Queen Maxima visited Zuidbaak plant nursery in Honselaarsdijk

On March 27, 2020, Queen Maxima of The Netherlands paid a working visit to the Zuidbaak plant nursery in Honselersdijk. The demand for products from the horticultural sector has almost completely disappeared since the outbreak of the coronavirus. During the visit, Queen Maxima spoke about the consequences of the coronavirus pandemic for Dutch growers, their employees and their environment and about possible measures that may be taken in the medium and long term.
Claes Iversen couture women suits. Queen Maxima wore a camel belted blazer and wide leg trousers by Claes Iversen
Claes Iversen couture women suits. Queen Maxima wore a camel belted blazer and wide leg trousers by Claes Iversen
Claes Iversen couture women suits. Queen Maxima wore a camel belted blazer and wide leg trousers by Claes Iversen
Claes Iversen couture women suits. Queen Maxima wore a camel belted blazer and wide leg trousers by Claes Iversen
Claes Iversen couture women suits. Queen Maxima wore a camel belted blazer and wide leg trousers by Claes Iversen
Claes Iversen couture women suits. Queen Maxima wore a camel belted blazer and wide leg trousers by Claes Iversen
Claes Iversen couture women suits. Queen Maxima wore a camel belted blazer and wide leg trousers by Claes Iversen
Claes Iversen couture women suits. Queen Maxima wore a camel belted blazer and wide leg trousers by Claes Iversen


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  1. Stay safe stay home !

  2. Anonymous28/3/20 09:26

    So unnecessary a visit, unless picking up flowers for a care home.

    At least she gets to wear both gloves instead of the usual one hand in gloves
    Good plain outfit, but over dressed for the occasion


    1. She went there to support the people who are losing a lot of money because they can't sell their producs now. So I don't think it is unnecessary.

    2. Yes, but isn't this an ex Melania Trump's suit? She may have got it at a knocked down price thanks to the bad exchange rate with the dollar.

    3. Anonymous28/3/20 13:36

      I can understand why she visited this and don’t think it’s an unnecesarry visit. The horticultural sector has almost disappeard (I read in the beginning)

      I can understand why people say: stay home.
      I read somewhere and watch a small video she was calling with nursers. Maybe she wanted, besides calling, also visited something.

      But I agree with you about the outfit. I think it’s a good suit (especially the trousers - not too wide as usual)

    4. Anonymous28/3/20 19:20

      @Marinde better to do these visits after the pandemic has passed
      miss w

  3. Anonymous28/3/20 10:09

    This seems quite overdone for a visit to a nursery. Such a pristine color and glamorous styling for a date with mother earth and to talk to the flowers??? Ana

    1. Anonymous28/3/20 13:47

      It’s quite clear from your comments, that you have little understanding of the nature of her visit.
      As for her outfit - it’s a simple trouser suit in a muted color, there’s no hat and the only visible jewelry are her earrings - hardly overdone!


    2. Anonymous28/3/20 18:44

      The tailoring of the suit is superb. She has at least 2 similar outfits (dress and cape) in shades of this color with the wide belt worn with the same degree of success. However, picture #3 gives a sense of detachment.
      How does the visit help this sector of the economy? The planting season is always a race against time. There are only so many days to harvest, and if no one should be out buying plants/seedlings at this time to avoid spreading the virus, it will be interesting to know what measures can be taken in the future.
      Nurseries = plants and dirt, not an ideal place for pastel suits.

  4. Anonymous28/3/20 10:28

    The gesture is nice and much appreciated I read, but nonetheless, the outfit is horrible ( I will not mention the hair)

  5. Like this suit and it seems smart and business like. Don't know what is overdone about it. Now if she had a hat.... :-) Good to see her supporting this vital Dutch industry. Like so many other difficult questions what will happen to the global flower trade? on my shopping trips, I continue to buy flowers when they are available to leave at my mother's care home (they are in complete lockdown) and to leave with elderly friends who live alone and who I can reach on my daily walk, as well as some to cheer up my own home. Flowers always help keep up morale.

  6. Nous ne pouvons pas dire "une fleur parmi les fleurs" ; cela manque de couleurs !

  7. Seeing this I am struck by a number of thoughts. Not a lot of people can wear this color, much less as a monochromatic outfit. She does it really well. I think she looks great.

    Flowers in the Netherlands are an important and historical thing, both as a point of pride nationally and as an export. They are reeling right now and if I've heard correctly, there has been talk of destroying much of their crops since demand just dried up. It has to be devastating on many levels, certainly monetarily but also hard for morale and perhaps employment for many. So it's a serious visit. As Queen, sure she could arrive dressed very casually but that signals a too much of a departure from the norm of life. It would give in too much to a temporary disaster. It's important she be respectful of this industry, she is clearly solemn about the visit, and yet not wear one of her giant, festive hats with lots of Maxima jewelry. I think she hit the nail on the head. Respectful, stylish, and yet restrained as the situation dictates. Life needs to go on and she is someone who will publically marks the steps taken, for lack of a better measurement, through her sartorial choices when visiting parts of the country and by her visible emotional response. She is right in this clothing choice and in making the visit, even at this time.

    1. Joann
      I tend to agree with your comments, dellbabe68. This is a very difficult topic to discuss and I hesitated before weighing in it. Yes, it is important for people to get the message that we all should stay home. And a royal is perfectly situated to bring that message.
      However, a royal has to be seen in order to convey a message. Yes, a statement is nice, but we all are scared. To me, it's reassuring to see that maybe - just maybe - things are being managed and life is going on.
      Also, the royals are sending the message that is largely overlooked. Life IS going on for a significant portion of the population. They are still getting up and going to work - driving trucks carrying food; supermarkets that are stocking them; employees who are selling them. Employees wearing gloves who are disinfecting the shopping cart handles after the customer has loaded their groceries into their cars.
      People are getting up and getting dressed for their shifts at the medical clinics; pharmacy workers are getting dressed and going to their jobs dispensing the medications. The police officers are putting on their uniforms and clapping on their badges and going to their jobs. The postal workers are delivering the mail. The UPS drivers are delivering the packages to the stay-at-home population.
      Maxima - as a royal - is slipping into her "uniform" and reporting for duty as well. I think the public needs to see that. Not everyone has the choice to stay at home and that should apply to royals as well.

    2. Well said indeed!

  8. She looks great. Such a flattering suit, fits her really well. I would have added a contrasting colour to break the monochromatic look, but still very well done.

    This visit is super important. It is high season for plant and flower producers - a massive industry in the Netherlands - and they cannot just wait and sell their things later. It will all go to waste if demand disappears and trade cannot be carried out as usual. While it is important to take health measures seriously, it is also important to take financial concerns of businesses and private households seriously. Contrary to the health side (which constitutes a risk), the financial side is a very real existential threat to millions of people. I like that she highlights this by visiting.

    1. I completely agree with Vanessa, Dell and others. This is an industry that has been shattered - spring is their peak time - with mother's days on various dates throughout the world, birthdays, weddings, even funerals, not to mention the great flower festivals in the Netherlands at this season, bringing in countless tourists. Other businesses have a chance of possible recovery in summer and autumn but this is an important and complex seasonal industry that has lost an entire year.

      Although I've been pilloried for this, royals are there to support and represent the cares of their nations. This may include them making visits that would not be advised for the rest of us - even at times to war zones. I think Maxima's outfit is entirely appropriate - sedate and professional - and the lack of colour representing a colourful and vibrant industry that has suddenly gone dark.

    2. Anonymous28/3/20 21:46

      I also completely agree. Floriculture is a HUGE industry for the Netherlands and the current virus induced economic downturn is going to cost the country millions in trade losses and thousands of people in financial ruin and job losses. Any show of concern and support, especially by members of the Royal family whose work and effect may be seen as little overall to some, is welcomed and appreciated. Royalty in all countries that have a monarchy have always been present for their nations people in times of national and global crises. This 'war' is no exception.
      Of all the royal external visits we've seen in recent days and weeks to do with this crisis, this selection of photos best shows the proper observance of safety protocols (gloves, safe distance and namaste greeting).

      On the fashion side, Maxima looks totally appropriate for the event and occasion. The colour, style and fit style of her suit hits all the marks.

      Well done to her.
      -Anon 9:13

    3. All the long comments are excellent. In Europe we know how important the tulip business is for the Dutch economy at this time of the year. As far as I am informed, there are also extreme export problems
      along with blocked tourism (e.g. Keukenhof). Queen Maxima’s choice of colour is perfect for the occasion. She has to look regal, which must be difficult in these surroundings.

  9. The only thing wrong with that outfit is the high heels and chic handbag. With a a pair of flat trainers/tennis/ jogging shoes and a working bag over her shoulder them it would have been very suitable. for sloshing in a glass house. Her personal assistant could have tempororily raised the hem for the pants for the occaison.

  10. Nous ne pouvons pas dire "une fleur parmi les fleurs" ; cela manque de couleurs !

    1. Anonymous28/3/20 18:25

      You have already said that.

    2. à Anon 28 mars 21h25
      Oui, je suis d'accord mais je n'avais pas eu de retour de mon premier envoi.. Bon dimanche certainement confiné ; cela se remarque !

    3. à Anon 28 mars 21h25
      Oui, je suis d'accord mais je n'avais pas eu de retour de mon premier envoi.. Bon dimanche certainement confiné ; cela se remarque !

  11. Anonymous28/3/20 14:39

    I think that Máxima is well dressed for for the occasion. Simple well made suit in modest colour. While her husband was visiting a hospital, she visited this company to give support to all companies that are so damaged by the Corona crisis. Well done.

  12. Anonymous28/3/20 16:06

    These visits from the Royals won't do an iota for the economy, what's the message? it's an absolutely wrong correlation. These acts are only to assuage the anti monarchist that are accusing all of them of living on ivory towers, and ridiculously enough, this is the time where they should be home. Be exemplary, stay home, it's the only weapon to combat the spread, the economy will be restored once we beat the pandemic. No amount of appearances will change the trajectory of the markets. This is just about optics.
    I do like her outfit.

    1. A perfect example of "damned if you do, and damned if you don't" Stop whinging, and mind your own business.

    2. Anonymous29/3/20 07:16

      Haga, what an exquisite response. You know we are allowed to have an opinion!
      She needs to stay home, leading by example.

    3. The message of this visit is very clear to me. It says two things: a) we see you (the people facing existential financial problems) and b) We have to go out if we want to keep life going.
      Sure, many can stay at home and wait it out, and those who can are well-advised to do so. But there are many who cannot. We can´t just all stop doing what we are doing.
      Since this crisis started, I have wondered why everyone is so defensive in face of this virus - avoid contact, hide away, sanitize. Very few people have taken a more proactive approach - eat and live extra healthily, exercise outside, strengthen the immune system, and most of all - don´t panic (as fear is such a disabling and destructive force).
      If people are being rational about this they will understand that there will be a point when the damage done by the lockdown is greater than the damage due to the pandemic. We don´t know when that point of time is. In my view it has long since passed, but even if people think that we should stay in that locked-down state longer they have to recognize that there will be consequences - the longer the lockdown, the more dire the consequences. Even if you´re not affected yourself and can either wait out the crisis or continue normally right after, there will be millions who cannot. And just like it is right to accept restrictions out of solidarity for the most vulnerable healthwise, it is also right to show solidarity with the most vulnerable economically. Show them you understand and do what you can to support them. First though, we have to overcome fear and replace it with rationality. Again, fear is so negative, it leads to uncertainty at best and disabling shock at worst. Markets are in turmoil and businesses are debilitated not because they are closed, but because they don´t know when, how and if they can continue. In this situation, anything showing that life goes on is a welcome and stabilizing signal that means so much to so many. Don´t underestimate that.

    4. Anonymous29/3/20 16:21

      Spoken like a true science denier!! Yes folks, go out and about and don't take any measures and if you are strong enough and healthy enough you won't get very sick, and only infect, and possibly kill those that are older, like my parents, or my friend recovering from chemo, or the child medically fragile.
      The saddest part is the that the biggest chunk of patients hospitalized at this moment are the twenty to sixty five group and this is a FACT, they are sick enough that they need extensive treatment, most of them will survive, but at what price!! healthcare unable to cope... oh wait!! that's not true either, all of these people being admitted, don't exist.....
      People being responsible, protecting their families and loved ones aren't some sort of fanatics, and I don't think that scientist telling us that the best way to do it, is by cutting the spread, aren't either in spite of all the conspiracy theorist, I would say that they probably know better than you.

    5. Anonymous 6:21
      You haven´t read my comment properly.
      I didn´t say we shouldn´t take any measures. I literally said that people who can stay at home are well-advised to do so.

      I never called anyone a fanatic, and I never pretended that the pandemic problems don´t exist. Please don´t overreact. Your response is highly emotional. And calling people with opposing views "science deniers" and "consipiracy theorists" doesn´t help to make any argument.

      Strengthening the immune system to protect yourself from infection is not a conspiracy theory. The reason why almost only the elderly die from the infection is because they have weaker immune systems due to their age. It generally takes old people longer to recover from almost any health issue, and, sadly, some won´t make it. The same is true for people with pre-existing health conditions. They have weaker immune-systems because their bodies are busy fighting off other problems, and so they are more vulnerable to catch infections. Hence we call them immuno-compromised.

      I know that eating and living healthily won´t solve all problems. But it is a valid approach and should have been advised just as much as sanitzing and social distancing (both of which are good ideas!). But instead of eating healthy and fresh stuff to boost the immune system, people bought massive amounts of tinned food, pasta and toilet paper. Instead of exercising, preferably outside, people (are ordered to) sit in their stuffy appartments and spend hours on social media. Instead of analyzing the situation and informing people objectively and calmly, media feeds us one apocalyptic szenario after the other causing immense fear in people, and politics have overreacted tremendously which has caused immense financial concerns on top of it. That´s hardly a responsible and measured approach if you ask me.

      About "killing" someone: I feel very uneasy about that wording. If an infected person infects someone else, and that person happens to die from the infection, it is a tragic loss, but that is not "killing". Likewise, I feel uneasy about media calling this a "war". By definition, any infection is contracted, it is passed on, and by your logic, anyone infecting someone else is a potential killer, which would mean that we have as many killers in the world as we have corona victims. That kind of language adds tension and irritation - as if fear and concerns weren´t stiring people up enough already.

      And lastly, my point was actually that we should all allow financial concerns to be taken seriously. Even if you disagree with me on everything I just wrote, I don´t get how you and many others think that helping the sick people and helping the bankrupt people are mutually exclusive tasks that cannot be carried out at the same time.

    6. Anonymous29/3/20 23:51

      Wow Vanessa, there you go again, rationalizing your comments. There is no ifs about this. Visiting this place doesn't serve any purpose for the economy, zero, nada, zilch. Do you think that I dont worry about my children losing their jobs, so far they are working from home, that I don't worry about my grandchildren not being able to go to school, spending countless hours indoors with just safe activities outside,? that my retirement plan has suffered a hit from which I may not recover, that either I or my husband can contract this virus regardless how careful we are in our limited outings to get groceries?
      We are going our part SYAYING HOME and avoiding ridiculous contact.
      Yes, there you go again judging people, do you know that many households with several children can't simply afford to buy as much fresh and healthy food that you or I may be able to? Do you know that where I live a pound of apples runs about $ 1.99, how many kids can you feed on daily basis at this prices? Get off your high horse and stop demonizing the ones that are doing their best to stay alive.

    7. Why do you keep attacking me? (Assuming you are the same anonymous...)

      You like to think that Maxima´s visit doesn´t change anything. Well, I tried to explain why I think it does. Markets react positively to businesses´ confidence and perspectives (boosted by such signals as this visit), and they react negatively to fear and uncertainty.

      I do believe you that you are utterly worried - for yourself and your family, and for many others. But if you think that Maxima´s action won`t do anything, then logically your worries will achieve even less. Worries and concerns and fear just don´t help. If anything, they will only make things worse.

      I certainly didn´t judge anyone for their budget. In fact, my whole point is that we need to support those who already struggle financially.

    8. Anonymous30/3/20 19:33

      Visits by royals do not drive markets. Are people that gullible? This is a seasonal industry. The stock must be sold within a certain time frame for the owner to make a profit and pay his investors. The same applies to Easter merchandise.

    9. Anonymous30/3/20 21:48

      Vanessa, your explanation has absolutely no logic in the financial world. This visit has no bearing on the economy. You are entitled to tell yourself otherwise. You are entitled to pontificate on this blog and judge the population that you deem irresponsible for not buying the products that you would buy. You also are entitled to assume that people are locked in their apartments consuming social media , by the looks of it, you seem to doing the same :-), you are entitled to affirm that people aren't excersizing. We are entitled to respond to you and call it for what it is, you are just stating your opinion based on zero data,research or knowledge.
      Miss Marple.

  13. Anonymous28/3/20 16:57

    Q Maxima looks lovely,but a bit overdressed for this visit.She shines light on Companies affected by this horrible Virus. Even the beauty of flowers at least the Co growing them are affected. Hope we see the light on the other side of the tunnel rather sooner then later. This is really getting old very fast .It also shows us how powerless and small we really are.

  14. Anonymous28/3/20 17:15

    This suit looks great on her and is appropriate for the occasion. Great cause bringing attention to the plant/ flower industry which is not only a massive in the Netherlands but also historically important. Everyone is clearly practicing social distance in the pictures.


  15. She looks fine but for her hair, but that's normal in her. I see she keeps her distance. Maybe Holland could plant vegetables in some tulip fields?

  16. Anonymous28/3/20 23:53

    To truly protect the workers and herself - Hair, in a bun/low back pony tail. Pants: Shorter, not 'almost' dragging the ground/floor - Distance is a necessity, because a sneeze can happen anywhere, anytime, and it's propelled at great speed and at least 200 feet. Pro of the visit; shows interest in a area that may/may not suffer, as people will always want plants for their gardens/homes. Odd timing of a visit to say the least.... JT

  17. I don't understand what she does on this site. Stay home and lead by example. Irresponsible.

    1. Anonymous30/3/20 11:13

      She is not being irresponsible - they are all keeping the 1.5 meter distance required by the dutch authorities!

  18. This was a marvellous visit. The Queen showing support and understanding of the current business climate of this plant nursery. Her outfit looked great and suited the occasion, the fit and tailoring was perfect. She wears this particular colour so well. She nailed this event by highlighting a very serious problem, not just with this business but various organisations. Well done.

  19. I do not follow the people that say she should stay home. Not all countries are in full lockdown, in fact in some countries, people are encouraged to go to work (while keeping a social distance). Maxima is doing her job, supporting companies that are having a difficult time.

  20. Anonymous29/3/20 15:17

    @Vanessa. The disease itself is thought to be airborne and the virus can live up to 24 hours on surfaces. Iignoring the advice of experts and continuing to go out runs the risk of getting infected,infecting the people around you and taking it home to your family.

  21. Anonymous29/3/20 20:48

    Disagree with all the commenters that encourage this behavior. The support to this industry can be done in many other ways. Royals are constantly surrounded by maids, valets, secretaries, special assistants, and worst of all their security detail, that on many occasions need to get very close to them, if only one of these people has the cavalier attitude that some of you seem to exhibit, they are doomed and if they contract this virus, they will possibly be OK, but how many of those that they have been in contact with will have to pay the price?

  22. It is great to see her to support ordinary people in such difficult times. A real Queen! But I think she is a bit overdressed.

    1. Very much agreed. As for the suit, I generally like it, but I think the top area of the pants don't fit that well. (And I think she is usually overdressed).

  23. Anonymous30/3/20 00:29

    @Vanessa. It takes about 30 days for immune system supplements to begin to take effect. It is quite cavalier to suggest this as a method of defense against a pandemic that even the experts cannot cure. @10:48 outlines very clearly how many people can be harmed by this act of 'support'.

    1. Living healthily has immediate effect on your physical health.
      Thinking positively has immediate effect on your mental health.
      You can continue to find all the reasons why we are doomed.
      I will continue to find all the reasons why we are not.
      I wish you all well.
      That´s all from me.

  24. Anonymous31/3/20 05:43

    Spoken like the true positive little charmer that we've become familiar with😂😂😂
    Thank you for taking a break, we need it.


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