Princess Charlene shared a new photo of her twins on the Halloween

Princess Charlene of Monaco, Prince Jacques and Princess Gabriella attended a Halloween party

Princess Charlene of Monaco wished a happy Halloween to everyone with a photo of her twins Crown Prince Jacques and Princess Gabriella, who were dressed up as a vampire and a pumpkin for Halloween. In the background, pumpkin-themed balloons suggest Prince Jacques and Princess Gabriella were attending a Halloween party.

Princess Charlene of Monaco, Prince Jacques and Princess Gabriella attended a Halloween party

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  1. Tout est parfait dans ces déguisements et maquillages qui ont été judicieusement choisis ; il est certain que Charlène a donné un petit coup de pouce. Gabriella est trop craquante dans l'association de ces couleurs qui illuminent cette journée !

  2. Anonymous1/11/22 12:15

    Fun! I like that Princess Charlene shares these moments.


  3. Outre leurs tenues, ce sont leurs attitudes qui sont fort a propos...

  4. Anonymous1/11/22 16:46

    Che bel trucco il piccolo principe!
    Rossella 🌹

  5. Its great to see the children doing something like this, good job, little ones!

  6. Anonymous1/11/22 19:38

    It thrills me to no end seeing the little royals getting to enjoy Halloween. It is one of the most anticipated days of the year for children who celebrate. Jacque and Gabriella look adorable and so animated!

  7. Virginia Dogwood1/11/22 20:41

    Adorable, creative costumes and both twins seem to be enjoying their roles. Those two young royals seem sweet and confident, from obvious love and support of both parents.

  8. Anonymous1/11/22 21:12

    These two are delightful. A Vampire and a Pumpkin. It would have been a treat to see A and C dressed up to. It is always nice to see these two out and about. css

  9. Anonymous1/11/22 22:51

    They look like there at a party. I can’t imagine they can actually go trick or treating. But lovely they can dress up and maybe have fun with their cousins and friends! They both are cute as a button !

  10. Anonymous1/11/22 22:52

    Love the Halloween costumes for Monaco's twins!!! Really adorable!


  11. They look like kids having fun at Halloween. Well done!


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