The Duke of Cambridge and the Duke of Sussex unveiled a statue of Princess Diana

Prince William and Prince Harry at a ceremony at Kensington Palace

On July 1, 2021, the Duke of Cambridge and the Duke of Sussex attended a small ceremony at Kensington Palace that was held for the unveiling of a statue created to honor their late mother, Diana, Princess of Wales. July 1 would have been Princess Diana's 60th birthday. On the occasion of that day, a statue of the late princess was unveiled in the Sunken Garden of Kensington Palace, Diana's former home.

Prince William and Prince Harry at a ceremony at Kensington Palace

Plans for the statue were announced in 2017, on the 20th anniversary year of Princess Diana’s death. The late Princess of Wales passed away in 1997. Close family of Diana was also present at the ceremony, alongside members of the statue committee, the sculptor Ian Rank-Broadley, and garden designer, Pip Morrison.

Prince William and Prince Harry at a ceremony at Kensington Palace


(We will not publish anonymous comments that were posted without stating a name or nickname)

  1. Hmm, interesting statue of the late Princess Diana. I'm not sure if it is a good likeness of her. Also, I don't remember seeing the Princess dressed like that, huge belt and big blouse, making her look top heavy.
    At first look I thought the Children are her two boys, I assume these are any Children, about whom she cared so much.
    Overall it is a good looking statue, and Dianas Son's are looking impeccably dressed and even seem to interact in a relaxed manner.


    2. Anonymous2/7/21 09:58

      Agree. I think exactly the same.

    3. Anonymous3/7/21 21:17

      Agree the brother did a great performance. Congrats to Prince Harry being one of a few Princesses who was able to create his own life. In comparison Prince Edward, Andrew, Carl-Philipp, Joachim and some others. Though the BFR is the most important Royal House.

  2. Anonymous1/7/21 20:37

    Come on brothers! Come on! Reunite. Don't let HER (you know who) separate you. Prince Harry don't burn one's bridges behind one. BRF is your family.
    Nice day to all of you. Keep healthy.


    1. @Analia. Prince Harry always has the BRF and he has his family with his wife and children. Whether you like HER or not, you should acknowledge that. Stop with all the hate. Good grief, so petty.


    2. Anonymous2/7/21 06:58

      Exactly my thoughts.
      They can' t forget the strong bond between them and what they shared especially in the hard times they experienced after their mum' s death.
      Harry, please,think over what you have done.
      It is not too late and I think Diana would have never wanted their sons to be at war like that.

    3. O please Analia! Are you just trying to get ugly replies with this post or something? 'You know who...' Meghan isn't Voldemort! Sorry, I couldn't resist to react.
      Why can't this be about two brothers humouring their beloved mother whom they still miss? That's hard enough already without bringing up nasty comments and gossip.
      Sorry folks. Had to get this of my chest.

    4. Anonymous2/7/21 13:59

      You just couldn't help yourself...Anne

    5. Anonymous2/7/21 14:50

      Meghan isn't Voldemort but she plays her own game.
      For me it's too much. I know that she don't contact with her own family but why she bring the same to her husband life?


    6. Sorry, typo. I of course meant honouring their beloved mother!

    7. Dear Analia
      Who is HER?
      Are you talking about the Queen? Duchess Camilla? Fergie's cleaning lady?

    8. Anonymous2/7/21 19:59

      Dear deadeggs

      You know. I know. We both know. Everybody know.
      Don't be blind.


    9. O Deadeggs, how I love your witty and dry sense of humour. Fergie's cleaning lady! Amazing.
      Keep it up!!

  3. Anonymous1/7/21 20:54

    Very nice to see the brothers together and smiling.
    On the fashion front, they both look very dapper and smart in their dark blue suits. Also fitting since I believe blue was on Diana's favorite colors.


  4. Une statue particulière ; bien agréable de les voir détendus et pimpants vêtus de bleu-marine avec une cravate de couleur différente !

  5. Anonymous1/7/21 22:26

    Statue: very disappointing for me in every respect.
    Fashion: William and Harry wore suits.

    1. Anonymous2/7/21 03:23

      Well what did you expect them to wear. Statue lovely; the artist has aged Princess Diana appropriately. Harry tried to overshadow Prince William; and that is what he does, and nobody is interested .Diana's family looked lovely, Charles and his sisters. Tara

  6. Anonymous1/7/21 22:37

    Statue is odd, to say the least.
    Willian is appropriate in behavior for the occasion.
    Harry seems overly nervous, though he should be for the way he has treated his family. Both men are dressed appropriately, Diana's sisters are nicely dressed, as is her brother. jj

    1. Nervous where?? *eyeroll*.

    2. Agree with jj!

    3. Virginia Dogwood2/7/21 07:23

      Your comment is not necessary.

    4. je ne vois rien de tout ce que vous dites dans ces photos ... mais bon, chacun son point de vue !

    5. Anonymous2/7/21 16:22

      JJ, your comment is necessary and I agree completely!!


    6. @jj you wrote - "Harry seems overly nervous, though he should be for the way he has treated his family".
      Your comment brings back a saying my dear mother used throughout her life , that is - "there's always two sides to a story".
      Have a nice day jj

    7. Anonymous3/7/21 10:13

      Two sides; good saying, however when one looks at the video of the occasion, it is clear to see how each man acted. jj

  7. Anonymous2/7/21 00:19

    I think both of the brothers look great, and isn’t it wonderful too see them together again, especially at a poignant ceremony like this. I think the statue is quite good as it does seem to convey Diana in an open, welcoming way. (V.M.)

  8. I don't think it's a very good likeness of Diana. The head and upper body look too big. I feel disappointed this should have been something beautiful. My daughter made a sculpture of her late grandfather at school and it was a better likeness of him, than this was of Diana. Her sons both looked good in their suits, Harry seemed abit hyper or anxious

  9. Anonymous2/7/21 01:32

    The statue is powerful; Arms around the children of the world. I think it is a good likeness her style and how she would stand.

  10. Fashion wise, both William and Harry are wearing smart suits and is Harry’s actually grey and not blue? I think the statue is disappointing, to say the least. There are three random children but from the front you only see two. The outfit is not one that you would immediately relate to Diana, and she’s not smiling, although most people will remember her smile. If you passed this statue and didn’t know who it was meant to be, you wouldn’t recognise it as her. However, at the end of the day, if her sons are happy with it, that is what is important

  11. Anonymous2/7/21 03:06

    I'm in the minority here it seems, but I love the statue. I think it captures the essence of the legacy the late princess left behind - her compassion for others (different shades of skin, different social backgrounds, different health statuses,. Etc) shines through here. I have also seen the statue from the right-hand-side and think it is most beautiful from that angle (but that's just my opinion).

    I also like the suites worn by prince William and prince Harry - they both look well and dressed appropriately for the occasion.


    1. See the stutue from all angles here:


  12. Anonymous2/7/21 06:04

    I was so looking forward to seeing this statue but I don't think it's representative of her warmth, femininity or energy. Her boys look very smart, it must have been a difficult day for them.

    ~ Pen

  13. Les enfants de Diana étaient toute sa vie, il aurait été approprié de les inclure. William est plus solennel, Harry est plus décontracté, ou plus nerveux, la photo aurait été plus belle si on avait aussi senti une forme de recueillement de sa part. Ses souliers ne vont pas avec le look plus classique de son complet. Sourires forcés ou non, il semble y avoir une certaine communication entre les deux frères. Ce ne sera plus jamais pareil.

  14. Catherine2/7/21 07:43

    The outfit Princess Diana is wearing is from her first Christmas card after her separation from her husband.

  15. I do see a resemblance of Diana in the statue. Her clothes with the huge belt (thanks to Marlee for pointing it out) indeed aren't really part of her style. But the head and hair are alright for me, also how the arms are put on the children's shoulders and the way she's standing.
    Fashion wise: William and Harry both look dapper and good in their dark blue suits and I like Harry's shoes with his suit.
    I for one am just happy to see them together again, as brothers, honouring their beloved mother. It can't have been easy for both of them and the rest of the family after all that's said and done. But they played their part very well and respectful and therefore I'm proud of them both!

  16. Anonymous2/7/21 08:50

    Diana tiene cara de hombre, no han captado su esencia, decepcionante.

  17. Anonymous2/7/21 09:40

    I am also not sure whether I find the statue well done or not. Perhaps the statue in the classical style would have been more appropriate, perhaps just Diana in official robes, in a dress in which she once caused a sensation. The thing with the children was only one side of her many projects. Perhaps a little too modern for me. The two brothers look just right for the occasion. Frieda

  18. Anonymous2/7/21 14:07

    Based on what Harry have said previously about media, lies and so on. I have a feeling that the trouble between them are more media made then anything else. Everytime we see them together they are relaxed. They talk, smile and joke with each other. So can we please stop the hate against Harry and Meghan. The media are out to sell newspapers, want likes for all their nastiness. We don't have to help them. There is a reason why Harry Blacklisted several English papers. Harry an Willis here show us what we should do. Brothers United.

    1. Anonymous2/7/21 14:36

      @Anonymous 14:07: Exactly! I agree with everything you've said, from grossly exaggerated media circus, through Brothers (and family) United. It's always been like this. Well said.
      - Anon 9:13

  19. Anonymous2/7/21 16:25

    If you google "Princess Diana large belt" you will see many pics of her through the years with a wide belt like the statue. Do I think that was her best look...probably not, however it was the brothers' choice and if they like it then that is what matters.


  20. Anonymous2/7/21 19:55

    All the drama/hoopla over them being together and the statue. What a let down. The statue was not what I envisioned, it made her look hard, so to speak. Maybe it looks better in person.

    William was very professional and Harry looked like he was so nervous he was going to (giddy) laugh himself right into the fountain. jj

  21. I must say, when I saw the first picture of the statue I thought it was a joke, somebody trying to make an absurd meme. It looks very conventional and boring, really, not at all the way I've always thought of Diana.
    Oh well. As to the brothers unveiling it together, probably not the best of ideas since there seems to be so much tension in the background that can't just be smiled away.

  22. Anonymous2/7/21 21:14

    What a let down, yes ... Diana chose the causes she stood for because they corresponded with her character, it was flowing from her quite naturally. This statue tries to show the causes - but it misses her person completely. It is de-personalized, it stands for certain ideas, but not for her person. I miss her warmth, every photograph reflects her personality more than this statue. (-Ann.)

  23. Anonymous3/7/21 01:37

    I don't really like this statue of Diana. The main thing is that her two sons like it. William is very smart, Harry looks more casual, a bit flippant.

  24. Her warmth, her kindness and her smile were her best assets. As long as people can see them through the work of the artist.

  25. Anonymous4/7/21 23:43

    I matured w Diana as a role model. o do not recognize that person thus odd sculpture. For one she held children close during her photo opps. Also she wasn't vaguely wide in attire or stance, she was demure.


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