Prince Albert and Princess Caroline hosted a reception at the Princely Palace of Monaco

Princess Caroline wore a black floral-print silk-chiffon maxi dress from Red Valentino

On October 13, 2021, Prince Albert and Princess Caroline hosted a reception at the Princely Palace of Monaco for the attendees of a symposium organized by Villanova University at the Princess Grace Irish Library. One of the guests was their cousin, Susan Kelly Von Medicus. The Irish Library regularly organizes cultural events with Irish writers, academics, personalities, musicians who are invited to give speeches and perform their work.

Princess Caroline wore a black floral-print silk-chiffon maxi dress from Red Valentino

On October 9, Prince Albert II unveiled a bust representing Empress Eugenie in the presence of Prince Jean-Christophe Napoleon and his wife Countess Olympia von Arco-Zinneberg at St Martin Gardens in Monaco. After Empress Eugenie's bust unveiling ceremony, Prince Napoleon and his wife Countess Olympia were invited by Princess Caroline of Hanover to the Princely Palace of Monaco for lunch.

Princess Caroline wore a coral floral print dress from Dries Van Noten. Countess Olympia von Arco-Zinneberg

Princess Caroline wore a coral floral print dress from Dries Van Noten. Countess Olympia von Arco-Zinneberg

Princess Caroline wore a coral floral print dress from Dries Van Noten. Countess Olympia von Arco-Zinneberg

Princess Caroline wore a coral floral print dress from Dries Van Noten. Countess Olympia von Arco-Zinneberg

Princess Caroline wore Red Valentino Black Floral-Print Silk-Chiffon Maxi Dress
Red Valentino Black Floral-Print Silk-Chiffon Maxi Dress

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  1. The hair color of Caroline is interesting, she (and above all, her hairdresser) apparently know about the trendy "inverted balayage", also called reverse balayage, as explained in It gives effect and depth etc on hair dying and styling.

    1. Also known as salt and pepper roots are showing and they don't match the blond ends.

  2. Do we really need to wear these mouth masks? The next thing will be hand cuffs haha. It looks so locked up.
    Ok fashion-wise they made an green decoration as subtile detail.
    PC is as (almost) always best dressed. She should have worn the green etc colors dress maybe a little shorter (like the model). -Anna-

    1. I am really fed up about negative comments on masks : in many countries you still need to wear them when distances cannot be kept. The pandemic is not over but the level of contamination is still swinging.

    2. I agree with Anna. It's been 1.5 years. Obviously, masks are detrimental & do not work (prove me wrong!). I love Caroline's dress in the first 2 photos. Wow, the difference in height with Albert and Napoleon & Olympia. ~Laurel~

    3. Caroline hat Eleganz und Stil wohl abgelegt

    4. Can we just stop the comments about the masks, please. The situation is what it is. No one likes it, but most people understand what we have to do for the greater good. Those that can't think of their fellow man are the ones that are making this situation much worse than it needs to be by continuing the spread. Believe as you will, but don't criticize those for picking up the slack and for paying the price for those that refuse to do their part. These comments aren't helpful. ~d

    5. Anon 22:02 - nobody here has to prove you wrong. If you wish to be proved wrong do some proper research - or consider whether you would be happy to be operated on by medical staff not wearing masks.

      Masks protect other people - they aren't perfect, nobody likes wearing them but if you remotely give a stuff about your fellow human beings you put up with the inconvenience!

      Now go away...

    6. @-Anna- Here in the United states we have over 700,000 confirmed deaths HaHa! I am sure their family members are not laughing!

  3. Lovely dresses for Caroline. I read somewhere else that the other dress is Dries van Noten. She looks especially good in the DvN dress, and without the face mask. I like her hair and her always elegant and serene presence.
    Lily T.

  4. The dress PC is wearing on October 13 is much too dark for her, makes her 10 years older. On the contrary, the one with the short sleeves she is wearing on October 9, looks very good because the design is brighter. It also has a better neckline and white and pink shades which makes it fresher and is matching better with her skin tone.

    1. Yes, your observations are good.


  5. Mais que la tenue de Valentino est laide Caroline ne veut vraiment plus plaire

  6. Starting on 9th October, I like Countess Olympia’s blue dress but, although I like the shoes, I wish she had worn red ones 👠 to match her bag. I like what I can see of Princess Caroline’s dress and whatever technique is used ( thanks for your link MaryT. I now know what balayage is ) by her hairdresser there seems to be more colour in her hair and it’s less ageing.
    I am undecided about Princess Caroline’s dress on 13th October. I like both patterns but think I would have preferred just one. I certainly don’t think the shoes go well with it. There’s an interesting selection of dresses worn by members of the group.

  7. I particularly like the Valentino dress - such an interesting print, but it could be a bit shorter. In the second set of pictures, both ladies look great. The colours are particularly flattering to P. Caroline. (V.M.)

  8. Jolis modèles de Caroline mais je les trouve un peu trop sombres ; sur les deux premières photos, j'aime beaucoup la dame qui porte une robe imprimée sur fond turquoise !

    1. Vous n'avez pas reconnu la princesse Napoléon 😃

    2. à Inconnu 15/10/21 12:50
      Mon commentaire concernait les deux premières photos où nous voyons la dame à droite de Caroline avec une petite robe imprimée sur fond turquoise que j'aime beaucoup ! Sur les autres, la princesse Napoléon porte une bien belle robe !

  9. As always, Caroline looks good but I much prefer the dress she wore on Oct 9th. That dress is much more flattering in terms of color for the princess. The Valentino dress from the 13th needs a better styling. The black belt has disappeared into the fabric--it looks like black leather. As a result Caroline looks kind of dumpy and frumpy as the midsection of the dress has no definition--it just falls in a straight line. Caroline has a wonderful figure--a contrasting color belt would emphasize that. I also wish the lady in gold next to Albert had been moved to stand next to Caroline--the lady next to Caroline has very patterned dress that makes me feel it clashes too much and gives me a view of Caroline's dress that might not be quite right.

  10. @Laurel, nope we aren’t going to debate idiocy and your lack of science and health knowledge. Hold my beer…..

    1. I personally think we can only learn form each other (also fashion-wise) Anna-

  11. First picture: Is the woman on the right wearing a “Vampire’s Wife” Cinderella dress? Very similar to Beatrice’s and Kate’s green version.

  12. First picture: Is the woman on the right wearing a “Vampire’s Wife” Cinderella dress? Very similar to Beatrice’s and Kate’s green version.

  13. Princess Caroline looks elegant in both designs. But the green Valentino ( pics) with another neckline than the V one
    would be more suitable,
    my opinion ...,but maybe she didn't saw it, when she choose the dresses ?
    Good to see how all in the family supporting Prince Albert in his jobs during Princess Charlene's sickness and months long stay in South Africa.

  14. La Princesse Caroline est très belle dans ses deux robes, j'aime particulièrement les chaussures accompagnant la robe Valentino.
    La robe Valentino aurait été beaucoup plus belle en vert, unicolore, le noir est à éviter, on sature avec cette non couleur tristounette.

    La Princesse Olympia Napoléon porte une très belle robe, la princesse et son mari, sont immenses, jusqu'à faire paraître Caroline et Albert hauts comme des nains, ce qui n'est pas du tout le cas dans la réalité, : amusant !!

  15. @Anna, what does that even mean?? Please go away .

  16. Please go away?? Hear yourself -please -.
    Look in the mirror and try to smile, it will suit you.

    1. Please reread your comments and check if they are comprehensible. That would suit you if you actually want people to have the tiniest blue what you're talking about.


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