Prince Carl Philip and Princess Sofia visited Blå Jungfrun

Prince Carl Phillip, Princess Sofia and their children Prince Alexander and Prince Gabriel visited Blå Jungfrun
During their 2020 summer holiday, Prince Carl Philip and Princess Sofia visit different regions of Sweden and keep on sharing photos. This weekend, Prince Carl Phillip, Princess Sofia and their children Prince Alexander and Prince Gabriel visited Blå Jungfrun. Blå Jungfrun, also known as "Blåkulla", is a Swedish island in the Baltic Sea. It is located in the Kalmar Strait, between the mainland province of Småland and the island province of Öland.
Prince Carl Phillip, Princess Sofia and their children Prince Alexander and Prince Gabriel visited Blå Jungfrun

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  1. A new trend, they are always seen from the back, and Sofia is always pointing towards something to the kids.

    1. Anonymous3/8/20 16:00

      How very true!

    2. Anonymous3/8/20 19:21

      This trend was smashed by the british tabloids since Meghan and Harry used pics from behind. I find them very artsy and like them.

  2. Charmantes photos où nous voyons particulièrement Sofia qui a l'air de partager ses connaissances avec ses enfants au cours de la visite à Blå Jungfrun !

  3. Anonymous3/8/20 15:06

    Lovely photos. It looks natural--no need to pose all the time. They are a good looking family. Plus people will just complain about the boys' hair anyway. Best just to give a little hint that they are all there and having fun. Janice

  4. Anonymous3/8/20 15:08

    Wonderful pics. Love what Carl Philip and Sofia are doing this summer. They are encouraging people to vacation and find their adventures at home in their country. They are showing all their favorite places to go. On their instagram, they post where they have been also. It is a neat idea and hopefully will encourage people to social distance but get out and enjoy nature also. Lovely idea!!

  5. Anonymous3/8/20 16:48

    When Princess Sofia is helping on volunteering at Sophiahemmet?

    1. Anonymous3/8/20 21:54

      She's on vocation again and again and again. Summer you know.

    2. I guess she was a "temp".

    3. Anonymous4/8/20 20:24

      She was/is a volunteer. It was annouced but I don'know why.

  6. They are a lovely family, the children are growing beautifully.

  7. Anonymous4/8/20 20:40

    So impressed with her decision to help out her patronage. But I am pretty sure she was a temp in the hospital. But can probably always go back when summer is over or if the number of cases increases. I think cases in Sweden are on the downswing also. Not like the United States and other places. I don't think she worked directly with COVID-19 cases, but on the perimeter in sections of the hospital that had to make room for the tougher cases. Sweden has also been used as an example for decreasing cases. So it may be that they no longer need her. Betty


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