Queen Maxima attended the opening of Money Week 2021

Global Money Week 2021. The 10th edition of the Money Week. Queen Maxima wore a burgundy red satin dress from Natan, red cape coat from Valentino

Queen Maxima opened the 10th edition of Money Week in The Hague on Monday morning, March 22. This year's theme is "Learning how to handle money is worth its weight in gold". In the afternoon, Queen Maxima participated in the online opening program of the Global Money Week 2021 and gave an online speech.

Global Money Week 2021. The 10th edition of the Money Week. Queen Maxima wore a burgundy red satin dress from Natan, red cape coat from Valentino

Global Money Week 2021. The 10th edition of the Money Week. Queen Maxima wore a burgundy red satin dress from Natan, red cape coat from Valentino

Global Money Week 2021. The 10th edition of the Money Week. Queen Maxima wore a burgundy red satin dress from Natan, red cape coat from Valentino

Global Money Week 2021. The 10th edition of the Money Week. Queen Maxima wore a burgundy red satin dress from Natan, red cape coat from Valentino

Queen Maxima participated in the online opening program of the Global Money Week 2021 and gave an online speech. As part of the 9th edition of the Global Money Week, various activities are also being organized worldwide around the theme "Take care of yourself, take care of your money". The Global Money Week aims to inspire young people to learn more about money matters, livelihoods and entrepreneurship.

Global Money Week 2021. The 10th edition of the Money Week. Queen Maxima wore a burgundy red satin dress from Natan, red cape coat from Valentino

Global Money Week 2021. The 10th edition of the Money Week. Queen Maxima wore a burgundy red satin dress from Natan, red cape coat from Valentino

Queen Maxima in Natan Necklace

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  1. Anonymous22/3/21 15:12

    What a mess; baggy dress, ugly necklace and earrings, stringy hair. Does it get any worse? Have some respect for yourself Maxima. You could be so classy and beautiful. uri

    1. Please look at the pictures. Her dress is form fitting with princess seams and darts. Where do you see a baggy dress? And the necklace is spectacular. Queen Mรกxima is a most fashionable woman. .

    2. Couldn't agree with you more - the least regal of them all!
      Why she insists on having long hair is beyond me.

    3. Anonymous22/3/21 22:48

      Agree, the dress is not well fitting if you look at photo #5 and the necklace, earrings are just so wacky. Ann

    4. Anonymous23/3/21 02:10

      The neck ornament and unstyled, messy hair make this quite a train wreck.

  2. Cette couleur lumineuse Bordeaux sied ร  ravir ร  la blondeur de Maxima ; son collier original frangรฉ de petites plumes ? ainsi que ses boucles d'oreilles du mรชme genre rehaussent le style de sa toilette - Joli mouvement dans sa chevelure qui a l'air de lui donner plus de tonicitรฉ !

  3. Anonymous22/3/21 16:03

    Perhaps over dressed for a game show !
    And the animal around her neck!!


  4. Anonymous22/3/21 18:55

    Is that a squirrel hanging from her neck??? I like it, always wanted to wear one ๐Ÿ˜‚
    Other than that, I do like the dress, not talking about the hair.. not going there....

    1. I don't know how you can think it is a squirrel. Can't you see it is a beaded feather duster. Actually I quite like the feather duster and the dress. What I do not like is the very badly sewn seams and dart. A bust dart is supposed to stop a bit before the bust point not go over it. Judging by the bad workmanship my guess is that it is a Natan effort. The coat is a disaster.

      I don't mind the fluffy hair it looks just washed and is pretending to be part of the feather duster.

    2. I couldn't agree with you more! When I first saw this, I thought it was some kind of bird feather or animal attachment to her dress lol.

  5. Anonymous22/3/21 19:25

    Not many fans of Maxima here...I am neither,

  6. I don't like at all her accessories, neck lace and earrings.

  7. Beautiful dress and fabulous necklace!

  8. Anonymous22/3/21 21:34

    I really like Maxima's dress, coat and the rich colour of both.
    Had her hair been kept to behind her shoulders, the necklace would have worked better.

    - Anon 9:13

  9. Anonymous22/3/21 22:10

    I must say that I find it hilarious that Maxima has been asked to teach children how to handle money...... and the pictures show that she finds that too!
    Lily T.

    1. Anonymous23/3/21 03:00

      Lily T., I am not sure if you are aware but Queen Maxima has a degree in economics and was a successful investment banker for many years in New York. I'm sure the children loved learning economics from her. She has such a warm and friendly smile. As for the necklace the first thought that came to mind was Pocahontas.....Fitzhugh

    2. Not only has she a degree in economics but I don't know how many people are aware that while she was a student she taught school students mathematics and English. Just because she married a future king does not mean she does not know the meaning of money.

    3. Anonymous23/3/21 13:29

      Anonymous 03.00 is missing the point completely.
      Lily T.

    4. Anonymous23/3/21 14:31

      Besides her royal duties Maxima has a real job as the United Nations Secretary-General's special advocate for Inclusive Finance for development. In this role she is a leading global voice on advancing universal access to and resposible usage of affordable, effective and safe financial service. She also founded the CEO Partnership for Economic Inclusions. She holds these positions in her own right and not as not on behalf of The Netherlands.
      Seen in this light the only hilarious thing is your comment.


    5. Anonymous23/3/21 16:28

      I do think it hilarious that some seem to believe that Maxima has this UN job in her own right. And were can we check this impressive curriculum in economy of hers?

      By the way, Mathilde and Mary hold similar UN jobs, in different fields, however...... also in their own right because of their spectacular skills? what a coincidence.... everything to give these women some relevance.
      Lily T.

    6. Anonymous23/3/21 18:57

      Although this is a fashion blog some, like Lily T., continue to question Queen Maxima's academic skills. Does it ever occur to those that the UN cannot afford itself employing unskilled people for these important jobs?! Hereafter you'll find Queen Maxima's resume.

      Queen Mรกxima received her baccalaureate from the Northlands School in 1988.
      In 1995 she graduated in Economics from the Catholic University of Argentina (Universidad Catรณlica Argentina).
      During her studies, she worked at Mercado Abierto S.A. from 1989 to 1990, where she researches software aimed at the financial market.
      From 1992 to 1995 she worked in the sales department of Boston Securities S.A. in Buenos Aires. She also teaches English to children and adults and mathematics to high school and freshman students.
      From July 1996 to March 1998 she worked at HSBC James Capel Inc. in New York as Vice President of Latin American Institutional Sales.
      She then worked at Dresdner Kleinwort Benson until August 1999. She is Vice President in the Emerging Markets division there.
      She subsequently worked at Deutsche Bank in New York until May 2000 as Vice President of Institutional Sales. She then worked in Brussels at the EU office of the Deutsche Bank until April 2001.

      Considering the above give the woman some credit!

      Fashion wise I often don't like her style, but in her case one can never say she's two of a kind (realizing some will comment "thank God for that").


    7. Anonymous23/3/21 22:13

      @MCS, thank you for copying and pasting the whole official curriculum which is for everyone to be seen on the Dutch Government site.

      And no, I am not convinced, thanks again. The UN does not ‘employ’ Maxima, nor her royal colleagues from Belgium and Denmark. The expenses for their functions at the UN are being paid for by the Dutch tax payer, as a matter of fact. But if you like to believe that they would have thes jobs as well if if they were mere common bankers or scientists or whatever, be my guest.
      The results of these royal efforts for the UN are never shared with the Dutch taxpayer, by the way. In other words, we do not have a clue of what they achieve, if anything at all. These very important jobs have been created for the ladies, and do not put any burden on the UN.

      I, in the mean time, rest my case.
      Lily T.

  10. Anonymous22/3/21 23:51

    I like that young girls long curly hair; she looks good. Maxima's hair on the other hand looks terrible' I do like the colour of Maxima's dress. Money week ;sounds interesting, really you are better to have gold as that is were the value is.
    I think it goes take care of the Pennies and the Pound, Euro or dollar will take care of themselves.

  11. Anonymous23/3/21 00:10

    I love the color of her dress. The material itself looks uncomfortably warm to wear. In the second-last photo the entire top looks very tight - can she move her arms above shoulder height? The darts are embarrassing. Is this another Natan disaster? Why are her tops always so tight (it must be very constricting). Tight tops squish your breasts & make them look smaller. I don't get the trend of very-tight clothes. ~Laurel~

  12. Love the rich colour of Maxima's dress and think the dress itself looks like a good fit. Don't like the coat at all. Not certain about the feather necklace--don't hate it but I'm not sure if it does anything for the outfit. Think the Queen's hair looks thicker and is less straggly today. As Maxima is a banker/economist by profession, I don't understand why Lilly T thinks it strange that she should be asked to teach children about money. What better role model for them that a high profile woman in that very male dominated profession?

  13. Anonymous23/3/21 04:28

    @Nalerina, although your feather duster description is a good one.... I still see a squirrel, but then again I am partial to the little rodents๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

  14. Hhm. Not sure what to make of this. I like the colours but not combined. I find the necklace interesting but wouldn´t have styled it like this (with hair down). And in any case, the whole look is a bit over the top for a day activity, especially about something as sober as money.
    I think the dress fits her well from what I can see. The lose-fitting thing we see in the full-body-pictures is clearly a matching coat. I like the cut and length, but both dress and coat are too shiny for my liking.
    I´m happy to see her, and even more happy to see her (and everyone else) without masks.


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