Guillaume and Stéphanie attended the opening of 'From Portugal to Luxembourg' exhibition

Hereditary Grand Duke Guillaume and Hereditary Grand Duchess Stéphanie attended the opening of the exhibition "From Portugal to Luxembourg", organized on the occasion of the 125th anniversary of the marriage of Grand Duke Guillaume IV to the Grande-Duchess Marie Anne. Guillaume IV reigned as the Grand Duke of Luxembourg from 17 November 1905 until his death. Guillaume IV was a Protestant, the religion of the Huse of Nassau. He was married on 21 June 1893 at Schloss Fischhorn, to the catholic Princess Marie Anne of Portugal. Thus his heirs have been Catholic.
Hereditary Grand Duke Guillaume and Hereditary Grand Duchess Stéphanie attended the opening of the exhibition
Hereditary Grand Duke Guillaume and Hereditary Grand Duchess Stéphanie attended the opening of the exhibition
Hereditary Grand Duke Guillaume and Hereditary Grand Duchess Stéphanie attended the opening of the exhibition
Hereditary Grand Duke Guillaume and Hereditary Grand Duchess Stéphanie attended the opening of the exhibition
Hereditary Grand Duke Guillaume and Hereditary Grand Duchess Stéphanie attended the opening of the exhibition
Hereditary Grand Duke Guillaume and Hereditary Grand Duchess Stéphanie attended the opening of the exhibition
Hereditary Grand Duke Guillaume and Hereditary Grand Duchess Stéphanie attended the opening of the exhibition
Hereditary Grand Duke Guillaume and Hereditary Grand Duchess Stéphanie attended the opening of the exhibition
Hereditary Grand Duke Guillaume and Hereditary Grand Duchess Stéphanie attended the opening of the exhibition

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  1. J'aime bien Stéphanie mais je crois qu'aujourd'hui c'est non... Coiffure, outfit...

  2. Anonymous10/7/18 17:36

    Elle a vraiment le don pour aller dénicher des tenues très quelconques.

  3. Anonymous10/7/18 18:11

    Not a bad one piece suit, the color is good.

  4. Am I wrong or are the trousers illfitting? But anyway I like the colour. And I like Stéphanie!

    1. Anonymous14/7/18 14:09

      They are not trousers. It is one piece.

  5. Anonymous10/7/18 19:19

    La princesse Stéphanie n'a pas toujours bonne mine depuis quelque temps ; je lui trouve les traits tirés.

    1. Anonymous11/7/18 09:49

      Yes I agree, not really smiling on several pictures. I rather like her outfit, typically her style, ie sober but rather common, the colour is good

  6. I do not think this is flattering on her at all. It emphasizes all the wrong parts and it makes her uppper thighs/hips look huge. This is a miss for me.

    1. Indeed, better luck next time really.

    2. I agree!! Disproportionate. .mhm.

  7. I love the colour on Stephanie but the style is not very flattering to her.

  8. This fits badly and is not flattering, especially around the hips. And the colour makes her look washed out.

  9. Anonymous10/7/18 19:58

    Omg, she looks so big, love the color, but she needs some advise on what style suits her

  10. Anonymous10/7/18 20:12

    She looks like she is pregnant. I wish her to be.

    1. Anonymous11/7/18 11:08

      Yes, I had thought too that she is pregnant. Otherwise, the couple will be moving to London in a few weeks… All in all I have to say, i don't like this outfit for her. Not her best choice. Even her black wide trousers are better than this, sorry. Stéphanie can do it much better!

  11. I like the colour but not keen on the fit around the hips.

  12. Agree with all. Not a good fit at all.

  13. Anonymous10/7/18 23:08

    I think the princess looks a lot better than the lady in the light pink dress!!!

  14. Very strange and ill-fitting outfit. Only the color works. She does look pregnant here but I have thought that so many times about Stephanie and have been wrong.

    1. Anonymous11/7/18 16:03

      Royalty fan
      Yes Pine, I agree, have also thought so many times

  15. is she pregnant? hopefully she is...I'm excited for them to have a baby...

  16. Anonymous11/7/18 07:03

    Stephanie is lucky, she got a benevolent assessment from you.

  17. Anonymous11/7/18 07:16

    "Huge"? Really? I think may you might have missed the real meaning of this word. If you compare her to thin models, then she has always been "huge". Are clothes there to hide everything that is not model-like? (I thought the same when I saw the opinions about Carole Middleton's dress at Louis' christening. Yes, wow, she has breasts, she has some volume there, and she always had. This dress shows it, instead hiding it. She has real hourglass curves there and they show. Hey, it is beautiful! Nothing there to hide ...)

    1. Anonymous11/7/18 12:59

      Beautiful color on Stephanie. Not my favorite style on her, but totally agree about the "big" comments. She is not big and neither is Carole Middleton who did look fabulous at the christening.

  18. Anonymous11/7/18 07:40

    Anonymous 1:08 I love the lady in the pink dress. She appears to be expecting, and I think she looks very chic. Actually one of the better dressed women there.

    Stephanie's jumpsuit does not look flattering at all. The tie at the waist hits the largest part of her stomach, making it look bigger, and the pant portion enlarges her hips and thighs. Her purse and shoes are too matchy-matchy. And I would love to see some color on her face, or at least some mascara. Her smile is so beautiful, and she seems to be such a beautiful person. I keep cheering her on hoping for the day she turns the fashion corner!

    1. For one thing you are right with the fashion corner, then again I think Stéphanie is not Letizia (who definitely is the fashion queen among the queens). Stéphanie probably just does not attache importance to fashion. And that is fine, isn't it?

  19. A lovely color on Stephanie, and this would be a successful outfit if the pant legs were not different lengths! Wah!!

  20. Thank goodness Stephanie has a sweet personality because her wardrobe is awful. Looks like a Marshall’s $30 special.

    1. Anonymous13/7/18 07:43

      My laugh for the evening. :)

  21. This jumpsuit is...not good but the hair is the real tragedy

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. Ladies's fashion more than men's fashion expects women to be one size fits all; pret-a-porter. Some women are petite, some are tall. Stephanie tried something out of her regular comfort zone, good for her. Reading a lot of comments, the readers/viewers will get an idea of why women in the 70s/80s/90s to break the glass ceiling and be professional wore long blazers and suit jackets. Brown rather than blue accessories; interesting. I will have to remember and try that.


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