Religious wedding of Prince Ernst August and Ekaterina

Pierre Casiraghi, Beatrice Borromeo, Charlotte Casiraghi, Princess Alexandra, Tatiana Santa Domingo, Prince Christian and Alessandra de Osma at wedding cremony. wedding gown
Prince Ernst August married with Ekaterina Malysheva in a religious ceremony held at the Marktkirche church in Hannover. Pierre Casiraghi, his wife Beatrice Borromeo, Charlotte Casiraghi, Princess Alexandra of Hanover, Andrea Casiraghi, Tatiana Santa Domingo, Prince Christian of Hanover and his fiancee Alessandra de Osma attended the religious wedding ceremony of Prince Ernst August and Ekaterina of Hanover.
Pierre Casiraghi, Beatrice Borromeo, Charlotte Casiraghi, Princess Alexandra, Tatiana Santa Domingo, Prince Christian and Alessandra de Osma at wedding cremony. wedding gown
Pierre Casiraghi, Beatrice Borromeo, Charlotte Casiraghi, Princess Alexandra, Tatiana Santa Domingo, Prince Christian and Alessandra de Osma at wedding cremony. wedding gown
Lauren Santo Domingo, Pierre Casiraghi, Beatrice Borromeo, Charlotte Casiraghi, Princess Alexandra, Tatiana Santa Domingo, Prince Christian and Alessandra de Osma at wedding cremony. wedding gown
Pierre Casiraghi, Beatrice Borromeo, Charlotte Casiraghi, Princess Alexandra, Tatiana Santa Domingo, Prince Christian and Alessandra de Osma at wedding cremony. wedding gown
Pierre Casiraghi, Beatrice Borromeo, Charlotte Casiraghi, Princess Alexandra, Tatiana Santa Domingo, Prince Christian and Alessandra de Osma at wedding cremony. wedding gown
Pierre Casiraghi, Beatrice Borromeo, Charlotte Casiraghi, Princess Alexandra, Tatiana Santa Domingo, Prince Christian and Alessandra de Osma at wedding cremony. wedding gown
Pierre Casiraghi, Beatrice Borromeo, Charlotte Casiraghi, Princess Alexandra, Tatiana Santa Domingo, Prince Christian and Alessandra de Osma at wedding cremony. wedding gown
Pierre Casiraghi, Beatrice Borromeo, Charlotte Casiraghi, Princess Alexandra, Tatiana Santa Domingo, Prince Christian and Alessandra de Osma at wedding cremony. wedding gown
Pierre Casiraghi, Beatrice Borromeo, Charlotte Casiraghi, Princess Alexandra, Tatiana Santa Domingo, Prince Christian and Alessandra de Osma at wedding cremony. wedding gown
Pierre Casiraghi, Beatrice Borromeo, Charlotte Casiraghi, Princess Alexandra, Tatiana Santa Domingo, Prince Christian and Alessandra de Osma at wedding cremony. wedding gown
Lauren Santo Domingo, Pierre Casiraghi, Beatrice Borromeo, Charlotte Casiraghi, Princess Alexandra, Tatiana Santa Domingo, Prince Christian and Alessandra de Osma at wedding cremony. wedding gown
Lauren Santo Domingo, Pierre Casiraghi, Beatrice Borromeo, Charlotte Casiraghi, Princess Alexandra, Tatiana Santa Domingo, Prince Christian and Alessandra de Osma at wedding cremony. wedding gown
Lauren Santo Domingo, Pierre Casiraghi, Beatrice Borromeo, Charlotte Casiraghi, Princess Alexandra, Tatiana Santa Domingo, Prince Christian and Alessandra de Osma at wedding cremony. wedding gown
Pierre Casiraghi, Beatrice Borromeo, Charlotte Casiraghi, Princess Alexandra, Tatiana Santa Domingo, Prince Christian and Alessandra de Osma at wedding cremony. wedding gown
Pierre Casiraghi, Beatrice Borromeo, Charlotte Casiraghi, Princess Alexandra, Tatiana Santa Domingo, Prince Christian and Alessandra de Osma at wedding cremony. wedding gown
Pierre Casiraghi, Beatrice Borromeo, Charlotte Casiraghi, Princess Alexandra, Tatiana Santa Domingo, Prince Christian and Alessandra de Osma at wedding cremony. wedding gown
Pierre Casiraghi, Beatrice Borromeo, Charlotte Casiraghi, Princess Alexandra, Tatiana Santa Domingo, Prince Christian and Alessandra de Osma at wedding cremony. wedding gown
Pierre Casiraghi, Beatrice Borromeo, Charlotte Casiraghi, Princess Alexandra, Tatiana Santa Domingo, Prince Christian and Alessandra de Osma at wedding cremony. wedding gown
Pierre Casiraghi, Beatrice Borromeo, Charlotte Casiraghi, Princess Alexandra, Tatiana Santa Domingo, Prince Christian and Alessandra de Osma at wedding cremony. wedding gown
Pierre Casiraghi, Beatrice Borromeo, Charlotte Casiraghi, Princess Alexandra, Tatiana Santa Domingo, Prince Christian and Alessandra de Osma at wedding cremony. wedding gown
Pierre Casiraghi, Beatrice Borromeo, Charlotte Casiraghi, Princess Alexandra, Tatiana Santa Domingo, Prince Christian and Alessandra de Osma at wedding cremony. wedding gown
Pierre Casiraghi, Beatrice Borromeo, Charlotte Casiraghi, Princess Alexandra, Tatiana Santa Domingo, Prince Christian and Alessandra de Osma at wedding cremony. wedding gown
Pierre Casiraghi, Beatrice Borromeo, Charlotte Casiraghi, Princess Alexandra, Tatiana Santa Domingo, Prince Christian and Alessandra de Osma at wedding cremony. wedding gown
Pierre Casiraghi, Beatrice Borromeo, Charlotte Casiraghi, Princess Alexandra, Tatiana Santa Domingo, Prince Christian and Alessandra de Osma at wedding cremony. wedding gown

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  1. Pour une des rares fois, je ne suis pas folle de la tenue de Béatrice B.

    1. Et moi aussi... Tres Medici, 1500's, around her head. Her ancestry?

    2. Non,une brioche tressée.

    3. Rainha she has nothing to do at all with the Medici. Her name is Borromeo which is a rich family of ancient heritage but not surely the Medici.

    4. Grazia, I know. Just a joke, forgive me. Reptilians anyway.

  2. Charlotte looks ridiculous for a summer wedding. Beatrice's turban is mehhh

    1. That hat looks like a gigantic pretzel!

    2. Agreed about Charlotte! The outfit in general is nice, just not appropriate for a wedding.

  3. I don't care for the bridal gown, too much 80s and over the top.
    Beatrice is wearing a really lovely dress, but that hideous thing on her head ruins the whole look. Alexandra seems to wear one of her figure skater costumes, but she's only 18 and still experimenting.
    I don't like Charlotte's outfit and it is not suitable at all for a summer wedding.
    Surprisingly, my absolute winner is Tatiana. The hat and the dress are elegant and summerly, a bit romantic but not over the top. Now, if there only was a picture of her smiling... Her kids are adorable.

  4. wow fairy-tale dress, stunning bride

    1. The veil looks nearly like a historic familiy "item"? Anyway: classic!!

  5. The bride's gown is exquisite and is perfect with the the tiara. Alexandra of Hannover's pink floral dress is very pretty and suits her. Beatrice Casiraghi looks like a gorgeous painting of old in the delicate floral and woven hat. The rest of the group--meh.

  6. I think Alexandra looks the nicest. Tatiana also looks charming and perfect for a summer wedding.
    The bride looks like a bride, pretty but too much lace.
    The rest? Awful.

  7. Bon la mariée a fait un effort par rapport à hier c'est indéniable! mais alors les belles soeurs du rocher auraient pu elles aussi améliorer le désastre d'hier. Pas fameux tout ça! Charlotte porte une tenue d'hiver en plein été et un chapeau ridicule, quant à Beatrice de loin je me suis quand même demandé ce qu'elle portait comme douteux couvre chef... Pour finir sur ces notes élogieuses, le marié à un sérieux problème de maintient et de coupe de cheveux...

    1. Complétement d'accord avec vous. La robe de la mariée a l'air jolie mais charlotte est ridicule et on dirait que Béatrice s'est renversé une mousse de fraise sur la tête. Le marié a l'air benêt et Alexandra passe partout.
      Seule Tatiana tire son épingle du jeu, pour une fois !!!!

    2. @Laurence: Tatiana semblait porter une autre belle robe pour la cérémonie civile. On ne pouvait pas la voir très bien, mais le tissu et les couleurs bleu clair et jaune étaient très jolis.

  8. Das Brautkleid sieht aus wie aus den 80ern übriggeblieben.

  9. The bride is better in this grown than many royal Brides in recent years. Alexandra looks all grown up. Tatiana looks very beautiful as well.

    1. Surprise, surprise: Tatiana looks really good!! 10 of 10 points. Don't know when it was the last time we saw her that stylish and classic. Andrea Casiraghi does not look healthy at all. To much smoke? And their little son is never smiling, strange.-
      The bride: very, very, very lovely!! Classic!! Now! finally she owns a high-rank status and name, ha ha. But she comes not! from a chocolate-dynasty from Switzerland. Quelle faux-pas. I wish them from my heart that they will do it much better than Ernst-August Sr. who was absent again and wants back what he gaves his son a few years ago!! What a pity he did not met his little daughter Alexandra on this occasion.(Did she ever met her Dad after he left Monaco?)
      The groom's outfit: what has going wrong here with the length of the arms?? (And maybe a decent haircut?)-
      Charlotte Casiraghi: a big Fashion-"NO"!! It is July, even in Germany, and she is young! Very strange looking again, like on a funeral. She is always better looking in jeans, sneakers and trenchcoats or her riding outfits.- Alexandra - o.k., she is still trying her best at 18, we'll give her that credit. A bit like ice-skating. Could have done better.- Beatrice Casiraghi: what on earth? Is she a Medici too by ancestry?-
      Prinz Schaumburg-Lippe: very proud with the Lady on his side, ha ha, again... Germans will know what I mean.
      And that's it. (The young couple choosed flower- and some party-services from U.K.!
      Nobody there in good old Germany to fullfill their wishes?)

    2. I guess, it's one of the 2 Princesses of Thurn und Taxis with the Prince of Schaumburg-Lippe!? Old german heritage too.

  10. The bridal gown just doesn't do it for me... sorry. Too overdone. The tiara is nice, though. Winner is - and I never thought that I would say so one day - Tatiana. Plus, it seems India served as flower-girl. Perhaps Princess Alexandra is wearing an old dress from her mother? Could someone please check? I wouldn't be surprised.

  11. Cortège très décevant pour un mariage princier.Les anglais font beaucoup mieux en élégance,en classe .Je suis trés déçue.

  12. Tatiana's look is ruined for me by the unpleasant expressions on her face. There is no need for her to smile constantly but, really, would it hurt to unfreeze a bit at a wedding--one with your little daughter as an adorable bridesmaid? Beatrice manages to look pleasant and serene without smiling.

    1. Some of us, myself included, we're born with faces that in repose make us look glum (bitchy resting face, I believe it's called).

      She us also on record as saying that she doesn't feel completely comfortable in the public eye - these are candid snapshots, they only show a split second in time.

    2. I do sympathize with her apparent discomfort in the public eye. But most others who land in that life (and it was no surprise to her as she dated Andrea for years before they married) can manage a bit lighter expression, if not a smile. And if the one moment in time repeats over and over and over it presents a pattern.

  13. Nice family occasion. The bride looks nice although I personally prefer a cleaner line. Nice to see the family tiara.

    Alexandra looks very grown up and pretty - I like her dress very much, it isn't BTW a hand me down from Caroline.

    Beatrice's outfit minus the hat is very elegant - I like the soft colours.

    Charlotte's outfit, again minus the hat, is very nice but it's not for summer.

    Tatiana looks elegant and crisp. I like her dress and the big picture hat a lot. Sasha and India look cute.

  14. She's not pictured on this blog but I saw a picture of Lauren Santo Domingo at the wedding. For someone who works in high fashion, I expect better from her, but she was wearing a truly unflattering dress, and possibly a little inappropriate for a church!

  15. And Papa Ernst is missing ~ all is not well in the House of Hanover

    1. ...And he wants the Marienburg/ including other important things back from his son,(the Groom) with the ultimatum of the wedding day. And Prince Ernst August Sr. gave not! his blessings to this marriage :(.

  16. "Prince" Ernst? As far as I know there is no monarchy in germany!

    1. Coralie, but yes, Ernst-August of Hannover is international "Hochadel"!! and there are the "Preussen", "Wittelsbach", "Sachsen-Coburg-Gotha", "Sachsen", "Bavarians" and many! more which influenced and married into all the other houses outside Germany since the "beginning of times".:) Although Mrs. Merkel is ruling the country at the moment, it does not mean, that there is no monarchy existent anymore. Read in the internet about the history. It's very interesting!! :)

    2. You are right, no nobility either. Prinz, Herzog, Graf and so on, are only part of the name, no titles anymore.

    3. True, Germany is not a monarchy anymore but titles like "prince", "princess" or or "duke" are considered part of the name nowadays and are therefore still in use and passed on from generation to generation. Also, Ekatherina Malysheva will from now on be "princess of Hanover". The only titles you'll absolutely not find are those of "king", "queen" or "grand duke" for example as these titels are titles of actually reigning monarchs (if you can say so) and as Germany is not a monarchy anymore, these titles were abolished.

    4. Yes, but because Prince Ernst August Sr. gave not! his blessings to this marriage, she is not! a Princess of Great Britain as she would be otherwise, and they do not have a right as throne-followers (place Number....) to Britain. Very complex theme, but true indeed.

  17. Money really can't buy style!

  18. Apparently the groom's trousers were far too long, baggy and needed ironing. Ah well, he looked happy. Glad that the we mortals are not the only ones who make mistakes in clothes. At least we do not pay a fortune for them. There were some very ordinary outfits worn by the very rich and privileged in these photos.

  19. Well that was a total let down.

  20. I smile when I read most of the comments. We need to make room for differences of culture and national character. Germany and England are very different nations and we shouldn't measure everyone with the same stick. If you look back in the respective historical paintings, one can observe the differences over the centuries. Take a portrait of Queen Victoria and one of her Hapsburg contemporaries for example.

    In that light, this to me seems very German aristocratic wedding (despite Prussia being dominant for a while, other families at other times, there is no one single royal family, hence to me their are aristocracy but not royalty).

    Despite Italian influences in many of the guests, the majority of them come from Northern Italian nobilita, which is very closely linked to the Hapsburgs and thus not all that different). And whilst I understand the reactions most of us would have, I'd say that it's just about right for a German highend wedding.

    PS if you need more proof of the differences I am talking about, have a look at the G20 pictures and contrast Angela Merkel and Teresa May. And not just because they have different body types. No disrespect meant to any German readers, just that I think what passes as elegant in one country is quite different than the other. There's no one to say that one is better than the other. I think (like with many other things) the English influences are dominating if you have a global perspective.

    1. Yes, Liv, you are right, but let's not forget the absolute German Heritage of Queen Elizabeth II. They simply changed the German Family name. And she is the richest and most powerful woman on Earth (although many think Merkel or others could be... and so on... Officialy she stays in the background with this fact.) Let's not talk about Mrs. Merkels sense of Fashion, or I am crying. And who knows how long T. May will show her style... G20-pictures are a bad example of Fashion in general. (I know a lot of very stylish Germans, and with good taste.) Lots of Love- wherever you are tonight!

  21. Charlotte's coat is a GIAMBATTISTA VALLI Macramé lace-paneled silk bouclé coat

  22. Anonimo, true! But including the hat she looks better on a funeral, than a sunny summer-wedding where all is light...

    1. I agree... good outfit for a funeral, absolutely terrible for a summer-wedding!


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