is part of France and Switzerland) not the same as Bodensee / Lac de Constance

    2. Lac leman is the Genfer See and not the Bodensee. e.

  7. I love both outfits, she looks well groomed and elegant.

  8. Nice green suit. Also a lovely dress from Bettina.. Why are there never other members of the family there. Never seen Christina there with Christian. css

  9. Such lovely ensembles from QS! I love the green jacket on her--she always looks marvelous in bright colors. Cream suit is also very pretty. As always, QS and her outfits are elegant and classically fashionable.



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