Princess Caroline and Charlotte visited the exhibition 'Monaco on Stage'

Princess Caroline of Hanover wore grey wool jacket and trousers and blouse by Chanel. Charlotte Casiraghi wore a top by Chanel

Princess Caroline of Hanover and Charlotte Casiraghi visited the exhibition "Monaco on Stage - 100 years of concerts in Monaco" held at Quai Antoine Ier Exhibition Hall in Port Hercule. From Joséphine Baker to Lady Gaga, from Charles Aznavour to Prince, many international stars have performed in Monaco over the last century and more. The exhibition shines a spotlight on this long concert history.

Princess Caroline of Hanover wore grey wool jacket and trousers and blouse by Chanel. Charlotte Casiraghi wore a top by Chanel

The "Monaco on Stage - 100 years of concerts in Monaco" exhibition, which is open from October 15 to December 31, 2022, is organized by the Department of Cultural Affairs of Monaco in partnership with Monte-Carlo Société des Bains de Mer.


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  1. Lovely event for mother and daughter to attend.
    Does anyone know why we rarely see foreign royals visit Monaco ? An event like this celebrating a 100 years and various international stars would have been a lovely event for foreign royals to attend. Especially those who support the Arts.

    1. @Anon 27/10/22 13:25
      Don’t know the answer. The only thing I can think of is that perhaps Monaco is seen as the poor cousin or Cinderella amongst the European royals with their big castles, chateaux and country estates. Just a thought but again, I don’t know the answer.
      Maybe a knowledgeable blogger in this area can help with the answer.

    2. There has always been a sort of prejudice against Monaco among other royals, Queen Victoria for example viewed it as a "den of iniquity".

      I remember watching a documentary about Princess Grace, it did mention how differently Monaco was viewed after her time as consort. There was a bigger presence of royals for her funeral in 1982 compared to her wedding. It seemed like Grace and Rainier mingled more often with foreign royals as well. You can also find photos of them in official visits to Spain and events such as the wedding of King Constantine II of Greece. As far as foreign royals visiting the principality, King Albert II of Belgium (then Crown Prince) and his wife Paola were hosted by Grace and Rainier in 1966.

      I do think that the princely family of Monaco is in dire need of another Grace. Someone to bring back the look and feel of royalty to them. They are one of Europe's oldest dynasties and are in an unique possition where the Prince actually rules, I wish that would be reflected in how they look and behave. Most official events in Monaco, even the Rose Ball, lack elegance and glamor. The same goes for the clothing of most of the princely family, I find that the Prince's nieces and nephews specially cheapen the look of the family. I could imagine a royal of another country looking down on that.

    3. Dear Anon 29/10/22 03:45 Thanks for the information on Monaco. Interesting to read.
      I wonder what Queen Victoria would say today.
      I have read comments before where people have said that Princess Grace had, when the occasion arose, the advantage of being an acclaimed, professional actress.
      I feel sad that I won’t be around to see how things will be when Prince Jacques holds the reins.
      Again thanks for the info.

    4. Anon 27/10/22 13:25
      I do not know the answer either, but as a whole the world has changed a lot since the 1960's and 1970's. Official visits between countries (both between monarchies or republics) do happen, but as a visit earlier lasted a whole week, nowadays visits normally are maximum 3 days. Earlier there were two gala dinners (white tie + tiaras) per visit, today there is only one gala dinner and the other is a concert or other event (black tie without tiaras), ie. less "glamour".
      There also is a hierarchy among different monarchies: kingdoms and principalities (and grand duchies). The difference can be seen between "royal highness" and "serene highness". The hierarchy was formed hundreds of years ago and it is still followed. Greece is no more a monarchy, neither is Iran.
      What about dressing up, it is prince Albert himself who gives a bad example. He has told in an interview that he buys ready-made suits - whereas prince Rainier had made-to-measure suits. And it shows. It is obvious that Albert doesn't care.

    5. Oh certainly things have changed, there is no doubt about that, and I do agree that the hierarchy plays a part. But other monarchies have managed to modernize themselves without completely loosing the allure and glamour of the old days.

      In the case of Monaco, there's even a noticeably change for the worst in the palace. In the documentary "The Wedding in Monaco" from 1956 there is a beautiful shot of the gardens of the palace, it looks every inch a royal residence. Look up images of the same garden today and it looks more like a parking lot. And then you have the rest of Monaco, where old buildings are being destroyed for the construction of tacky Dubai-like high rises.

      It's sad, really. That there is this unique little country so full of history and charm, but that its rule would go to someone who seems to care so little about preserving it like Albert. He seems determined on turning Monaco into a mini Dubai in order to keep it an attractive destination for the 1%. It doesn't help that Charlene seems to care even less about any of it.

  2. That is a very busy outfit for Caroline, but she looks lovely, her hair is nice that way.

  3. Can't really say I'm over the moon with Caroline's outfit, but it suits her and she is so pretty with her hair and makeup done like this - truly stunning. Charlotte's blouse on the other hand has no redeeming qualities for me, it reminds me of a concierge uniform and the whole look is a bit messy.

  4. Belle combinaison de la veste et du pantalon mais son chemisier me semble un peu terne ; Ă  mon avis, je le verrais bien dans une couleur ivoire ou mĂŞme jaune clair. Sympa le style de ses lunettes !

  5. Princess Caroline's trouser suit is smart, although I think a plain blouse or t shirt would have looked better with it. Her hair looks less flat grey and is nicely styled so, especially in the second picture, she looks her usual lovely self. Unfortunately, Charlotte's top reminds me of the uniforms worn by dental nurses.

  6. Nothing I see is indecent or inappropriate or weird, but nothing looks good either. It´s all a bit dull and drab and in part ill-fitting. These outfits aren´t stylish, let alone classy. Also, to me they look dated (80s retro) but I fear it´s the style making a comeback. Anyway, for this event I think something a bit more festive and joyous was in order - they are celebrating something after all - and especially since they´re showcasing their history and times when Monaco did have some real glamour.

  7. It is very nice to see them out together. Caroline's suit a little to much plaid, for me. css

  8. Kolkata/India= Purpose of video? To show dresses of Royal family or the exhibits? Anonymous comment should not be there! Name & place must be in comment section.The comments contsining undesirsble words - not to be published.Thanks. the

  9. I quite like the pantsuit, Princess Caroline is wearing but not with that blouse, its too busy, a cream blouse or similar, may have blended better. Her hair and makeup look lovely. Charlottes' outfit, looks somehow flat looking, the top maybe?

  10. I like princess Caroline's suit. She just has to wear a top in a different color. Fuchsia red is very fashionable for the moment. It will also give her face a healthy glow. Charlotte is not dressed beautiful any more lately. Her outfit looks like a kind of uniform. She also needs a bit of color.

  11. Caroline looks like at The office, Charlotte’s outfit is a bit weird


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