Queen Elizabeth and Princess Anne attended a morning church service in Sandringham

Queen Elizabeth II and Princess Anne attended a morning church service at St Mary Magdalene Church in Sandringham. Queen Elizabeth II came to the service together with opera singer Dame Kiri Te Kanawa. The Queen goes to church each Sunday, and is usually joined by a member of her family. Last week, Queen Elizabeth was joined by her son, Prince Andrew. The Queen is currently in Norfolk for the winter holiday.
The Queen wore a bright orange jacket and a furry black hat, while Princess Anne donned a  navy coat.  Dame Kiri Te Kanawa
The Queen wore a bright orange jacket and a furry black hat, while Princess Anne donned a  navy coat.  Dame Kiri Te Kanawa
The Queen wore a bright orange jacket and a furry black hat, while Princess Anne donned a  navy coat.  Dame Kiri Te Kanawa
The Queen wore a bright orange jacket and a furry black hat, while Princess Anne donned a  navy coat.  Dame Kiri Te Kanawa
The Queen wore a bright orange jacket and a furry black hat, while Princess Anne donned a  navy coat.  Dame Kiri Te Kanawa


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  1. Good for Her Majesty continuing with her regular business and brightening up a dull January day with her bright coat. For once, though, I would say that she looks exhausted. I hope Prince Andrew and Prince Harry feel guilty for the burden they have placed on her in recent weeks.

    1. Anonymous26/1/20 21:51

      I couldn't agree more!!! I feel so sad for her that she has to go through all of that at such an age.
      And still she is not hiding in her castles but showing herself in public and continuing with her duties... always dressed so beautifully.

    2. Anonymous26/1/20 21:55

      Why should Harry feel guilty? I think the journalists and webhaters are more to blame in that case.

    3. oh please, yes for Prince Andrew but Harry has been subject to much criticism as a royal... he and William suffered greatly when their mom died and over the years
      the press has been cruel and ugly..

    4. Anonymous27/1/20 03:48

      Exactly right, AnnieM. They should feel guilty, sadly, they probably do not.


    5. I agree at the Queens age what Stress and Grief with both turmoils and her elderly husband will all affect her own Health & Well being...No Respect by Harry & Megan...and her son Prince Andrew should have earlier thought of his position and his own Family before doing what he did..all Families have issues but being Royalty it's out there for all the world to see..God Bless the Queen trying to stand tall during these times...

    6. Anonymous27/1/20 11:08

      The queen looks wonderful. Further I think the press was never really hard for Harry or William. Moreover they adored Harry particularly. But stepping out as senior royal via Instagram, is not done. He should have discussed this longer with the Queen. They would have find a good solution, without damaging the Windsors. Now there was no other way for the Queen to put Harry and Meghan aside.

    7. Queen Elisabeth II. really is a strong woman. Much more than some Sissies who call themselves a "feminist".

    8. @Coralie, evidently you are not a feminist--given your penchant for denigrating women and using homophobic pejoratives.

    9. Anna, evidently you don't know anything. "Homophobic pejoratives" and "denigrating women"? Nonsense. As for being a "feminist": I've been working for a long time in technique, trade and information technology. There were many, many conferences or meetings where I was the only woman. Luckily that is changing, more and more young(er) women work in these industries. They all are tough and intelligent. No one of them calls herself a "feminist". They don't care for trendy-lefty labels.

    10. You literally just confirmed the statement I made. You're not a feminist. Okay.

      And also, words do have meanings and roots. Please look into those behind "sissies." We've as a society have rightly left other similar words behind (see gay as an insult).

    11. Anna, English is not my mother tongue (which applies to many of the commenters here). I have asked my US and british collegues. They say every colloquial expression can be interpreted this way or that. In the context I used "sissies" it is obvious that it has nothig to do with "gay as an insult".

  2. Orange vif du manteau avec la toque harmonisĂ©e aux manches bordĂ©es de couleur noire très Ă©lĂ©gant.. DĂ©licates boucles d’oreilles perle/diamant qu'elle porte très souvent !

    1. Au quotidien elle ne porte Que ce modèle de boucles d’oreilles ,elle en a plusieurs paires presque identiques dont une paire qui lui vient de la reine Mary .

    2. Au quotidien elle ne porte Que ce modèle de boucles d’oreilles ,elle en a plusieurs paires presque identiques dont une paire qui lui vient de la reine Mary .

  3. Cute :-) the queen looks a bit like her soldiers ;-) ;-)

    Annes outfit is also really nice :-)

  4. Anonymous26/1/20 17:40

    Great look for the Queen again today. Pss Anne looks nice but do not care for the hat.

  5. Anonymous26/1/20 18:07

    The Queen looks sensational in the apricot-colored coat with the black accessories!

  6. Anonymous26/1/20 21:06

    I love the Queen's "look" today - it's gorgeous. I feel sorry for Her Majesty having to put up with the Diva antics of MM .......not to mention Prince Andrew - at 93 no-one deserves this & especially as the Queen has served the UK with a total sense of duty her whole life.

  7. Yes, Her Majesty looks tired. I hope her family will rally round her and let her rest from the family’s troubles.

    1. Anonymous28/1/20 01:54

      Her Majesty is always beautiful, with true grace and strength. I agree with Coralie, that the Queen is eons stronger than what MM proposed herself to be. Blessings to her Majesty.🌹

  8. Don't compare Harry with a rapist.
    Choosing for your family can't be compared with ruining woman's life's.

    1. Anonymous27/1/20 03:50

      Neither should be receiving a dime of royal money.


    2. Anonymous27/1/20 06:55

      Don't attach labels that have not (yet) been proven in court.

    3. He will never go to court. He isn't cooperating with the investigations as it is (despite saying that he would in that trainwreck of an interview). I fear his victim(s) will never get their day in court let alone see justice.

      But I agree Harry and Meghan's situation is inconsequential compared to Prince Andrew's heinous behavior (in his personal and business fronts).

  9. The queen dosent look good at all , she looks very tired !

  10. Anonymous26/1/20 23:35

    I’m surprised how well this strong orange colour suits the Queen, especially with the high contrast black hat. It seems she’s one of those lucky people who can wear most colours. P. Anne looks good too, although that is a very big feather on her hat ;-), something Queen Max would like. (V.M.)

  11. Beautiful, glorious colour on the Queen. Love the black hat, the contrast works in really well with the colour of her coat. Perfect finishing touch is the stunning brooch.

  12. I think she is just getting over a cold. She's still as Queenly as ever.

    1. Anonymous27/1/20 23:44

      Yes, the YT Royal Channel reported that she was getting over being ill with a cold at the time she made this appearance.
      Anon 9:13

  13. Anonymous27/1/20 10:01

    I feel bad for anyone who has drama going on in their life whether it be the Queen or any mother, grandmother or parent for that matter. It could be worse at least Harry is in good health and she has a new Great grandson...It is nice to see the Queen change things up a bit with the fur hat and fur cuffs. She looks rather glamorous!

  14. Anonymous27/1/20 11:11

    Next to princess Ann, Jackie Stewart, the legendary formular 1 driver

  15. Anonymous27/1/20 11:28

    The Queen is so honorable dedicated and comitted to her role as Queen of England The Queen will always be admired by the way she has dealt with her family problems in the eyes of the world. William and Kate have given the Queen great strength as they take to extra duties on behalf of HRH. Harry and Meghan will now live the life they wanted but I strongly believe their marriage will be over within 5 years. I do hope the Queen will tetire with her husband and her corgis and enjoy her twilight years.

  16. The queen looks sad and worn out, she had a hard time with her son's problems and her grandson and Meghan's selfishness. She really shows the world what being a royal is all about, going about her business and doing a great job.


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