Japanese Princess Aiko celebrates her 18th birthday today

Japanese Princess Aiko, the only child of Emperor Naruhito and Empress Masako, turned 18. Princess Aiko (Toshi-no-miya Aiko NaishinnĹŤ) was born on 1 December 2001 in the Imperial Household Agency Hospital in Tokyo Imperial Palace. On the occasion of the birthday, the Imperial Household Agency released Princess Aiko's new photos. The princess, who is in the third year at Gakushin Girls’ Senior High School in Tokyo, plans to enter a university next spring. According to the Imperial Household Agency, the princess is enjoying her last year at the high school, playing active roles in sports and cultural festivals while studying steadily.
Japanese Princess Aiko, the only child of Emperor Naruhito and Empress Masako. Princess Aiko pink blouse
Japanese Princess Aiko, the only child of Emperor Naruhito and Empress Masako. Gakushin Girls’ Senior High School in Tokyo
Japanese Princess Aiko, the only child of Emperor Naruhito and Empress Masako. Princess Aiko pink blouse
Japanese Princess Aiko, the only child of Emperor Naruhito and Empress Masako. Gakushin Girls’ Senior High School in Tokyo
Japanese Princess Aiko, the only child of Emperor Naruhito and Empress Masako. Princess Aiko pink blouse
Japanese Princess Aiko, the only child of Emperor Naruhito and Empress Masako. Gakushin Girls’ Senior High School in Tokyo
Japanese Princess Aiko, the only child of Emperor Naruhito and Empress Masako. Gakushin Girls’ Senior High School in Tokyo
Japanese Princess Aiko, the only child of Emperor Naruhito and Empress Masako. Princess Aiko pink blouse


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  1. Très bon et heureux anniversaire à la princesse qui est bien mignonne avec les cheveux plus longs et une petite frange !!!

  2. Anonymous1/12/19 12:01

    The fringe hairstyle is not working!

  3. Happy birthday to the lovely princess.

  4. Doing a puzzle with her father for her 18th birthday!?

    1. Joann - They don't look like the usual puzzle pieces to me. It's probably
      some kind of complex game like the one where you have to match up words or something. I never could figure it out even when someone tried to teach me. Anyway, I wish her a Happy Birthday.

    2. No...they were researching African geography. It may pertain to her homework.

  5. The video released on the same occasion is even a little more awkward. They clearly over-staged some sort of a homework-situation shared between father and daughter, which is as such a nice idea but looks terribly stiff and wooden. The puzzle, btw, is thought to be for a toddler. Maybe it was her favourite when she was that young, back then. We do not know. However, the IHA sometimes comes up with quite some odd ideas...

  6. Anonymous1/12/19 18:55

    A very happy 17th Birthday to a very lovely young lady. She has a lot of her father. Nice outfit too. I wish she would now be the CPss.

  7. Je plains cette petite princesse,qui doit demander l’autorisation de changer de coiffure ,qui ne peut pas s’habiller comme elle le voudrait .

  8. Anonymous1/12/19 19:52

    Beautiful colour for her. She looks a lot like her dad here. (V.M.)

  9. I am glad to see Akko dressed to suit her age, as a young woman. She is wearing a beautiful outfit — the blouse is a gorgeous color on her — and her hair is longer than we have ever seen it, and becomingly styled (it’s rather difficult to know whether it would look prettier without bangs). Afaic, this is progress and there is more to come, I am sure, as Aiko grows in her experience of the wider world. We will probably never know as much about her as we would like to, but I suspect that her parents are determined to see that she has more freedom than any young woman of her station could have hoped for previously.

    1. Dear Jane Chantal, I can't agree, that she is dressed to suit her age. Poor girl. Maybe it is o.k. for the public and imperial pictures. But I dearly hope, that she has the opportunity to dress and style herself like other teenagers around the world, when not posing for a photo.

  10. Anonymous1/12/19 23:05

    Wow, is this young lady 18 years old already? Hard to believe. All the best to Princess Aiko!

  11. I do not think that is a white skirt she is wearing - it looks like an oversized napkin carefully laid over her legs for modesty! And she keeps her hands very still so as not to dislodge it.....

    1. If so, unbelievable!! How can she open up her personality under such conditions.

    2. It is. She is wearing a dress in cyclam-pink, not a blouse and a skirt. Then they covered her up for some of the pictures (those without the table as a protection) so that the photographer and those beholding the pictures later on are not prone to peek under her dress-skirt which seemed to those of IHA who staged this far too revealing.

    3. Interesting! I assumed it was a skirt. There is absolutely nothing wrong with being concerned about modesty and about the tendency in the media to sexualize everything. However, it certainly would have made more sense to choose a skirt length that would have avoided the napkin-across-the-lap business.

  12. Anonymous2/12/19 03:12

    Happy Birthday! Now announce her as Crown Princess and next in line!!! - Capt. Marvel


  14. Let's be honest - this girl is toast. She looks like an overgrown 8 year old, is forced to pose as one when she is 17, and she is the female issue of a misogynistic and imprisoning royal lifestyle. Her own father does not want law changed to allow her to ascend the throne - the country rejoiced when her male cousin was born and blamed her mother for not having a son. On that, her best example of a female is a mother who has had multiple psychiatric breakdowns from the pressures and imprisonment of women in the Chrysanthemum household. And unfortunately she's considered ugly af by her people so she's not going to get far unless she finds a cure for cancer or raises the dead.


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