Queen Margrethe's Address to the nation on the coronavirus

Queen Margrethe gave a speech to the nation about the serious situation associated with the spread of coronavirus. The speech was given at Fredensborg Castle on March 17, 2020. “It is natural that we are concerned, but let us together create new hope in a difficult time. My thoughts go to everyone in this country with the desire for hope and confidence and good courage. ” said the Queen in the beginning of her speech.
Queen Margrethe gave a speech to the nation about the serious situation associated with the spread of coronavirus
Then, the Queen continued:

"Denmark is in a serious situation. We share that fate with all of Europe, yes, with the rest of the world. Many people have been affected by the corona virus and we know that many more will be ill in the near future.

I can understand that many are troubled and worried, because our reality and our everyday lives have been turned upside down. We have become accustomed to the world being open, but now the borders are closed. Spring is coming, Denmark is bursting with life. Now everyday life is put on hold. It feels both scary and unreal, but it is our new reality and we must realize and learn that it requires something from all of us.

Over the past week, the authorities have had to make a number of necessary decisions that we can all feel in our daily lives. It concerns all of us. A little while ago, the Prime Minister had to make even stronger decisions.

Everyone of us must do something. What we do and how we act these days can be crucial to how the situation develops in the coming weeks.

That's why I'm sitting here tonight.

I have an appeal to everyone: Corona virus is a dangerous guest. It spreads like rings in the water and it goes strong. One person can infect many - even without feeling ill themselves, and the infection goes on to even more, a long and frightening chain. In that chain, humans will die. A child can lose his grandmother, a daughter his father, a wife her husband. Friends suddenly won't be there anymore.

It is the chain that we must break and that we can break. It can only happen when we all think and do the same thing at the same time - and in the right time.

The advice of the authorities is actually quite simple: Wash hands. Keep distance. Avoid physical contact. Stay home. Those are the ground rules, and many people happily follow them; but unfortunately, not everyone takes the situation seriously enough. It is serious and it applies to all of us.

Of course, it is disappointing and unfortunate not to be able to meet with your friends, especially when you are young. But you have both the time for you and other ways to meet in this digital age.

Of course, my call does not only apply to young people. You can still see groups of all ages staying too close together. Some even still hold parties and got together at birthdays.

It's mindless. And first and foremost, it is ruthless.

We have already had several deaths from the coronavirus. Tonight I send my deepest condolences to the survivors. My thoughts go to everyone who has fallen ill and to their relatives here in Denmark, in Greenland and in the Faroe Islands. I also think of all the Danes abroad who right now feel far from home.

My warmest thanks go to everyone who keeps the necessary works of our community going. To the health personnel, emergency preparedness, defense and police. For shop employees, drivers and anyone who continues their work in difficult conditions. I also warmly thank the authorities for taking on the heavy responsibility that is theirs.

In our ancestors' time we hold together, it lies deep within us people, it also naturally falls to us here in the country. This time, we must show unity by staying away. It is natural that we are concerned, but together we can create new hope in a difficult time.

My thoughts go to each one in this country with the desire for hope and confidence and good courage."
Queen Margrethe gave a speech to the nation about the serious situation associated with the spread of coronavirus

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  1. Very classy lady and speech. Thank you for posting this.

    1. yes, she well merits her title of "Queen".

  2. Anonymous18/3/20 10:39

    A strong speech.

  3. Anonymous18/3/20 10:55

    Strangely enough King Harald held a speech to his people on Sunday without any mention on this blog, and so did Grand Duke Henri, Prince Albert and King Philippe. Why? Because they are men? So since you are not sharing it with your readers here is Harald speech from his quarantine. Hopefully minions of the other royals will share theirs...

    Dear everyone,
    We find ourselves in a situation that is both unreal, alien and frightening for all of us. We do not recognise our everyday life or the world around us. And yet we are only standing at the beginning of something we do not fully know the consequences of.

    Uncertainty makes us vulnerable. The seriousness makes us anxious. The new everyday life can give us a feeling of powerlessness. Norway is affected along with the rest of the world. Now our most important task is to try to slow down the dramatic development, by following the orders given by the authorities. We can be grateful that we have political leaders and professional authorities with the courage and knowledge to deal with the situation with honesty and realism. Norway is known as a society based on trust. Now there is a special need to show each other trust. Both to ensure that everyone takes responsibility for preventing the spread of infection. And for the country’s authorities to make good and wise decisions.

    My thoughts and prayers are with you all now. With you who are sick and with you who are relatives of the sick. My thoughts and prayers are with health professionals all over the country, day and night. With those who are experiencing financial loss and fear for the future. To all of you who hold important social functions so that our country can function.

    My thoughts and prayers are with all the children – who may be particularly anxious now – and whom we must take extra care of. And with those who feel the loneliness because our small and large communities are temporarily taken away from us. Finally, I would like to remind you that everyone needs some extra kindness during this time. Together we stand in this. And together we will be able to get through what lies ahead.

    1. Thanks for posting. I'm going to read it and hear QM's later...

      Be well everyone! We have a nice community here; it's a blessing!

    2. Anonymous18/3/20 16:36

      THANK YOOOU for mentioning this! Not to mention the beautiful and cozy setting of his speech at The Royal Lodge, where the King is currently in quarantine after the state visit to Jordan.

      It's clear that men's fashion is not prioritized on this blog, but I would like to point out that Crown Prince Haakon is constantly out and about working his butt off. Well, not now obviously... :)

  4. Anonymous18/3/20 11:21

    Thank you for giving us this heartwarming speech from queen Margaretha!

  5. Anonymous18/3/20 11:22

    No need to give the eventually other speeches as well!
    We know they are concerned for their people!

  6. Un grand merci pour cette retranscription.. Beaucoup de courage, solidarité et patience à tous de par le monde !

  7. Anonymous18/3/20 17:48

    Great lady, also a very nice speech. This Virus don't care if we are rich poor or the Lord of the Land, it does not discriminate. It is a great reminder how small and unimportant we really are. If you don't want to get sick fallow the rules. Thank you. God bless you. Stay healthy.

  8. Anonymous18/3/20 20:57

    I hope everyone is well and stays safe also in the future! Let's take this as a reminder of the importance of kindness and solidarity!

  9. Wonderful speech. The Queen is all class and a very elegant woman. Well done.

  10. Anonymous19/3/20 18:40

    Everything has to be changed,sad. A Birthday,a visit and God knows what else. Only a once in a lifetime Birthday 80 years. Better safe then sorry.


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