Queen Elizabeth attended the 5th day of Royal Ascot 2019

On June 22, 2019, Queen Elizabeth II, Prince Andrew, Duke of York, Autumn and Peter Phillips attended the 5th day of the Royal Ascot 2019, held at Ascot Racecourse in Berkshire. The Queen has attended every day of every race meeting for the last 64 years and her arrival at the head of the royal procession traditionally heralds the start of racing. (Autumn Phillips wore a crepe jumpsuit by Claire Mischevani.)
Autumn Phillips wore Claire Mischevani crepe jumpsuit. Autumn Phillips wore a crepe jumpsuit by Claire Mischevani
Autumn Phillips wore Claire Mischevani crepe jumpsuit. Autumn Phillips wore a crepe jumpsuit by Claire Mischevani
Autumn Phillips wore Claire Mischevani crepe jumpsuit. Autumn Phillips wore a crepe jumpsuit by Claire Mischevani
Autumn Phillips wore Claire Mischevani crepe jumpsuit. Autumn Phillips wore a crepe jumpsuit by Claire Mischevani
Autumn Phillips wore Claire Mischevani crepe jumpsuit. Autumn Phillips wore a crepe jumpsuit by Claire Mischevani
Autumn Phillips wore Claire Mischevani crepe jumpsuit. Autumn Phillips wore a crepe jumpsuit by Claire Mischevani
Autumn Phillips wore Claire Mischevani crepe jumpsuit. Autumn Phillips wore a crepe jumpsuit by Claire Mischevani
Autumn Phillips wore Claire Mischevani crepe jumpsuit. Autumn Phillips wore a crepe jumpsuit by Claire Mischevani
Autumn Phillips wore Claire Mischevani crepe jumpsuit. Autumn Phillips wore a crepe jumpsuit by Claire Mischevani
Autumn Phillips wore Claire Mischevani crepe jumpsuit. Autumn Phillips wore a crepe jumpsuit by Claire Mischevani
Autumn Phillips wore Claire Mischevani crepe jumpsuit. Autumn Phillips wore a crepe jumpsuit by Claire Mischevani
Autumn Phillips wore Claire Mischevani crepe jumpsuit. Autumn Phillips wore a crepe jumpsuit by Claire Mischevani

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  1. Seems like it was Autumn's day to shine. She looks lovely -- stunning hat perfectly matches her jumpsuit. Has the look of a skirt and IMO, is a nice choice for the final day.

  2. Anonymous22/6/19 22:54

    How lovely the Queen looks again today,no surprise there she always is at her best.I do and don't like the pantsuit of Autumn's, the color is super, I feel the pant legs are too wide. Maybe it is only me. I do like the interaction of the Queen with Autumn.

  3. Anonymous22/6/19 23:02

    Autumn looks lovely...the blue colour really suits her. QE looks very nice too.

  4. the Queen looks gorgeous, fantastic!

    And Autumn also looks very, very good. I like this jumpsuit, same I liked Sophies

  5. Those pant suits were tragic

  6. Anonymous23/6/19 02:20

    Autumn looks easy, breezy and very chic.

  7. Anonymous23/6/19 03:08

    Is that Tessy ex-Princess of Luxembourg in the last group photo (in cream)?

    1. Anonymous23/6/19 04:39

      No, looks nothing like Tessy

  8. Peter Phillips would also do well to ditch the beard

  9. I like Autumn's jumpsuit so much better than Sophie's. The fabric moves beautifully. I also like the balance this jumpsuit has, with the top having a looser fit than Sophie's. The color looks very nice on her as well.

  10. Anonymous23/6/19 07:09

    Auch wenn ich kein Freund von Jumpsuits bei Ascot bin, muss ich sagen, dass Autumn hier richtig gut aussieht. Auch ihr Hut, Haare und Make-up sehen super aus.
    Schön, die Fotos mit der Queen zusammen. Je älter ihre Majestät wird, desto mehr zeigt sie ihr wahres Ich: Ihre Freundlichkeit, ihre Wärme, die sie sonst hinterm Protokoll versteckt hat....oder es ist das Alter und die Altersweisheit. Sie wirkt so entspannt.

    1. Anonymous24/6/19 19:52

      Das kann ich alles nur unterschreiben und hatte ich mir auch überlegt:-)

  11. Anonymous23/6/19 09:39

    Who is Autumn?

    1. Autumn is married to Peter Phillips, Princess Anne´s son.

    2. Anonymous23/6/19 13:51

      Thanks for answer. She's very elegant. Beautiful dress. Or jumpsuit??

    3. Anonymous23/6/19 16:29

      She looks better than Kate.

    4. Anonymous23/6/19 17:41

      11:39 - Google is your friend.

    5. Anonymous23/6/19 18:27

      7:41 Friend is a friend and Google is Google. Take care of yourself not me. Have a nice day:)

    6. Anonymous23/6/19 22:05

      Dear 8:27 - well, it's easier AND faster to google someone's name than to wait a few hours for hopefully an answer online. It's kind of a distant relative of Ms Personal Responsibility and Mr Fending For Yourself.

    7. Anonymous24/6/19 16:04

      Sweet 12:05
      Take it easy and keep smiling:)

  12. Anonymous23/6/19 11:49

    The Queen looks marvelous in the lime green. Lady Autumn wowed the crowds of Ascot with this refreshingly beautiful babyblue jumpsuit. The hat is a bit to much, but it looks usual for the Brits. Peter Phillips became a kind of handsome guy. Never noticed before.

  13. Autumn looked really stunning from the waist up, but even though her jumpsuit was more successful than Sophie's, I think it looked odd, and inappropriate for Ascot. (Then again, I always think jumpsuits look odd, and inappropriate for anything other than fixing cars and skydiving :-D.)

  14. Anonymous23/6/19 16:49

    How tall is Autumn?

  15. Anonymous24/6/19 07:08

    I love the selfie that the girls took. Autumn is an attractive lady;Peter is handsome. Prince Andrew is certainly doing his duty;and doing it well. The Queen looks so bright after all the days at Ascot;each day the dresses and hats are so pretty;she is young at heart with style.


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