Princess Sofia of Sweden gives birth to a baby boy

Prince Carl Philip and Princess Sofia of Sweden have had a son. On Tuesday April 19 at 6.25 p.m., Princess Sofia of Sweden gave birth to a son at Danderyd hospital in Stockholm. Weight: 3595 grams. Length: 49 cm. Both mother and child are in good health. Prince Carl Philip was present at the hospital throughout the birth. (On Friday April 22, 2016, at 12noon, a Te Deum thanksgiving service will be held in the Royal Chapel at the Royal Palace of Stockholm in connection with the royal birth.)
Princess Sofia Hellqvist of Sweden gives birth to a baby boy. Princess Sofia Hellqvist gives birth to a baby boy
Princess Sofia Hellqvist of Sweden gives birth to a baby boy. Princess Sofia Hellqvist gives birth to a baby boy
Princess Sofia Hellqvist of Sweden gives birth to a baby boy. Princess Sofia Hellqvist gives birth to a baby boy
Princess Sofia Hellqvist of Sweden gives birth to a baby boy. Princess Sofia Hellqvist gives birth to a baby boy
Interview with Queen Silvia on the birth of her 5th grandchild. "It’s incredible, I’m so glad indeed. I was sitting here in an important meeting. It was a bit difficult to communicate, but I knew something was going on. It was very difficult to speak and it was very difficult to hear.” The Queen says she doesn’t know the sex, name and hasn’t received a picture yet. (The Queen is in New York to talk about how young people can get out of drug abuse and she gave a speech at the UN General Assembly).
Interview with Queen Silvia on the birth of her 5th grandchild. "It’s incredible, I’m so glad indeed.
Interview with Queen Silvia on the birth of her 5th grandchild. "It’s incredible, I’m so glad indeed.


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  1. I am so delighted for the beautiful couple. Best wishes from AUS. Xx

  2. Was für schöne Nachrichten :-)!! Ich freue mich so für die 2 und bin schon gespannt auf den Namen des kleinen royalen Sprösslings.

  3. Herzlichen GlĂĽckwunsch und alles Gute fĂĽr die frischgebackenen Eltern.

  4. Wonderful news! Can someone please provide the stats in pounds and inches?

    Thank you in advance

  5. Since she got married, Princess Sofia has proven to be a great assest to the royal family, despite what people thought in regards to her past. She is lovely and I am sure will be a delightful mother. Congrats Prince Carl Philip, he'll be a great papa. Can't wait to hear the baby's name.

  6. Congrats and God bless them.

  7. congratulation on their birth

  8. How lovely!

    Queen Silvia looks delighted (such a beautiful photo of a proud Mother and Grandmother).

  9. They'll be amazing parents, can't wait to see the baby!

  10. Congratulation!
    Look forward for the names and first pictures.


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