Announcement about the health status of Princess Mette-Marit

On October 24, The Royal Court of Norway announced that Crown Princess Mette-Marit has been diagnosed with a chronic lung disease which may prevent Crown Princess Mette-Marit from taking part in the official programs.
The Royal Court of Norway announced that Crown Princess Mette-Marit has been diagnosed with a chronic lung disease
The Royal Court of Norway announced that Crown Princess Mette-Marit has been diagnosed with chronic pulmonary fibrosis. In the announcement, the Royal Court said that “The Crown Princess has undergone extensive health investigations and an unusual variant of fibrosis has been detected in the lungs by Crown Princess’s doctor, Professor Kristian Bjøro at the National Hospital. It is not yet clear that whether the pulmonary disease is connected to a more extensive autoimmune disease process or there are other causes that underlie the lung changes.”

In addition, the Royal Court said “concerning her slow progressing diagnosis, there has been a broad consensus that it is not related to environmental or lifestyle factors as is the case with other more common types of pulmonary fibrosis.”
The Royal Court of Norway announced that Crown Princess Mette-Marit has been diagnosed with a chronic lung disease
The Crown Princess made a statement along with the press release. In the statement, the Crown Princess said “For a number of years, I have had health challenges on a regular basis, and now we know more about them. The condition means that the working capacity will vary. The Crown Prince and I choose to inform about this now, partly because in future there will be a need to plan periods without the official programme. According to the treatment and when the disease is more active, this will be necessary.”

The Crown Princess will receive treatment at Oslo University Hospital, which will be carried out in cooperation with medical professionals from abroad.

Professor Kristian Bjøro said, “The Crown Princess will have to undergo further investigation in the future and also treatment trials. In the conditions like the Crown Princess has, it is common for us to cooperate with medical professionals from abroad.”

According to the Mayo Clinic, pulmonary fibrosis “is a lung disease that occurs when lung tissue becomes damaged and scarred. This thickened, stiff tissue makes it more difficult for your lungs to work properly. As pulmonary fibrosis worsens, you become progressively more short of breath.”

In the same press release, the Crown Princess said “Although such a diagnosis will sometimes limit my life, I’m pleased that the disease has been discovered in an early stage. My goal is still to work and take part in the official programme as much as possible.”

The Royal Court stated that discovering the disease in an early stage “is favourable considering the prognosis.”

Prime Minister Erna Solberg released an official statement relating to the Crown Princess. Prime Minister Solberg said to the Norwegian media: “Today, I send warm thoughts to Crown Princess Mette-Marit. It is important that the Crown Princess receives good treatment and is closely followed up and receives much care”.

One of Norway’s best lung specialists, Olav KĂĄre Refvem said to the Norwegian TV-channel NRK:

“She has caught a disease that not so many people would talk about. This will and can give hope to many people who have been diagnosed with that disease, and I know how difficult this is. It is good for the medical community that such a prominent person as the Crown Princess actually speaks about this and is part of it. It is about identifying with a person who is familiar. It shows that not only common people catch a disease”.
The Royal Court of Norway announced that Crown Princess Mette-Marit has been diagnosed with a chronic lung disease
According to the Royal calendar, despite her health status, Crown Princess Mette-Marit will attend a luncheon held for the Nordic Council at the Royal Palace on October 30, and then on the same day, the Crown Princess will attend 2018 Council Literature Award Ceremony at Oslo Opera House.


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  1. So sad,she is so beautiful,young and discret,so in love with Haakon,mother of three wonderful children,I hope she will be strong and I pray for her and her relatives.

  2. God bless her. There is no known cure for this disease.

    1. Mais oui, il existe un remède: la greffe de poumon. Je suis sûre qu'ils vont en trouver un pour elle.

  3. Hope she will get better. I love her.

  4. This is a brave statement and, as anonymous says above, there is no known cure. May God be with lovely MM and her family.

  5. C'est avec beaucoup de tristesse que j'ai appris cette nouvelle, que Dieu fasse qu'elle passe au travers de cette maladie et qu'elle guérisse je vais prier pour sa guérison.

    1. Je réponds à mon propre poste pour dire que le commentaire que j'avais écrit ci-dessus n'est pas celui que j'avais écrit malheureux.

  6. So sad news indeed. But the good thing is she can have best possible treatment as a crown princess and one day possible a lung transplant.

  7. Brave decision to go public. As said above, apart from a lung transplant, I don't think there is a known cure and it's progressive. Thoughts and prayers with her, and especially her children who are still so young.

  8. She looks fantastic today. I am sorry to hear about her illness. Very sad she is still a very young women. In Medicine there is something new every day.

  9. Sad news - she hasn't had much luck with her health recently. And courageous and honest of her to share it publically. Wishing her well.

  10. I think she is a very strong woman. While it is true this disease may limit some of her activities, they have caught it in its earliest stage and perhaps she and along with the doctors looking after her will see a cure. She is willing to put herself out there to advance the issues surrounding her disease. Good on you Mette-Merit. I have always admired and respected you and now more than ever. You will be in my prayers.

  11. She is brave. Hope all the best for her and her family.

  12. So sad to read this. I wish her and her beautiful family the very best.

  13. All the best to Mette-Marit, her family and everybody else who suffers from a disease! Don't give up! Stay strong!

  14. ik vind het heel erg ,heel veel sterkte!!!


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