Queen Margrethe II received new officers of the Air Force

On December 20, 2019, Queen Margrethe II received new officers of the Royal Danish Air Force at Christian IX's Palace in Amalienborg. The Queen presented "H.M. Queen's Honorary Dagger" (H.M. Dronningens Æresdolk) to a newly graduated lieutenant who, during his studies at the school, achieved the highest grade average. The dagger is engraved with the coat of arms, the Queen's monogram and the cadet's name.
The Queen presented H.M. Queen's Honorary Dagger (H.M. Dronningens Aeresdolk) to a newly graduated  lieutenant
The Queen presented H.M. Queen's Honorary Dagger (H.M. Dronningens Aeresdolk) to a newly graduated  lieutenant
The Queen presented H.M. Queen's Honorary Dagger (H.M. Dronningens Aeresdolk) to a newly graduated  lieutenant
The Queen presented H.M. Queen's Honorary Dagger (H.M. Dronningens Aeresdolk) to a newly graduated  lieutenant
The Royal Danish Air Force (Flyvevåbnet) exercises control over all military flights in Danish airspace and with Danish airmen deployed in international operations. Its main purpose is to serve as enforcer of Danish airspace and to provide air support to Danish troops on the battlefield.

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  1. Queen Margrethe wears here a blue jacket in harmony with the uniform of the new officers of the Royal Danish Air Force. On December 13, she was dressed in red as the jacket of the soldiers present at the diplomatic reception. Wow !

  2. Yes, Wow!

  3. Yes, Wow Wow!

    1. And it's a WOW from me also.
      May she find lots of joy and happiness with her family during this festive season.

  4. Great look for the Queen.

  5. The Queen looks beautiful. Love the colour co ordination on her part, brilliant.

  6. The Queen's jacket is tailored perfectly, the color is gorgeous, and it pairs nicely with her skirt. I wish we had a better looks at her brooch and earrings. All of the cadets look sharp in their uniforms.

    1. Debra, I agree with you about the accessories.

  7. Belle allure de la reine dont la veste au col relevé et la jupe... J'aimerais mieux voir la broche et les boucles d'oreilles !

  8. A different style f jacket for the Queen and both colour and style suit her really well


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