Monaco's Princely family attended the Circus Parade in Monaco

Princess Gabriella wore a gray and black leopard print coat by Dior, Princess Charlene, Beatrice Borromeo and Princess Stephanie

As part of the 46th Monte-Carlo International Circus Festival, Prince Albert, Princess Charlene, Prince Jacques, Princess Gabriella, Princess Stephanie, Pierre Casiraghi, Beatrice Borromeo, Camille Gottlieb and Louis Ducruet attended the Grand Parade and Open-Air Circus Show in Monaco. The Monte Carlo International Circus Festival will have a special year in 2024. The Monte-Carlo International Circus Festival will celebrate its founder, the late Prince Rainier III, with a blend of traditional and modern circus acts.

Princess Gabriella wore a gray and black leopard print coat by Dior, Princess Charlene, Beatrice Borromeo and Princess Stephanie

Princess Gabriella wore a gray and black leopard print coat by Dior, Princess Charlene, Beatrice Borromeo and Princess Stephanie

Princess Gabriella wore a gray and black leopard print coat by Dior, Princess Charlene, Beatrice Borromeo and Princess Stephanie

Princess Gabriella wore a gray and black leopard print coat by Dior, Princess Charlene, Beatrice Borromeo and Princess Stephanie

Princess Gabriella wore a gray and black leopard print coat by Dior, Princess Charlene, Beatrice Borromeo and Princess Stephanie

Princess Gabriella wore a gray and black leopard print coat by Dior, Princess Charlene, Beatrice Borromeo and Princess Stephanie

Princess Gabriella wore a gray and black leopard print coat by Dior, Princess Charlene, Beatrice Borromeo and Princess Stephanie

Princess Gabriella wore a gray and black leopard print coat by Dior, Princess Charlene, Beatrice Borromeo and Princess Stephanie

Princess Gabriella wore a gray and black leopard print coat by Dior, Princess Charlene, Beatrice Borromeo and Princess Stephanie

Princess Gabriella wore a gray and black leopard print coat by Dior, Princess Charlene, Beatrice Borromeo and Princess Stephanie


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  1. Anonymous13/1/24 20:01

    What on earth are the elephants doing there ? Is it some sort of sick elephant parade. Shame on you Prince Albert and Princess Charlene for giving animal exploitation a outing in Monaco.

    1. Anonymous13/1/24 20:50

      And you fashion comment is??

    2. Anonymous13/1/24 21:58

      Where do you see that the animals are exploited or otherwise mistreated?

    3. Anonymous13/1/24 22:33

    4. Anonymous14/1/24 02:53

      Absolutely, elephants don’t belong in a circus or paraded through a city.

    5. Anonymous14/1/24 05:44

      Thank you for providing the link. I enjoyed reading both articles.

    6. Anonymous14/1/24 17:05

      they are walking the elephants, just like walking a dog

    7. Anonymous14/1/24 17:11

      i think we are all in it, Zoo animals should be sent back to the wild

    8. Anonymous15/1/24 07:01

      I agree, wild animals need to be kept free in the wild. I’m not a fan of animals in Zoo and animals in the circus.

    9. Anonymous15/1/24 16:15

      TO Anon 17: 11
      The absolute majority of animals kept in ZOOs (at least in my country) were already born in ZOOs, they don't know wild nature, and when released they would die in the wild or return to human habitations and threaten people (beasts of prey).
      I know, dear ladies, that you love animals, but your well-intentioned suggestions are naive. Zoos around the world work together to breed and, in certain cases, save endangered species and return them to the nature.
      Animals learn tricks based on the principle of reward in the form of treats, some animals really enjoying this activity. (I'm not a fan of the ZOO myself, but my friend from childhood is the director of the ZOO, I know it from him.)

  2. Love these photos of the twins giving real enthusiastic smiles. Perfect smart but not fussy outfits for both Princess Charlene's camel and black outfit is great

  3. Quelles sympathiques photos où nous pouvons noter la présence de Charlène ; les jumeaux sont de plus en plus choux ; j'adore quand ils se tiennent par la main et surtout lorsque Gabriella très câline veut embrasser son frère qui paraît réservé !

  4. Anonymous13/1/24 20:50

    Adorables petits princes qui grandissent Ă  vue Ĺ“il,

  5. Anonymous13/1/24 22:00

    The twins are so grown up. Jaques and Gabriella look cute. Pictures are so nice. I think Jaques looks more like his mother and Gariella looks like her father. She is more serious; her brother smiles more. Nice so many family members joined in. The Circus is always fun. css

  6. Anonymous14/1/24 01:34

    Très belle famille mais, mon impression: pourquoi, le prince Albert se sent-il obligé d'avoir constamment tous les neveux et nièces autour de lui à chaque sortie? Je peux comprendre pour les deux soeurs....mais s'il veut donner de l'air et de l'espace à son épouse.... ce serait le temps de voler solo avec elle qui semble être de plus en plus à l'aise de se plier à ce travail de représentation. Lorraine (Rose).

    1. Anonymous14/1/24 18:49

      Ce festival du cirque Ă  Monte-Carlo est un hommage au Prince Rainier.
      C'est normal que toute la famille est présente, il était leur papa, leur grand-père, arrière grand-père, etc...
      C'est la princesse Stéphanie qui a repris le travail de son papa qui était le fondateur du Festival internatonal du cirque. Lisez l'introduction en dessous des photos où tout est expliqué.

  7. Anonymous14/1/24 09:19

    Black and camel is a great color combination but the princess is looking very unhappy.

    1. Anonymous14/1/24 11:55

      Yes, she looks extremely stressed in every single photo. I feel really sorry for her

    2. Anonymous14/1/24 13:52

      I thougt the same thing. Perhaps, circle is not her cup of tea !

    3. Anonymous15/1/24 14:49

      Stop the nonsense. Charlene said it best herself:-If there are a thousand photos of me at an event, they choose one where I'm looking down or not smiling – and then they say I look awkward or unhappy
      I feel like they're creating a certain narrative. Our marriage is fine. I find the rumors grueling and exhausting!
      I can simply not understand where they [the rumors] come from. It seems to me as if certain media or people want to see us separate...

  8. Anonymous14/1/24 10:59

    Like Princess Charlene said the press always uses photos of her when she is not smiling. Lately there have been many pictures of her smiling. Some seem to want her to be unhappy. If you look no one is smiling including Stephanie and her children. You can tell Princess Charlene had a hand in picking out Gabriella's cute leopard coat, I would like to see Gabriella grow her bangs out. It is adorable how close she and Jacques are!

    1. Anonymous14/1/24 17:07

      i suppose the live videos are also selected. i think we have given her enough excuses, its what it is. the jacket is great thou

    2. Anonymous15/1/24 14:17

      Princess Charlene does not owe you anything and does not have to answer to you.....Sorry!

    3. @Anonymous 17:07 give me an absolute break, please!

    4. P. the original16/1/24 18:33

      Ok, Anonymous 17:07
      I agree with @ Fitzhugh.
      Give all of US an absolute break, please!
      You seem to always bring in the Princess' sadness every time you see her so I have come to the conclusion that you, a sad person spreading negativity as you have always proven to be on this platform, do want to see sadness at all costs and Charlene is your top target.
      Sadness sounds like something you can relate for sure.
      BUT I can't see in your comment anything relating to her beauty and sartorial choices so I HAVE TO come to the conclusion that you just can't relate as far as these two points are concerned.

    5. P. the original16/1/24 20:17

      Oh, sorry, you mentioned Charlene' s jacket, @ Anonymous 17:07.
      Whose jacket, sorry?
      If you are talking about Charlene, she is wearing a classy posh wonderful coat.
      It is nothing in comparison with your favourite topics: sadness and negatives everywhere.

  9. Anonymous14/1/24 12:27

    Princess Gabriella's coat and boots are a winner here I think, while something seems wrong with Princess Charlene's coat, maybe the combination of darts, pockets and double breast buttons. Mostly the darts, probably.

  10. Anonymous14/1/24 17:46

    Pss Charlene has kicked started the new year,looking lovely in the long camel coat and black jumper. Her hair is so flattering.I hope she keeps this style and colour.The twins seemed to have had a growing spurt,since we saw them before Christmas.Jacques in particular has shot up,and looking vey grown up.Gabriella is as cute as a button. Bea

  11. The Princess looks splendid in camel and back, I love this color combination. The twins look great, my Jacques has grown. The bond between the twins is clear to see, wonderful!

  12. Anonymous15/1/24 04:52

    Charlene made good choices for her outfit. But that coat is now a size too small for her and it shows badly.

    I will refrain from commenting about the abhorrent cruelty the circus animals are suffering. We are a cruel species even to ourselves, what can we expect when it comes to animals?


  13. Anonymous15/1/24 15:36

    Royal cuteness overload.

  14. Anonymous16/1/24 06:57

    Why is Princess Stephanie always dressed down? Always casual, with no effort, like she wants to go unnoticed . Is there something unusual about her?


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