Princess Anne visited the Royal Logistic Corps in Northern Ireland

The Princess Royal visited the Royal Logistic Corps in Northern Ireland, to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the Search Squadron
On August 6, 2020, The Princess Royal visited soldiers from the Royal Logistic Corps in Northern Ireland, to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the Explosive Ordnance Disposal and Search Squadron. During the visit, The Princess Royal, who is Colonel-in-Chief, unveiled a plaque in the Memorial Garden, and viewed a presentation on the Squadron’s Explosive Ordnance Disposal equipment.
The Princess Royal visited the Royal Logistic Corps in Northern Ireland, to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the Search Squadron
The Royal Logistic Corps (RLC) provides logistic support functions to the British Army. It is the largest Corps in the Army. The RLC was formed on 5 April 1993, by the union of five British Army corps.
The Princess Royal visited the Royal Logistic Corps in Northern Ireland, to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the Search Squadron

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  1. Anonymous7/8/20 17:24

    Everything lovely: her make-up, her dress, her jacket and her smile!

    1. Yes, a well chosen ensemble for the occsion.

  2. Belle harmonie entre sa veste blanche bordée de bleu-marine et sa petite jupe légère mais quand j'ai vu ses gants, j'ai eu très très chaud ; 41 degrés dans le sud-ouest de la France ; je suis restée confinée dans mon appartement au frais et surtout sans masque !!!

    1. Pardon, je n'avais pas remarqué qu'elle portait une petite robe.. Amusante la deuxième photo où un bouquet de fleurs lui est offert par un robot !!

  3. Ava Pittman8/8/20 02:01

    The Princess Royal looks beautiful, I love her ensemble. Her jacket is gorgeous.

  4. Love to see posts about Princess Anne. There’s been a lot of articles/programmes about her in the run up to her 70th birthday. She comes across as genuine, caring and hard working. I always admired her non sentimental approach to children and motherhood in particular. Also her frugal approach to clothes ( though obviously I love looking at Royals who don’t rewear to the same extent or why would I be on this site??). Looking smart here anyway.

  5. Anonymous10/8/20 09:01

    She is hard working women and personally I would love to see her as Queen. Just an opinion.


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