Crown Princess Victoria attended a Birthday Party

On Svensk Damtidning, (weekly Swedish tabloid magazine) there are photos of Crown Princess Victoria of Sweden who attended the 40th birthday party of Caroline Dinkelspiel, one of the Princess's closest friends. According to that magazine, the birthday party took place in Östermalm, Stockholm and again according to that magazine, Princess Madeleine were also present at the birthday party.
Crown Princess Victoria and Princess Madeleine attended the 40th birthday party of Caroline Dinkelspiel one of the Crown Princess's closest friends in Östermalm.
Crown Princess Victoria and Princess Madeleine attended the 40th birthday party of Caroline Dinkelspiel one of the Crown Princess's closest friends in Östermalm.
Crown Princess Victoria and Princess Madeleine attended the 40th birthday party of Caroline Dinkelspiel one of the Crown Princess's closest friends in Östermalm.

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  1. I think she wanted to look sexy but instead she looks plain frumpy. She's better off with simple and clean cuts. Sorry but only someone with no style would put together those shoes, pants and jacket. And no change in her hairstyle even at her leisure time.

    1. Agree. It looks frumpy to me also, as an outfit, despite each individual piece evidently meant to be trendy and cutting edge. The pants are really horrible. The hairstyle makes it so much worse.

  2. Ohhhhh I love those shoes!!!!

    1. I like the shoes too, perhaps with another outfit but i like when a young royal goes a bit more daring than the usual, besides she is young, wish she would try a different hairstyle

  3. Her outfit leaves a lot to be desired. Shoes, yuck. Hair, I despair of her ever not making herself look younger and better

  4. Thumbs down, the whole outfit doesn't work. Maybe if her hair was loose and younger looking it would help a little.

  5. 👎 from me too. Other guests look lovely but Victoria looks dowdy compared to them. I do not understand why Victoria had to put together those shoes, pants and jacket. They do not work together!
    And even during her private time she won't let her hair down, the same tightly slicked back hair 🐵

  6. Love the heals and think the pairing is age appropriate and careful to not scene-steal during her friend's celebration.

  7. I do not like Victoria´s clothes here, it looks just weird.

    When was this birthday party? So Madeline had enough time to celebrate this party but not to come home to show integrity with the rest of royal family and so far the Swedish country after terrorist attack? Does not sound nice at all.

    1. I was thinking that. But if she was, why isnt she in the photos? Seems that everyone was caught going/leaving the party. No photos of her even in stockholm. I think its weird. Maybe she wasnt there.

    2. There are pictures of Victoria and other guests but non of Madeleine. If she was there, then why no picture of her arriving/living?

    3. Karl; Basically a person can say no to take or publish her photos. Although street is not private place and there it is not so simple. Also she could have come late.

      I would quite easily believe Madeline was there if Svenka Damtidning tells it after having a reporter there in place.

    4. Blondiini: I don't believe Madeleine said "no" for posing for the photo (and photographers rarely ask if they can take photo, they simply shoot).

    5. Karl; actually in every party where I have been taking part as a quest or photographer and there has been photographer, there has always been question can we take a pic and publish it by reporter. As you can see in these photos, people are all posing, pictures were not just "shoot".

    6. Don't see why Madeleine would say "no" for the picture. Nor why Madeleine's attendance at the bday party was something out of place?
      We do not know when this party took place but I'd say it happened rather at the end of March/early April, before the horrible terror attack in Stockholm. If Madeleine had been in Sweden on 7-9 April, then I'm sure she'd have attended the momorial service with the rest of the family. But if its more gratifying, then please feel free to believe otherwise.

  8. One minute in tears and next having a party. Great

    1. Someone pointed out the hipocracy in all of this. I wouldnt say that she should skeep the party but she does look very happy. Someone also mention that Sofia was smiling quite a bit in the footage. I just feel sad that one morning people left home and didnt know what was going to happen to them 😞

  9. I'm a swede and live in the center of Stockholm, I was close to where the terrorist attack was. Yes is was horrifying, but, I stans for our free way of living, and this attac on our free way living will not stop is from doing just that, living our lives. I think this is just what we shall do, stand up for pur way of living. Of course all the people in Stockholm mourn, but at the same time we should ge the finger to them who want to make is afraid and want us to change our lifes and our sofiety. So, kudos to Victoria, she is a brave woman and also a gathering force for our country.

    1. As someone earlier wrote: Victoria is the true jewel of Swedens monarchy!

    2. I do agree. If the monarchy Has a jewel its victoria ☺

    3. I am so sorry for you Swedish people but also happy that you do not let terrorists win mentally.

      About Victoria smiling here and crying elsewhere; it is called life. There are shadows and there are lights. That is what life really is about.

  10. Die beste Freundin wird 40 und dann macht man sich schick. Ich mag die Kombi der Kronprinzessin. Smokingcape, Overall mit leicht verkürztem weiteren Bein und ein paar Hammerschuhe. Gepflegte Füße und Nägel lackiert in einer schönen Farbe, und Statement-Ohrhänger. Da passt die strenge Frisur am besten. Ich denke oft, dass es für Victoria mit Mann, Kindern und Job (der Japanbesuch stand kurz vor der Tür)einfach die praktischste und beste Lösung ist. Für mich macht sie das noch sympathischer. Ich hoffe, sie hatten viel Spaß, königliche Hoheit! Best buddies sind mehr wert als alle Kronjuwelen, wie sie sicherlich wissen werden.


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