Princess Claire of Luxembourg Pregnant With Second Child

Grand Ducal Court of Luxembourg has announced this morning that Prince Fรฉlix and Princess Claire of Luxembourg are expecting their second child. The baby is due in the autumn. Grand Duchess Maria Teresa and Grand Duke Henri of Luxembourg are “very pleased” according to the announcement. Princess Claire and Prince Fรฉlix were married in September 2013 and their first child, Princess Amalia, was born in June 2014.
Princess Claire and Prince Fรฉlix are expecting their second child, Princess Amalia, Grand Duchess Maria Teresa , Princess Stephanie, Princess Charlene
Princess Claire and Prince Fรฉlix are expecting their second child, Princess Amalia, Grand Duchess Maria Teresa , Princess Stephanie, Princess Charlene
Princess Claire and Prince Fรฉlix are expecting their second child, Princess Amalia, Grand Duchess Maria Teresa , Princess Stephanie, Princess Charlene


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  1. Wonderful news! Congratulations and best wishes.

  2. Very happy for them! Congrats young family
    I wonder how Stephanie feels about this. Poor girl...

    1. Let's not forget Guillaume. Perhaps he is unhappier with the situation than his wife. Especially if he is the one with fertility issues.

    2. I think the same. Maybe or maybe not, but it's an uncomfortable situation for them. Is their prerogative to keep the true inside the walls of the palace, but everybody speculates with the reasons..

  3. What exciting news ! Congratulations ! :)

  4. Congratulations! I am very happy for them.

  5. That little girl, Amalia, may become one day Grand Dutchess if Stephanie and Guillaume don´t get children. She is third in the line of succession.

  6. Has it been said that Stephanie cannot have any or if they have tried? I imagine it is all kept personal but I've wondered myself because they have been married for a few years now I think.

    1. It's not been said of course. But some of us here wonder if there are issues. Stephanie has gained weight the last two yrs and while that is not so untypical it makes me wonder if it's due to hormone therapy. But who knows? Maybe it is him ?

      Happy for Felix and Claire. They are a beautiful family.

    2. Diane, Why on earth you like to find hormone problems in people? Few days ago was Queen Maxima and now Stephanie.

    3. Well Kristina Wagner the nurse in me tends to swe potential problems when people have hair that is thin and falling out or when a women goes from being thin to chunky and is up next to theach throne and has no heir. So my thoughts think hormones because all women have this at times.

      I don't LIKE TO FIND PROBLEMS IN ANYONE. Just wondering. Right now I am wondering why you are being so catty with me? As if accusatory? Don't read things into my comments. I say what I mean all the time.

      Relax oy I think maybe your hormones are out of whack or you are just looking for troubles ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜Ž๐Ÿ˜Ž๐Ÿ˜Ž

  7. Congrats to them!
    I tried to contain myself but I can't help, I have to say this: these two seem to be so much more suitable to inherit the throne than G and S. It's not the children topic, it's just that they seem to be much more confident, relaxed, positive than the hereditary grand duke and his wife. Then again I've just commented on Albert and Charlene that it's stupid to draw conclusions based on photos so here I go contradicting myself but still...

    1. I kind of agree with you ZL. I have said that myself in some other posts. They just shine more and seem confident and happy. Something is just rather flat and bland about G and S.

    2. I coulndn't agree more...


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