Swedish Crown Princess family attended Pep Day 2019

On September 8, 2019, Sunday, Prince Daniel attended "Prince Daniel's Race Day" at Haga Palace Park in Stockholm. That event (Pep-dagen - Pep Day) is an initiative started by Prince Daniel for children. Princess Estelle participated in the child race for the second time this year. There were also Crown Princess Victoria and Prince Oscar at the event. In Prince Daniel's Race Day, children between the ages of six and twelve ran. All participants were deemed winners and received a medal by the Prince at the finish.
Prince Daniel, Crown Princess Victoria, Princess Estelle and Prince Oscar at Pep Day at Haga Palace Park
Prince Daniel, Crown Princess Victoria, Princess Estelle and Prince Oscar at Pep Day at Haga Palace Park
Prince Daniel, Crown Princess Victoria, Princess Estelle and Prince Oscar at Pep Day at Haga Palace Park
Prince Daniel, Crown Princess Victoria, Princess Estelle and Prince Oscar at Pep Day at Haga Palace Park
Prince Daniel, Crown Princess Victoria, Princess Estelle and Prince Oscar at Pep Day at Haga Palace Park
Prince Daniel, Crown Princess Victoria, Princess Estelle and Prince Oscar at Pep Day at Haga Palace Park
Prince Daniel, Crown Princess Victoria, Princess Estelle and Prince Oscar at Pep Day at Haga Palace Park
Prince Daniel, Crown Princess Victoria, Princess Estelle and Prince Oscar at Pep Day at Haga Palace Park
Prince Daniel, Crown Princess Victoria, Princess Estelle and Prince Oscar at Pep Day at Haga Palace Park
Prince Daniel, Crown Princess Victoria, Princess Estelle and Prince Oscar at Pep Day at Haga Palace Park
Prince Daniel, Crown Princess Victoria, Princess Estelle and Prince Oscar at Pep Day at Haga Palace Park
Prince Daniel, Crown Princess Victoria, Princess Estelle and Prince Oscar at Pep Day at Haga Palace Park
Prince Daniel, Crown Princess Victoria, Princess Estelle and Prince Oscar at Pep Day at Haga Palace Park
Prince Daniel, Crown Princess Victoria, Princess Estelle and Prince Oscar at Pep Day at Haga Palace Park
Prince Daniel, Crown Princess Victoria, Princess Estelle and Prince Oscar at Pep Day at Haga Palace Park

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  1. Very nice to see this sweet and happy family enjoying this event and each other's company.
    I have to say that Victoria's looser updo is a big improvement to me!

    1. I totally agree, Rosalyn! These pictures warm your heart, don't they!

      Does anybody know who or what this green-yellow mMonster in the last photo is?

    2. It's the Bolibompa-dragon, from a children's TV show.

    3. Bolibompa? Sounds funny. Thank you, K!

  2. Wie schön, Estelle hat Mamas herzerwärmendes Lächeln geerbt.
    Glückliches Schweden, das zwei so besondere Menschen als kommende Königinnen hat...

  3. Anonymous9/9/19 19:08

    Very nice to see Estelle having fun at some sporting event. She has great support from mom dad and little brother. Nice comfy cloth.

  4. Ich bewundere die zukünftige Königin Schwedens. Sie hat das "Normale" in ihrer Kindheit kaum kennenlernen dürfen (ich erinnere mich da an ein Schulpicknick, zu dem von den Angestellten Silberbesteck in Victorias "Fresskorb" gepackt wurde - und Leinenservietten). Sie jetzt in der "normalen" Welt so glücklich und selbstverständlich erleben zu dürfen macht mich froh! Mode: alle gut.

  5. Anonymous9/9/19 22:16

    Love the photo of the dog jumping up to get a bite of Prince Oscar's ice cream cone!

  6. Anonymous10/9/19 03:08

    Lovely relaxed family on an important project.... TJ


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